THE TWINS 









There are two factors that one should consider

today if one is truly interested in survival 

and what place he/she plays in the

grand scheme of things on planet earth.



  The very strange synchronous events

that have taken place in front of

our eyes over the recent times.



    The information science is providing

concerning their discoveries into the area

of what would best be described as

Close Encounters with

the Shadow and the Twin.



When you get as close as we are now

to uncovering the deepest , most significant

universal secret of creation ,

you have to begin to feel the presence

and involvement in your daily life,

of that activity, of that secret place.



Its sort of like tracking an animal

in the jungle you know.


You may suddenly come face to face

with what you are looking for.


Are you going to be prepared

to deal with that?



When you begin to come very close to

the Shadow and the Twin

what will you feel, what will you experience,

what is their purpose and

do you really want to find out.



And who is the shadow,

they or we,

and who is the twin,

and are we all really the same.










    First let me explain synchronicity.


Synchronicity is a word that was coined


by Carl Jung

who was a famous psychoanalyst

of the early 1900's.


It means coincidence with a purpose.


You know, when something happens

and you might say,

"boy that was a coincidence.


If that didnt happen

I would have been in trouble," etc. etc.


Carl Jung would say that the coincidence

was actually directed by an unseen entity.


In other words the coincidence

occurred for a specific purpose,

it was intentional.







 9/11 AND 1190 ?


  Image result for 1190 york massacre


                                                   As we all know on 9/11 there was an attack

 against the twin towers in New York, USA.


Well in 1190 there was an attack

 against Cliffords Tower in York England.


Was that a coincidence,

or was it synchronicity ?

A coincidence on purpose.



A couple of months later Flight 587

crashed into New York while on its way

to Santo Domingo.



587 was the year the

Jewish Temple was destroyed

and Santo Domingo is a city which

is located on a river called Ozama.


Coincidence or synchronicity ?

A coincidence on purpose





For the most part we pay no attention,

or have no idea that there is any connection

between what happens in front of us

and what is happening in the realm of the invisible .


The realm of the Shadow and the Twin.






Image result for invisible man

 We are invisible beings.

Only our bodies are visible

but we are not.


No one can see you.

They can only see the body that you use.


The body without you is meaningless junk.

You without the body exist in the realm

of the shadow and the twin.


 If you are invisible in a body that

make things happen,

then why cannot someone who is

invisible and not in a body make things happen.


Did you ever think of that ?

Read that line again and think about it.


What's the big deal about being invisible ,

we all are.


Only the bodies that we use, are visible.









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The people who flew into the

world trade center

were invisible beings in bodies.


 They caused great destruction.


The people who attacked Iraq

were invisible beings in bodies,

they caused great destruction.


 Everything that you see was put in motion

by an invisible energy.


An invisible being in a body or

an invisible being not in a body.


Our training from infancy has been

that there must be a body .


We teach about spirit but believe none of it.


If we believed any of it we would consider

synchronous events,

coincidence with a purpose,

especially at this time when your

very insides are on edge,

looking every day to see if

it has happened yet.


If what has happened ?


  I mean  by that,

you know that something is coming,

you don't know what it is but you know its coming.


Has the irreversible change occurred.

Has the great explosion has taken place?


Have the societies of the world

which are spinning out of control

finally crashed?


All these things will be put in motion

by the invisible ones

who do their planning in secret,

out of sight of everyone.


For they are invisible and dwell i

n the realm of the mind,

the realm of light.


Inside of bodies and outside of bodies.








Image result for making plans


Even when people sit around a table

and make plans,

the invisible ones inside of bodies

are thinking other things

and making other plans

that the other invisible ones in bodies

around that table know nothing of.



Everything is done in the invisible realm.

What you are thinking right this minute? 


What were you  thinking a minute ago?

What will you be thinking a minute from now?


It is all done in the realm  of the shadow

and beyond the knowledge of anyone

no matter how close they are to you.


And when you next look at someone

close to you

consider that  you have no idea

what the invisible one inside that body

is planning or thinking about you.


And they have no idea what the

invisible one who is inside of your body,

(namely you)

is thinking or planning concerning them.


Everything that happens is orchestrated

by the invisible.









Image result for invisible


We constantly interact with the invisible ones

 on the lower plane when we talk with people.


Of course we see their physical bodies,

but we have never seen them because

they cannot be seen in the same way that

they have only seen your body.



They have never seen the you

that operates that body.


As far as the invisible ones

on the higher plane  

we only interact with them

when we go into meditation.



The invisible ones on the lower plane

orchestrate the things that

involve confrontation and violence

which we see so evident in the world events

that we are currently living in

and have lived in all of our lives.



Plans are made by the invisible ones

inside of their bodies and then carried out

via the physical body

and it becomes what we call

a physical reality.









The invisible ones on the higher plane

are the God kind,

the angelic kind ,

and they orchestrate by involvement

with the electrical energies of the

invisible ones on the lower plane.



 They are not contaminated by the earth mind

and so their energies are towards

peace, love, healing, nature

and all that good stuff that 

the lower plane invisible ones claim to want,

but destroy with their need

to do violence and hate etc.



Unfortunately as soon as the invisible ones

without bodies do take on bodies

they become subjected to mutant DNA,

and training carried out by the invisible ones

who proceeded them to earth

and who have already fallen deeply

into the clutches of the lower.



So it is only a matter of time before

the higher invisible becomes

the lower invisible.








Image result for super bowl

The Super Bowl on television.

Draws millions and millions of viewers.


What a way for the higher plane

to get a message across.


All the invisible ones on the higher

have to do is communicate with

the invisible ones on the lower

who are open to the higher and

by integrating electrical impulses

through the pineal

set up a new thought process

to effect change.



 One organization submitted an ad  to CBS

which was against the national debt

and showing that the attack

on Iraq was a bad thing.


CBS rejected that ad as being

too controversial.


 In other words the higher realm against killing,

was rejected as being too controversial.


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

submitted an ad for animal welfare

and against cruelty to animals.

CBS rejected that ad as being

too controversial.


Again the higher realm against brutality

towards nature and animals

was considered too controversial.


 Yet CBS showed a number of ads

that had to do with male erection medicine

and some other pretty wacky stuff

such as a horse drawing a carriage

passing gas and almost knocking out

a female passenger in the carriage .



In other words CBS was perfectly comfortable

with the lower but uncomfortable with the higher,

and thus rejected the higher altogether.


 Well you know what occurred with Janet Jackson.


 You may find it hard to believe

that an invisible force

caused this situation to occur

at the Super Bowl.



 Yet, you know without a doubt that people

at CBS made the decisions

as to what kind of advertising

they would accept.


The point is that those people at CBS

are invisible people inside of visible bodies.


In other words the invisible minds

on the lower plane created one situation,

thus why does anyone find it difficult

that the invisible minds on the higher

place created the other?


This is not invisible people

against visible people.

Both are invisible.


The ones in bodies cannot be seen

inside those bodies.

Only their coverings,

their shell can be seen.



The ones not in bodies are exactly

the same as the ones in bodies,

they cannot be seen either

though they do not have

shells or coverings.








Was there an invisible angelic being

who forced Justin Timberlake to

tear Janets top off?

Of course not.


Was there an angelic being

that tried to make this happen ?



I will tell you exactly how it happened.


The invisible higher beings put the idea

into the heads of those who wanted

to advertise against the war and

against cruelty to animals

and gave them the impulse to

put those ads on the Super Bowl

where they would get the largest audience.


The invisible beings inside of CBS

refused any consideration of the higher

and went with the lower.


They were determined to stay away from

anything that would in any way disturb

the commercial crowd with things that

they considered minority views.


And so they totally abandoned

any connection to the higher

and were totally consumed by the lower.


The result.


The very controversy they wanted

to avoid

crashed down all around them.


 You had better begin to pay more attention

to what is going on because

we are drawing closer and closer to the

Shadow and the Twin and soon it will be face to face.


The invisible ones are more and more

involved with the things we see

and think are coincidences.







That is why the meditation with

the invisible higher is so important.


It is the only way for you to move

with the invisible higher.



For when it is face to face

you may be completely immersed

in the activities of the invisible lower

and things can happen to you

just as happened to CBS.



Not because the invisible higher

would attack you

but because your activity, or lack of it

on the higher plane

would simply put you into the

same position that CBS found themselves in.


They took a position based on their l

ower invisible senses

and the very thing they were trying to avoid

turned out to be what they suffered.


 This can happen on the individual personal

level as well as on the corporate or national level.



 Let’s look for a minute as we consider this,

at the rendezvous that is taking place

with the invisible higher.








Image result for shadow universe

Subatomic Tracking Finds

Clues to the Unseen Universe


 New York Times 

An experiment that tracks subtle motions

of subatomic particles called muons

has found tantalizing evidence

for a vast shadow universe of

normally unseen matter existing side by side

with ours,

scientists at the

Brookhaven National Laboratory said yesterday



 I keep repeating those key words,

“unseen matter”.


That means there are physical bodies

which we just can't see.


Every bit as physical as ours

but invisible to us.


 So now we are approaching the Shadow.

We have found that the Shadow is there.


We are tracking it like you might

track a tiger in the jungle.


As you get closer you are going to see

and feel more signs of its presence.


 If you open your eyes you will see

its presence in what is going on right now.



 We had talked about the myths of our lives

concerning the stranger who helps others

and will not take any credit ,

who wants no praise and rides a white horse.

Just like Jesus, the Lone Ranger.



And we talked about the woman who was

friends with the 7 but ate the forbidden fruit

and then had to be rescued by the

Prince on the white horse.

Snow White.



 Last week we discussed another famous one

for us who were around then.



The program said,

Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men,

The Shadow Knows.



 When we talk of the twin and the shadow ,

last week we showed something interesting

that you may have seen here before.



Side be side we showed a picture of

the universe web and

the the human cerebral cortex web.


The universal brain and the human brain

are almost exactly alike.


Human Cerebral Cortex      Cosmic Dark Matter


You see, absolutely everything

is interconnected.



Thus when you are active electrically

in the invisible mind

it registers in the universe

in the realm of the shadow

and the realm of the twin.



 The same with the invisible higher

which interconnects with the invisible lower

and is capable of making things happen

by flowing in the same circuitry.



 Then last week we returned via NASA

to something that we had discussed some years ago.

The Twin.

Spooky action at a distance.







Spooky Atomic Clocks

NASA-supported researchers hope

to improve high precision clocks

by entangling their atoms.

NASA is working on Spooky Atomic Clocks.


 Spooky ?


January 23 2004: Einstein called it

" spooky action at a distance".


Now NASA funded researchers are using

an astonishing property

of quantum mechanics called "entanglement"

to improve atomic clocks--

humanity's most precise way to measure time.

Entangled counterparts



There is the reference to what actually

forced Albert Einstein into retirement


He could not deal with what he called

Spooky action at a distance,

the existence of the twin.









The things that Star Wars showed us

in what we thought at the time

was science fiction.



 As we get closer to the invisible

we find it was not fiction at all

but indeed was science.



Particles Entwined:

Einstein never liked entanglement.

It seemed to run counter to a central tenet

of his theory of relativity.



Nothing, not even information

can travel faster then the speed of light.


In quantum mechanics,

all the forces of nature are mediated

by the exchange of particles

such as photons,

and these particles must obey

this cosmic speed limit.



So an action

" here"

can cause no effect

"over there"

any sooner than it would take

light to travel there in a vacuum.



But two entangled particles

can appear to influence one another


whether they're in the same room

or at opposite ends of the universe.

Pretty spooky indeed.



There is the reference to the invisible twin

that science is now working with.


In other words science is now creating

or trying to create, and copy

the interaction between twins

that can operate with one another

at opposite ends of the universe

even though they have

no visible connection.


 Now we are closer to Star Wars

in reality then ever before.







Image result for teleportation

When physicists teleported photons

for the first time in 1997

they had to destroy the photons

to be sure that the teleportation

had been successful.



Now a team at the

University of Vienna

has managed to teleport photons

without destroying them.


Image result for jian-wei pan chinaâ??s father of quantum

Jian-Wei Pan

and colleagues believe that their method

could be the next step towards

long distance quantum communication.

(J-W Pan et al. 2003 Nature 421 721)



You remember when we first discussed

teleportation and how science had to destroy

the properties of a photon

in order to teleport it somewhere else.


Look at this.


Now the photons are being teleported

just like in Star Wars.


Beam me up Scotty.







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Synchronicity, or coincidence with a purpose

is amazing and so wonderful

in so many ways.


I always look for confirmation

from the invisible that

what I am saying is correct because

I have a responsibility to be

absolutely sure and to provide

scientific or other kinds of


to prove these things.



 For myself I always need subtle assurance

from the shadow and twin

the we are correct

in discussing their involvement.



 NASA proclaiming the reality of the twin

and becoming involved in

the cosmic operating of the twin

is confirmation..



Initially when I saw the reference

to the twin,

not only in the scientific realm described

by NASA and Albert Einstein

but also in the cosmic form in

the constellation Gemini.


So here is Gemini and right to the left

you can see the twins Castor and Pollux.


 Looking again at scripture

for the things that have been inserted

by the shadow if you will.

There is something interesting here.



KJV Acts 28:11

And after three months we departed in

a ship of Alexandria,

which had wintered in the Isle,

whose sign was Castor and Pollux.


 The Hebrews identified this star

with Simeon (hearing) and Levi (adhesion)

Teomim - the brethren



Simeon and Levi are brothers,

tools of violence their weapons.



 Note that the Hebrews connected

Castor and Pollux to Simeon and Levi,

brothers, whose weapons

were tools of violence.



This is interesting because the

ancient Greek myth continues that theme.



There were times when they were known

for raiding cattle belonging to others

and abducting young women.




In other words Castor and Pollux

would sneak into the realm of existence

and do things not considered

pleasant or good. 









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Whenever you have situations

that arise and are connected to in some way

to another

and you view it as coincidence,

you have to stop and take a close look

because the chances are,

the invisible is talking to you.



 Trying to get your attention

because something is happening to you

that happened before

and because the matter

was never resolved it is happening again.



It was curious to me

that last  week we talked about the twins

and the NASA attempt to duplicate

the action of the twins.



 Everything has a twin

and if something happens to

one entity on one side of the universe

its twin on the other side will instantly feel it.









Image result for mani

We learned that everything has a twin.


Mani the philosopher of many years ago

got in trouble with religion when

he questioned the Book of genesis.


He told the religious court that

the serpent in the story was really God

 and God was really the devil.



He said that the serpent told the truth

and that Adam and Eve

would become like God

when they at the fruit and

not die as God said. 



Of course the religious court was screaming

and asked Mani who

told him such a thing.


He said an Angel.


 He was then asked what was t

he angels name and he said,

The Twin.



 NASA having brought this matter

back to life interested me greatly because

we had discussed the

nature of the twin we all have before. 



I began to research and look and

see just what the reappearance

of the twin in our work meant.






Image result for ricin powder

 She expressed concern to me over

the discovery in Washington DC

political offices

of the white deadly powder Ricin. 



 What she then said,

really got me looking. 



Keep in mind that I am looking

for confirmation about the twins

and the shadow universe etc.,


Another situation takes place in

Washington involving an

anthrax type scare

but this time it is Ricin.


When Joni told me what she had found

I immediately went to look for myself.



Ricinus communis


Ricin is one of the most poisonous

naturally occuring substances known


 I was really excited when I saw this

because a synchronous event had occurred.


We had been studying about the twin

and then an event takes place

in Washington which connects Ricin

toxin to the Castor bean plant.


 I stared at that word Castor,

and I knew that I had heard again from the light.

 The constellation Gemini is the twins.



Here you can see why

I felt there was synchronicity involved.


The constellation Gemini and the twins,

Castor and Pollux.


The word Castor which is

the name of the bean which produces

the poison Ricin.


 In the myth Castor and Pollux

were known to sneak into places

at night and run off with cattle etc.


 In other words they would do

some bad things by sneaking around

when no one was looking.


This was curious as it involved

the powder that showed up

at a government office.


 But that itself was not what

I considered the important part of this.


What came to be as very important was this.


 In the myth of Castor and Pollux

we see that they set sail on a

very important boat.


Later the twins accompanied

Jason on the Argo;

during the voyage,

Pollux distinguished himself by

killing the belligerent king Amycus,


 The Argo is the constellation containing

very important signs of the Bible.



In particular the 7th angel Eta Carina.











Astronomers Perplexed

by stars weird behavior


Chicago AP:

A star that erupted in a famous

stellar observation 150 years ago

has suddenly brightened again

and astronomers are watching closely

for what might be a colossal

celestial fireworks show.



Eta Carina was one of the brightest stars

in the Southern night sky

but then it dimmed for decades.


Now instruments monitoring the star

have detected a doubling

and tripling of energy ,

mostly in invisible light.



What puzzles astronomers

is that Eta Carina was

not supposed to do this.



"Occasionally something happens

in astronomy that is so bewildering

that it makes astronomers nervous",

Image result for kris davidson university of minnesota

said Kris Davidson,

 University of Minnesota astrophysicist. 

"This is weird. We don't understand".


We have been waiting for activity

from Eta Carina. 


What I am driving at here is we have

the Ricin incident in Washington

making headlines

and the NASA announcement about the Twin,

and now we find that one of the cosmic

twins is Castor from which comes Ricin.



And the twins Castor and Pollux sailed

with Jason in the Argo

looking for the Golden Fleece

and cosmically the Argo is Eta Carina.


The reason that I connect

Eta Carina with the 7th Angel

of the Book of Revelation is


1. because it looks like an angel


 2 the word Eta is the 7th letter


But there is also a 3rd and important reason.


The scripture speaks of the 7 Angels

connected to the Son of David.


The astro physicist who has handled

the Eta Carina project is


Image result for kris davidson university of minnesota


Kris Davidson

an astrophysicist at the University of Minnesota.



There are a couple of  points that the

news release on Eta Carina makes

that will be worth our reviewing.



I call you attention to the fact the in

the  piece you will notice that the

astrophysicists name is Kris Davidson

which means "son of David".


Also notice the comment

 " it makes astronomers nervous,

this is weird, we don't understand".








 There is one more point that this

news article on Eta Carina makes

that is worth looking at.



 This is a comment from astrophysicist



Image result for kris davidson university of minnesota

Kris Davidson.

"Such bursts might even be hazardous

to the earth at 7,500 light years,

the distance from Eta Carina to Earth",

Davidson said.


The burst from Eta Carina could

be hazardous on earth.



Now I am not suggesting some kind

of explosion that will obliterate earth.




I am suggesting that the 7th Angel

may be about to unleash electro

magnetism that will have startling effects

on life on earth and the

thinking process.


Is the 7th Angel ready ?











My curiosity came from the fact

that  NASA just announced their

project on the cosmic twins.



The cosmic twins mythologically

are Castor and Pollux from Gemini .


There was just an anthrax

type scare in Washington involving

Ricin which we find comes from

the Castor bean.




And we also find that in the mythological story

Castor and Pollux

joined with Jason on board the Argo

which in the sky is Eta Carina

as the keel of the ship

and Vela as the sail.



The plot thickened a little more as

I continued to work with

 this information.



Since yesterday was Valentines day

and since I had purchased a dozen roses

for Joan for Valentines day,

I looked toward the cosmos for

the Rosebud nebula

and a new picture just taken by

the Spitzer telescope from NASA .






A  telescope in space has sent back a

cosmic Valentine picture -

a stellar nursery resembling a pink rosebud.



 The Spitzer Space Telescope,

launched last year, looked at a group

of newborn stars embedded

in a cloud of gas and dust

called a reflection nebula.



"The picture is more than just pretty,

" says astronomer


Image result for Thomas Megeath astronomer

Thomas Megeath.

"It helps us understand how stars form

in the crowded environments of stellar nurseries

spanning 10 light-years across,

the rosebud-shaped nebula is home to about 130 young stars.


 The pink rosebud contains adolescent stars

that have blown away blankets of hot dust,

while the green stem holds newborn stars

whose radiation has excited surrounding gas.








This is Valentines day.


At least it was yesterday

and the Spitzer telescope of NASA

sent back this picture.


Now I will show you my further interest

in Eta Carina the 7th angel.


The Rosebud Nebula is located

in the constellation Cepheus










Cephus, King of Ethiopia,

was married

to the beautiful Cassiopeia,

and together they had a daughter




Although his name is most well known

in connection with his daughter,

Cepheus was placed in

the sky of his own right:



He voyaged as an Argonaut with Jason

 on the quest for the Golden Fleece.



Castor came to us as a result

of the Ricin incident

and we found him aboard the Argo

which is the 7th Angel Eta Carina.



 Now Valentines day and an amazing picture

from the Spitzer telescope

of the Rosebud nebula in Cepheus

and lo and behold we find Cepheus

also was aboard the Argo, Eta Carina.



So we have two situations that occur,

the Ricin incident in Washington

and Valentines Day,

and in both we find connections

to Eta Carina.


A coincidence you say, of course.


But is it a coincidence with a purpose ?



And remember both Eta Carina

and the Rosebud

are forms created by invisible energy.



 So it is not the form itself that

is as important

as the energy that created it.




Eta Carina the 7th Angel

of the Book of Revelation

holds much for the world and us

if indeed as I say the evidence suggests

that it is in the process of touching the earth.











If we look at the book of Revelation

and consider

Eta Carina as the 7th Angel,

we see.



KJV Revelation 10:7

    But in the days of the voice

of the seventh angel,

when he shall begin to sound,

the mystery of God should be finished,

as he hath declared

to his servants the prophets.



 The mystery of God

is already being unraveled

in breaking of the DNA

code of the human genome.



Scientists in South Korea

have extracted stem cells

from embryonic tissue which is a first

and will lead to healings of

Diabetes and Alzheimers etc.

while this country is returned

to the dark ages mentality

of religious ignorance.








But the mystery of God

is the very essence of existence

primarily located in the realm of the invisible.



When you talk about the mystery of God

you are talking about things

such as the shadow universe

which is now being approached

by science every so slowly,

as well as things such as

the existence of the twin.



 You see all of these remarkable discoveries

cannot be separated from the startling activity

of Eta Carina, the 7th Angel

along with the Biblical comments

as we have shown.



 You read where Kris Davidson (son of David)

said that the possibilities of an

 explosion of light from Eta Carina

are very real and this

could effect earth even at

7500 light years away in distance.



 KJV Revelation 16:17-18

  And the seventh angel poured out his vial

into the air;

and there came a great voice

out of the temple of heaven,

rom the throne, saying,

It is done.


    And there were voices, and thunders,

and lightnings;

and there was a great earthquake,

such as was not since men

were upon the earth,

so mighty an earthquake,

and so great.



 Considering that scripture and

the possibilities with Eta Carina

we have to read deeply into verse 18.


Voices, thunders, lightnings, earthquake.


 The first thing you have to do

is realize this is mythology.

It is not literal.


 It is not talking of literal, voices,

thunders, lightnings and earthquakes.


It is talking about a great shaking.


 We have gone over this in the past weeks.

 The shakings that are going on around the world.


The revolution of nature

and the animals taking place

in the plagues beginning around the

world of sars, mad cow, bird flue,

and aids which had its origin

in the realm of the monkey. etc.



 And truly the leaders of the world

cannot count on tomorrow

because of the upheaval that is orchestrated

from Eta Carina

and taking place in all parts of the globe now.


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