What is the Tao and where did it come from ?
Let us look
In ancient China, the keeper of the Imperial Library,
Lao Tzu, was famous for his wisdom.
Perceiving the growing corruption of the government,
he left for the countryside.
On his way, the guard at the city gates asked
Lao Tzu to write out
the essence of his understanding
to benefit future generations.
Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching,
he left,
and was never heard of again.
The Tao Te Ching
(also called "The Tao", "The Dao" or the "Dao De Jing"),
by Lao Tzu,
is one of the most influential books in history.
It is the source of famous Chinese sayings such as:
"Those who know do not speak,
those who speak, do not know"
"Even a 1,000 mile journey starts
with a single step".
Here at Hidden Meanings we use
music in meditation.
In addition we also turn this room
into a dark room to allow
the melatonin to flow from the pineal.
Now we find we have been in harmony
with what is known as the
Taoist Darkness Experience.
The Tao says,
"When you go into the dark and this becomes total,
the darkness soon turns into light.
The Tao says,
Our mind and soul begin to wander freely in the
base realms of psychic and spiritual experience.
When you enter this primordial state
you are reunited with
the true self and divinity within.
You literally conduct the universal energy.
You may see into the past and future,
understand the true meaning of existence
and begin to understand the order of things.
You return to the womb,
the cocoon of our material structure
and nature's original darkness.
We have found that our teachings on spiritual possession
and the use of music in meditation is confirmed by the most
ancient of writings in Kabbala,
and now we see that our meditation in darkness
is supported by the most
ancient writing of the East,
the Tao.
There is a most interesting Tao website called
the Universal Tao Center
and the information which is provided
and correlates to the Tao
is information that we have studied
together here for years.
But it is well to see that it has deep roots
and has been confirmed elsewhere.
These are concepts that I am not saying
are scientifically accurate though they may be.
I think they are interesting enough to consider.
What you have here is a comment on the
Tao instructions and knowledge
of the workings of the electro brain and
how the two can be compared.
This Is From
The Universal Tao Center
We descend into the void,
into the darkness of deep, inner space.
Darkness activates the deepest centers
within the brain,
the glands of the Crystal Palace,
establishing a connection with the
Original Source, the Wu Chi.
The pineal gland connects us
to the Universal Energy.
From the hypothalamus gland,
we project our soul or spirit upwards,
and receive the descending Universal Energy.
The pituitary gland receives the Cosmic Force,
used to launch the spirit bodies
into the earthly or human plane for traveling.
After we have spent so much time discussing the reality of the
electro magnetism within us drawing other beings of light to us.
After we suggest that they come to us from parallel universes.
Here we see an involvement of the pituitary gland to launch
the spirit bodies into the human plane for traveling.
I could go on reading about things that are
consistent with what we do here,
and the ancient writings,
but what I found most interesting is that
when one studies the
concept of darkness and meditation in the Tao,
one encounters the Mysterious Female.
Professor Torchinov
The principal purpose of this paper
is to suggest the approach of
transpersonal psychology for
analysis of some important aspects
of the Taoist doctrine,
that is, the concept of the Tao
as a female universal principle
and the Taoist attitude
"to be like an infant"
or even as an "embryo."
There are two principles that are found in the ancient writings
that also find their way into our western religions as solely ours,
with doctrines we believe to be unique to us and no one else.
Yet when we open our eyes we find they were always deep symbols
that predated our religions by eons.
One is the principle of the female or virgin,
and the other is the child.
As our Bible says,
unless you come as a child
you cannot see the Kingdom.
This is consistent with the
Taoist attitude to be like an infant.
We are unfortunately raised on the
literalism of Bible stories.
We thus lose the power of the reality
that these stories were meant to convey.
We take them literally and our
spiritual base is destroyed
because we read about adventures
of our heroes rather then understanding
the power of their existence
which is inherent within us and
within all of nature.
We shift and change our heroes
depending on our religion.
What was theirs becomes ours.
Ours then is holy and theirs is fake.
That is the way we live.
Let us look at the mother for a moment.
Of course in our religious tradition
this is the Blessed Virgin Mary.
But the woman, and the word Fatima, are very curious.
Fatima is a city in Portugal.
Why was the city in Portugal named Fatima?
Fatima was once a Muslim city.
It was controlled by Muslims known as The Moors.
The Muslims were driven out of Portugal
by the Christians during the Crusades.
Fatima was the name of
Mohammed's daughter and the city of
Fatima Portugal was named after her.
This is a painting of the
Moors or Muslims surrendering to
Queen Isabella in Spain
which happened in 1492 and at that point the
Christians took over Spain from the Muslims.
With the surrender of the Muslims to the Christians,
Fatima Portugal retained its name but became
Christian instead of Muslim.
Many Muslims go to Fatima because
of the appearance of “ The Lady”.
I raise the question , is the Lady
Mary, or Fatima ?.
It depends on which group you belong to..
Changes in the status of Fatima Portugal
are now being contemplated .
A Catholic newspaper there put out an article
about this and their headline speaks
to how they feel about it.
This is from a Catholic newspaper called
The Daily Catholic
From the Portugal News,
Read it and weep!
Fátima to become interfaith shrine!
Monsignor Guerra pointed out that the very fact that Fátima is the name
of a Muslim and Mohammed's daughter, is indicative that the Shrine
must be open to the co-existence of various faiths and beliefs.
According to the Monsignor:
"Therefore we must assume that it was the will of
the Blessed Virgin Mary that this comes about this way."
Traditional Catholics opposed to the Congress were described
by the Monsignor
as "old fashioned, narrow minded,
anatic extremists and provocateurs."
Of course Christians, Muslims and Jews have been slaughtering each other
since time has begun based on their bizarre beliefs,
which this really is.
The Tao which means The Way
is far older then Fatima or Christianity,
is a female or maternal image.
Let me show you what Lao Tzu said.
The valley spirit never dies-
it is called the mysterious female;
The gate of the mysterious female is called
"the root of heaven and earth."
Gossamer it is, seemingly insubstantial,
yet never consumed through use.
There was something featureless yet complete,
born before heaven and earth;
silent-amorphous-it stood alone and unchanging.
We may regard it as the mother of heaven and earth.
Not knowing its name, I called it the "Way."
The description is this non manifested
or mysterious (occult)
aspect of Tao as the womb of
the universal embryo, the womb which generates
Heaven and Earth,
which is the source of life.
Briefly speaking, it is the
Mysterious Mother of the world:
The mother concept of the Tao
the leading idea of about two aspects of Tao:
about Tao as "mysterious womb"
and Tao as mother-nurse of all beings.
The Tao speaks of that
hidden in the woman.
The embryo hidden in the womb,
like the prototypes of things that are
hidden in the "womb" of Tao.
This opinion may be supported
by the fact that the images of the womb and embryo
are often used by Taoists to describe the
"Tao-world" relation.
So Tao can be metaphorically defined
as the mother of the world.
The source of life and being,
and the universal female .
Professor Tortchinov died in 2003.
Professor Tortchinov
Taoism proclaims that a human being
is nothing more
than an inseparable psychosomatic unity.
So people can obtain immortality
only when their body-microcosm
becomes a self-sufficient whole.
A self-containing reservoir of the vital energy
from one side,
and when it realizes its potential,
isomorphism (relationship between two entities)
with the world-body of the cosmos from another side.
Lao Tzu makes a beautiful description
of meditation here.
O! I am the only who is quiet and silent,
like a baby who is not yet a child.
With that we see the mother relationship.
Entering back into the womb of the cosmic mother.
Professor Torchinov
Professor Torchinov said of this:
Professor Tortchinov
I think that the text is speaking about
the foetus in the maternal womb.
Therefore, Lao-tzu here compares himself
with the nonborn baby.
What does he inform us about this baby?
This baby-sage is "fastened and tied"
by his embryonic "clothes"
and umbilical cord,
which unites him with the maternal body.
This holy foetus has "the mind
[or heart-the thinking and conscious organ
according to Chinese tradition]
of a fool,"
while at the same time it possesses
the highest wisdom.
Thus, the connection between birth in
the course of the cosmic evolution world,
and Tao looks quite like the connection between
a mother nourishing her child, and the baby itself.
But in the case of humans,
there appears a self concept,
an independent, self-containing "I,"
as an unchanging subject of actions.
This kind of egoistic self-consciousness
harms the original unity,
and humans begin to counteract Tao.
The predominant attitude of human actions
is no longer the law and measure
of the cosmic rhythm of Tao,
but egocentric preferences, which change
spontaneous natural life
into purposeful activities
based only on bare subjectivity.
Taoism sees egocentricity as the cause
of all human sufferings, pains,
frustrations-from mortality
to social collisions.
And there we see what is consistent
in all religious philosophies.
The conflict between the higher and the lower.
But here there is a solution that is not
unlike the solution of Kabbala.
It is put in the terms of the return to the mother.
The return to the womb.
The place of meditation.
Let me show you how Professor Torchinov
described this.
Professor Tortchinov
The only means, not only to become
liberated from sufferings
but to obtain the highest happiness,
is to restore original unity with Tao,
to broaden consciousness and
to put an end to the egocentric attitude.
That is, to return to the state of the nonborn child
who does not know a distinct difference
between his or her own body and the maternal body,
who breathes the maternal breath and eats maternal food.
In meditation,
you breath the maternal breath and
you eat the maternal food.
The manna from heaven if you will.
Professor Tortchinov Continues
This coming back to the womb of the Mother-Tao
is connected with the broadening
of the personality to the cosmic scale, when
"eternal integrity never deserts you.
You will return to the state of infancy.
This state of the nonborn child is
the state of immortality, peace, and unity
with all beings and with one's own nature:
The return to the root is called "stillness,"
stillness is called returning to the "fate-vitality,"
the return to the fate-vitality is called "constancy."
One who knows constancy is called "enlightened"
I love the emphasis on the word stillness
and it takes me to the Biblical story with Moses
when Moses was panicked as to how
he was going to fight the battle before him.
Exodus 14:14.
The Lord shall fight for you,
and you shall hold your peace
All of this is speaking of meditation.
The burning bush we see portrayed here
is actually the pineal gland of the brain when when it is lit
by the rising electro energy
up the spine gives us enlightenment.
Professor Torchinov concludes by saying:
Many of the basic ideas and images
of Taoism have a profound humanistic sense,
deeply rooted in the very structure
of our psychical experience.
Do we not see the image of the
Mysterious Female-Mother of all
under heaven in Sophia
or Eunoia of the Gnostics,
in Shekhina of the Kabbalah,
or in Sophia,
the soul of the world.
The image of the coming all-unity of the Russian
philosopher and mystic Vladimir Solovyev?
Vladimir Solovyev was a great
Russian philosopher and mystic
who lived from 1853 to 1900.
I have seen everything and everything was only one:
The only image of the female beauty.
Unlimitless entered its measure,
In front of me, inside of me, there is
only you.
-Vladimir Solovyev, "Three Meetings
It plays itself out in whatever
context you find comfortable.
Mary, Fatima, Cyble, Isis.
It is the cosmic mother who waits
for all to return to the womb
of meditation to be born again.
The physical body is labeled for this principle.
The human brain as we see.
The pia mater
(Latin: "tender mother", itself
a translation from Arabic)
Is the delicate innermost layer of the meninges -
the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
The tender mother waits inside
for all of us to come home.
Can you see her sitting there in the
center of the picture toward the bottom.
Amongst the trees.
She has a dog on either side.
Can you see her?
Can you ?