The Eternal Secret Revealed

 Earth Day and Night Wallpapers - Top Free Earth Day and Night Backgrounds -  WallpaperAccess

Those who understand the cosmic day and cosmic night know one day of creation

is a thousand cycles and the night is of equal length.


That may not be familiar to you but it was ordained long before the Bible



3 Peter 3:8 One Day with the Lord is as a thousand years.


The resurrection is 3 days. Just follow along now.

One day with the lord is a thousand years.


Thus 3 days of resurrection cosmically is 3000 years which brings

the time to this period we are living in.


Let us look at Luke 22:10

And he said unto them, Behold, when you are entered into the city,

there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water;

follow him into the house where he enters in. 

And he shall show you a large upper room furnished: there make ready


Of course, that is the Passover, but I also show this for the

time of resurrection because the 3 days of resurrection

brings us 3000 years to this time of the man with the

pitcher of water.





Cosmically we are speaking of 3 days and 3 nights.

The 3 days is 3000 years, the 3 nights is 3000 years,

so we have a total of 6000 years.

Three days and three nights


However, you do this either from the

New Testament Passover time 3000 years

or from the creation time of Genesis 6000 years,

It brings us to this Aquarian age.




The New Age that so many religious people seem frightened of.

A new time, the morning or dawning of resurrection.

The Sounds of Resurrection Morning - A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith


The New Testament time 2000 years ago

meaning this is the morning of the third day.


Genesis, Taurus, Aries, Pisces. Six thousand years.

The three days and three nights are consumed by Aquarius

bringing us to the time of resurrection.


At the dawning of that day, all objects in manifestation

stream forth from the unmanifest.


Jesus rising in the dawn of this day. That is what is represented.

That is why Jesus resurrection is in the morning.

Pin by Athena Sorensen on Gesù cristo | Jesus pictures, Jesus images, Jesus  christ images

It is the pouring forth of life from the unmanifest.


When evening falls, they are dissolved into it again.


Matthew 14:15 When it was evening his disciples said, this is a desert.

The time is now past. Send the multitude away.


The sun must disappear. Darkness must come.


Matthew 14:23 says, when the evening was come he was there alone.


This the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.



The Christ energy is very active.

That’s why you are even reading this.

Resurrection is happening everywhere.



The cosmic evening finds the eleven magnetic fields forcing materialism,

the obsession with the physical.


The dawning age brings forth the Christ spirit.

That is what we are entering now.


But the cycles go on.

Appearance and disappearance. Opening and closing.


This is an opening.

An age of consciousness and spirit is the morning.


Now we step into deep cosmic talk.

Here you take in things that the human mind really cannot fathom.


That's because it was not made for the human mind.

It is for the higher mind.

An Ever New Existence – Perception, Mind, and Existence | Isha Sadhguru

The upper room.




The multitudes of beings who have lived on earth.

All are dissolved as the night of the universe approaches.

To issue forth anew when morning breaks.


This strange Biblical truth is something that few read

and fewer understand but it involves all of us.


Ecclesiastes 3:15 That which has been is now;

and that which is to be has already been;  

and God requires that which is past.


Consider that.

That which has already happened is happening now.

And the future that we look forward to has already taken place.

And God requires the things that are from the past.


Oh yes, we can spend a long time with that one.

But for now, I offer it to you simply as a statement that

what we experience as life is in reality much different.


Let’s look at another one from Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The thing that has been, it is that which shall be;

and that which is done is that which shall be done:

and there is no new thing under the sun.

10 Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new?

it has been already of old time, which was before us.

11 There is no remembrance of former things;

neither shall there be any remembrance of things

that are to come with those that shall come after.


The thing that has already taken place in the past

is what we will experience in the future.

There is no new thing.

How can this be?


Because we know nothing of what was

before we were, and before this Earth was.

Creation of the Universe – The Untold Story of the Big Bang

Science will try to find the beginning of this universe.

But it is only the beginning of this universe.

Not the beginning of all.

We know nothing about what was before this universe.

But there were things that

happened there that will happen here.




They are new to us, but they are not new.


You see? Look at 10… Can we say anything is new?


Because it happened before we and the earth existed.


And you know what?  We were there.


But as 11 says. We do not remember.

And when we pass from this universe to another universe,

we will not remember this one.


We have contained ourselves in this very small planet

in a very small universe with no idea how

much more there is of it and us.

The life of the atom.

What is an atom? | Opinion | Chemistry World

The life of the universe opens and closes.

It pulsates as one’s breath.


You breathe out and it is evening.

You breathe in and it is morning.


Within each of us the atoms open and close.

There is day and there is night.



There is summer (day) and there is winter (night).

The same continues into the cosmos.


Night, Day, Open, Close. Life issues and dissolves.


But this is the beauty.

We who dissolved in one closing came forth in another opening.


You know the line of John 3:7 You must be born again. 

You must, you must


I feel that it is so interesting that you and I

are part of this cosmic secret.




It may be the first time you have heard about it.

But it is interesting isn’t it ?



There is a universal intelligent plan that moves us

from universe to universe.

Why the Universe Is Getting Hotter - How Hot Is the Universe?

Never ending.


And as we look forward to what the future holds,

we will have no idea that we already experienced it long ago.

The Bible told us that.  There is no new thing. 

As we will all dissolve, we will all issue forth again when morning breaks.

When Heaven's Morning Breaks - Decision Magazine


When all who have perished cause our tears to flow,

we have no idea that with those same ones we may be

at the ballroom somewhere dancing to the music. 



Oh, how amazing this is.


The germ dies, the person dies, the atmosphere dies,

the ozone dies, the planet dies,

the Galaxy dies and on and on it goes.

Everything dies and it's best we learn to live with that | Psychlopaedia



But the eternal unmanifest always is and

breathes out that which is the morning.

Now we go to a much higher ideal then we

ever had cause to believe before.



How do we come to know these strange things?  

No one ever told us of these things before.

We never had any idea of these things.


6 Prayers for When You Don't Know What to Do | Guideposts


How can we possibly learn about them

if no one here is aware of them?


This is something I have spoken of time and again.

We have to begin to touch the Hidden Meanings.

The things that are hidden from the lower mind.



Scripture says.


Proverbs 1:5

A wise man will hear and will increase learning;

and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

to understand a proverb, and the interpretation;

the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.


Consider that please.

The words of the wise and their dark sayings.


A moment ago, we spoke of those things that

existed long before we and this earth existed.




 Now let me show you a scripture about dark words

that were written over four thousand years ago.


Psalm 78:2   

I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:


Here is a scripture from four thousand years ago

saying it will utter dark sayings of old.


Those who taught us but did not know these things

also are unaware that these things are within us

and closer than our breath.


And as Jesus said, if we do what he said and go within

we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.


Will you reach for that star? 

Star Facts: The Basics of Star Names and Stellar Evolution | Space

Clutch it and watch it glow within you.

