The Bible says that you should give 10% to God.

Religion has jumped on that and decreed that God meant

that you should give THEM 10% of your money.


Well what it really means is related to the fact that 10% of the brain

is the carnal or material side.

The right side is the God side.

When we separate from thought in meditation we are giving up

the 10%.

As Jesus said, take no thought.


When you go into meditation you are to shut down that 10%

by taking no thought.


When you turn the thoughts off, shut the left side down,

you are tithing.


Of course that is not going to make any money for the cults of the

world but that is  what Jesus meant when he said, take no thought.


Give the 10% which is the carnal mind by shutting down

thought in meditation.


Tithe, and you will get 100% back.


Keep your money in your pocket.



What are angels ?


According to the Bible they are Gods messengers of light.


But what are they really ?


If you look up the words angles and angels you will


see they connect to one another. 


Light comes down to the earth on an angle because of the


gravitational pull of celestial bodies it passes.


These angles of light are photons which scientifically are


known as messenger particles.

Angels of light


Gods messengers which come down from above are


Angles of light, photons, messenger particles


This is scientifically and Biblically correct.


There really are angels and they are perfectly natural.


They are photon angles of light.




Before the time of the Crusades, Fatima Portugal


was a holy place of pilgrimage for Muslims.


The Muslims were driven from Portugal by the Crusades.


The Muslim pilgrims would come to Fatima to honor the


daughter of Muhammed whose name was Fatima.



When the Muslims were driven from Portugal


the Catholic Church continued the pilgrim march to Fatima


and changed the lady’s name from Fatima to Mary.


So now you know the true identity of “Our Lady Of Fatima”.





No, not wet water.

Thanks to our religious cults, we really missed out

on the meaning of this one.


This is Greek mythology.

There are 5 stages of consciousness in Greek.

1=Earth (the brain/body),

2=Water (2nd stage of consciousness in meditation )

3=Air (3RD stage of consciousness in meditation where

we separate from thought)

4=Fire (4th stage of consciousness where we become

charged with the higher light)

5=(5th stage which is the new mind).



The story has Peter stepping out of the boat on to the water

to walk towards Jesus who is walking on the water.

When Peter looks down he sinks.


What this means is that when you enter into meditation and

rise to the second level of consciousness (water) which is done by

separating from thought, you will find Jesus who is the life force

that comes to us in this stage of meditation.


That second stage is called water and where Jesus walks on the water.


When you start thinking during meditation is when you are looking

down and you will fall out of that stage where

and sink back down to the active carnal mind.


When you reach this stage you will then be lifted in invisible

light to the 3rd stage which is air.


That is also a misunderstood scripture which says we will

rise and meet Jesus in the air.

It means higher mind.


So no walking on wet water and no flying through the air.



You may not after you hear the origin of the word testify.

In our tradition a person places their hand over their heart

or on a Bible when they testify to the truth.


Not so in the good old days.

In Bible times a person would place their hand on the

male sexual organ and then give witness to the truth.


Genesis 24:2  And Abraham said to the eldest servant of his house,

that ruled over all that he had,

Put, your hand under my thigh: 

3.  And I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven


Go to the dictionary and look up the root word of testify, testi.


Inflected forms: pl. tes·tes (-tz)

1. The reproductive gland in a male vertebrate,

the source of spermatozoa and the androgens,

normally occurring paired in an external scrotum in

The resemblance between testimony, testify, testis,

and testicle shows an etymological relationship.

The Latin testis originally meant “witness,”


Is that why the ladies were not allowed to speak in church?


Would someone like to get up and testify to that ?





Our tradition is  to say Amen at the end of every prayer.


We are taught that we should only consider teachings from

our particular Christian group.


We should never consider foreign religions or strange gods.


In Egyptian mythology Amun is the ram headed God.

He is the King of all Gods.

Great temples were built for his worship.


Amun was also known as Amen.


Every time Christians end their prayers with the word Amen,

they are paying homage to the Egyptian ram headed God.

The Sun God.


Can I get an Amen please ?








The Pineal Gland of the brain is the single eye, the third eye.

Rene Descartes referred to it, “the seat of the soul”.


It is the light receptor of the body and when the Pineal

is stirred in meditation enlightenment occurs.


That is why in Matthew 6:22 Jesus says,

“If your eye be single you body will fill with light”.


That is why in Genesis 32:30 Jacob says,

“ I have seen God face to face and I will call this place Peniel”.


It is the small stone that the Christian builders have rejected

which turns out to be the most important one of all.





Back in the ancient tribal days they would take the

smartest person in the tribe, kill that person and then

the tribe would proceed to share in a meal.


The concept was that the bravery and intelligence of

that person would then pass down to the rest of the

tribe as they consumed the victims body and blood.


The cult of Osiris was known as the cult that stopped cannibalism.

Since Osiris was a God of agriculture, the communion

concept was given as bread and beer, instead of body and blood.


The wheat became the bread and the barley became the beer.


When the cult influence moved to Rome it connected to the

cult of Dionysius who was the God of wine.


Communion then changed from bread and beer to

bread and wine and it has been so ever since.


You can thank Osiris for making your communion visit

a little more palatable.




It all started back in ancient Egypt in the cult of Osiris.

Osiris body was cut into 14 parts which greatly

disturbed his wife Isis.


Isis searched and managed to find 13 parts.

The one part she could not find was Osiris’ penis.


At that time phallic worship (the male sexual organ)

was very big and so Isis had a monument made of Osiris’

penis and ordered that copies be made and placed on all

of the temples .


Today in our churches, the altar is the head of the body

and the part where the congregation sits is called the “nave”. 

That part of the physical anatomy is the “navel”.


To complete the church anatomy we have placed the penis right

where Isis directed, a tribute to the erect penis of Osiris.


The steeple.


From this point on when you look at a church steeple it

will never be the same.




The origin of the word Israel is quite interesting and takes

all of our Judeo Christian heritage back to a deep

connection with ancient Egypt.


The word Israel is made up of three ancient forms IS  RA  EL.


When we define each part we find the  origin of the word.

IS  Female---- I·sis1 (º“s¹s) n.

Mythology. An ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility,

the sister and wife of Osiris.


RA  Male---- Ra1 (rä) also Re (r³) --n.

Mythology. The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity

represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned

with a solar disk and uraeus.


EL  GOD---- 

the Hebrew term el also became an equivalent to the

English term god, as in the verse:

"Who is like   unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods"

(Exodus 15:11), in which elim (the plural of el) is used as gods.


There is Israel.

The female and male that is within all living things that

together equal God.

Or as Jesus put it, the Kingdom of God Is Within You.






Most of Christianity has a problem with people who are Gay.

Most of those same Christians are generally found

with a Bible in their hand.


The most widely read Bible in the world is the King James Bible

This Bible was produced by King James 1.

He selected those who would transcribe it and do the actual

work in its composition. 


The second fact about Christians and their approach to the Bible

is their belief that the Bible is the word of God and those who

wrote it were inspired by God.


It would seem reasonable , that if God inspired the people who

wrote the Bible , he would have also inspired the person that

produced it, which in this case was King James 1. 


King James 1 was gay.

His lover of 14 years was a Frenchman by the name of Esme Stuart.


So the next time you pick up a copy of the King James Bible,

give some thought to the fact that it is a work of Gay Pride,

divinely inspired by God.






Kundalini speaks of a power within the human body that

originates at the Base of the spine and rises through

Seven Chakras or nerve centers to the right hemisphere

of the brain, bringing forth the new mind.


The key words are:

Within, Spine, Seven Chakras, Right Hemisphere

The Bible in Revelation 5:1 states, “ I saw in the right hand

of him who sat on the throne, a book written within,

and on the back side sealed with seven seals.”


Within you,

back side =spine,

seven seals=chakras,

right hand=right hemisphere of the brain. 


How do I know ? 

The Bible told me so.





Pegasus is a constellation but Pegasus is

also in your head.

The mythology of Pegasus is of a white horse

 whose father is Poseidon the God of the Sea.

That makes Pegasus a white sea horse.


Pegasus is sacred to the Goddess Mnemosyne ,

the Goddess of memory and her nine Muses.


In your head is an organ called the Hippocampus.

The word Hippocampus means sea horse.

Stedman’s medical dictionary says the Hippocampus

is white in color.


So we have a white sea horse in the sky

and a white sea horse in our head.


Pegasus is sacred to the Goddess of Memory,

the Hippocampus is an organ in your head

responsible for memory.


Also the Goddess of Memory Mnemosyne lived with

the nine Muses.


Muse is the root of our English word museum

where memories abound.








In ancient Sumeria they called the Fishman Ea.

He had the body of a man and a fish.

He came out of the water during the day to teach

earth people how to become more human.


In Greece they called him Oannes.


In the Bible there is a man who brought people to the

water and then came out of the water to proclaim a

new way to earth people.


The Bible written in Greek names this strange man Ioannes.

Translate Ioannes into English and it is John.

John the Baptist.


John the Baptist is the return of the man who came from

the water in the legends of ancient Sumeria.


There is a direct connection between the legends of the

Fishman of Sumeria who turns out to be John the Baptist

of the Bible and the awesome celestial events now being

tracked by Hubble.


Supernova 1987a, Eta Carina, and Vela the Bow all show

connections to the Fishman of Sumeria,

John the Baptist of the Bible.


The Fishman Cometh again , for you !!!





If you hear something absolutely bizarre from someone

whose credibility is beyond question.


If you hear something that is impossible from someone

whose credibility is beyond question.


If the person is absolutely trustworthy and considered to be of the

highest caliber and yet what that person tells you is

beyond belief, what do you do? 


This is a true story.


 A man attended a séance where he says a person who had been

dead for some years materialized in front of him.

The person who came back from the dead was flesh and bone

and this witness actually took the dead persons pulse.


It seems to be utter nonsense.

But if I tell you about the witness and you would trust

his credibility, what then?


 The witness is the late Sir. William Crookes of England. 


                                   William Crookes was born on 17 June 1832 in London

                                   He studied at the Royal College of Cemistry and became

                                   one of the most important scientists of the XIX century

                                   both in the fields of physics and chemistry.


                                               He combined private experimental research with business

                                   He also edited several photographic and scientific journals.


                                   Having inherited a large fortune from his father,

                                   he devoted himself from 1856 entirely to scientific work

                                   of various kinds at his private laboratory in London.


                                           In 1861 he discovered the metallic element thallium.

                                  This led him indirectly to the invention of the radiometer in 1875.

                                  He later developed a vacuum tube (the precursor of the X-ray tube).

                                  His studies of cathode rays were fundamental in the

                                  development of atomic physics.


                                  He was knighted in 1897 and received the

                                  Order of Merit in 1910.

                                  He was also a Fellow of the Royal Society

                                  becoming its president between 1913 and 1915.


                                 It would be hard to judge such a person as a kook.


                                Just before he died, Crookes addressed parliament and said.

                                I have been criticized for 30 years because of my experiments

                                in the spiritual world, well I am here to say that

                                I will not retract one word.


                               Sir William Crookes was set upon by the religious leaders of the day

                               as well as the scientific community.


                               He was asked, " are you trying to tell us that it is possible for

                               a dead person to come back from the dead as a

                               flesh and blood person"?


                               William Crookes answer is a classic.

                               He said, " I did not say it was possible, I said it happened".


                                I have been presenting a lecture on this amazing story which

                                includes actual pictures of Sir William Crookes standing

                                next to the person who returned from the dead.


                               If you would like to see these lectures  you can

                               order through my DVD's.


                              This is a most amazing story that all of us would have to say

                               is nonsense except the witness to it is the most prestigious

                               scientist of the 19th century.


                                                  Makes you think doesn't it?







One of the amazing stories coming out of the Tsunami

disaster area is found in observations made by

helicopters flying over the devastated areas.


Pilots reported seeing thousands of dead people

but no dead animals.


The wild animals (those who were not controlled by their owners)

had left the area before there was any indication of an

earthquake or tsunami.



In other words they knew what people did not know.

Danger was coming and they had to move out of the way.




An animal is connected with a direct line to the higher light. 

We call it instinct.


 The direction they take comes from the higher and not the lower.


They do not have pastors and politicians to tell them

when to go or what to do, they have God and nothing

gets between them and God except us.


In the same way that religion and governments control

people and thoroughly mess them up, we also try to control

animals and in many cases we do and totally

mess them up as well.


But those who are free to listen to the inner light we call

instinct know when to move out of harms way.


No one tells them, they don’t worship anyone or listen to anyone,

the electro power simply ignites in their brain and they move on.


Yes the animals are saved from disasters that kill religious





Once we turn our back on religion and move toward

the God that dwells within us we can (through meditation)

reconnect to our origins of light and receive the same

electro impulses animals receive.


No one will whisper in your ear, no one will send any lightning

down to show you a way.


You will just do what you must do.

You will not know about it in advance and you will not

think about it at all.


 Suddenly you will make a move and after it is over you

will say, boy I am sure glad I did that.

 I don’t know what made me do that but I am glad that it did.




You can follow the pastors and the politicians and be

swept away by the rampages of nature, or,

you can follow the light within through meditation and when

nature is about to go on a rampage, you will step aside ,

out of the way.


Just like they do






Billy Graham couldn’t do it. Pope John couldn’t do it.

Priests, Ministers, Rabbis couldn’t do it.


Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, couldn’t do it.

Couldn’t do what ?


Couldn’t  bring people together of all different ages,

different cultures, different creeds , different colors,

in harmony, peace, joy.


People  free from fear, respecting one another , joining together

in a harmony  of love for life, and for nature. 


Every religious leader, every religious denomination,

has failed miserably to  touch the hearts of all people

in love, peace, and joy.


One man accomplished what all of these religions and

holy men failed to do with all of their prayers and  doctrines.


This mans name is  Walt  Disney.

While  the holy men brought fear and hate, he brought life,

joy, and peace .

Yes I understand that there were some criticisms of

his political beliefs.


My comparison  is what he accomplished for families,

as opposed to what religious leaders have accomplished.


He wins !




The mother is about to give birth to her child.

 She will have a son.


The evil king learns of this and is fearful that

the newborn will try to take away his power.


To escape the evil king, the child is taken to a

distant land and escapes.


The child then grows in stature and overcomes

the evil king.


The mother is Rhea.

The evil kingr is Kronos.

The child is the God Zeus

He is taken to the Isle of Crete to escape Kronos.

The story was written between 1400 and 2000

years before Christ.


An angel appears to a young woman and tells her

she will give birth to a boy.

She claims that she has not had intercourse

and this cannot be.


She is told the child will be of the Godhead. 

The wicked King hears about the pending birth and

seeks to kill this child for fear the child will attempt to

overthrow his power.


To escape the wicked King, the child is carried away

to another place. 


The mother is Devaki, the wicked King is Kansa,

the stepfather who carries the child away is Vasudev.


He carries the child away to safety in Gokul. 

The child who is born is Lord Hare Krishna.


The story was written between 2000 and 4000 years

before Christ. 


An angel appears to a young woman and tells her

she will give birth to a boy

She claims that she has not known a man so this

would not be possible.


She is told the child will be of the Holy Ghost.

The wicked King hears about the pending birth and

seeks to kill this child for fear the child will

attempt to overthrow his power.


To escape the wicked king the child is carried

away to another place.


The mother is Mary.

The wicked King is Herod; the stepfather who carries

the child away is Joseph.

He carries the child to safety in Egypt.

The child who is born is Lord Jesus Christ.


The story was written about 2000 years ago.

 So  Merry Zeusmas. Merry Krishmas. and Merry Christmas


There is no new thing under the sun Ecclesiastes 1:9










In 1912 Uranus moved into his house.


The one who was driven away by Saturn or Satan

is returning for his bride, Gaea, the earth.



His electro magnetic fields are chaotic and confused

and his influence turns social order upside down.


Whenever change occurs in nature it is accompanied by storms.

Hurricanes and tornadoes show no mercy to anything in their path.


Now as we change from Pisces to Aquarius the

storms are raging in the mind.


And as we will see, when the explosion occurs,

there is no mercy shown.


What is frightening is the total ignorance of the world in its

understanding of the cosmic magnetism that is screaming

down upon the earth and its inhabitants.



There was a Bible  character Sisera, whose whole world crashed

down around him in one violent day.


The Bible put it this way,

" the stars in their course fought against Sisera".


The chaos and confusion that screams down from

Uranus, demand a response but so few know

what that should be.








February 12 1999 Pluto and Charon made their move across

the orbit of Neptune.


March 15 1999 they ascended to their assigned position

as the doorway to the next world.


Uranus induces fracturing.

Pluto induces polarization and Neptune induces extremes.




Jeff Green in his book "Uranus" put it this way


"When these dynamics combine at the same time, then you


have groups of people drawing lines in the sand and challenging


any other group that is not sharing their moral imperative"



And so people kill each other, dictators drive others from their

country not because of what they did but because of who they are,

and other countries enter the conflict and drop bombs on everybody.


The cosmic power is having its way.








The pastors proclaim that we must have faith,

yet they have none.


For if they did then they would pick up their Bibles

and teach the people what Jesus ordained.



Seek First The Kingdom of God

And the same Jesus told us where to look for it.

The Kingdom of God is within you.

Look within yourself.


And the Same Jesus told us how to do this.

If your eye be single your whole body will fill with light.



If you stimulate the Pineal Gland of the brain you will fill

with understanding and receive instruction to save

you out of this difficult time.


You must be watching yourself.

Close your eyes, tell yourself you are watching yourself

and hold your breath for a few seconds.



That act will cause the light waves inside of your brain to

collapse to a particle which will line up with the

Pineal Gland so you will receive.

Not chaos from above, but harmony and direction.



That is why Jesus said

What I say to you I say to all, watch.








We have learned the ancient myths of Pegasus,

and Andromeda and Perseus and the rest.


But now it is time to understand the myth

written for your time.


Joseph Campbell taught us that the myth


for our time is Star Wars.


Joseph Campbell



We all must contend with Darth Vader.


When the dark mask is removed from

Darth Vader there you see an unformed man.


He is a robot.

He has not developed his own humanity.



As Joseph Campbell told us,


We must not allow the system to flatten us


We must assume our individuality"





So we await the return of the savior.


In our myth it is Luke Skywalker and the

return of the Jedi.


And how do the Jedi overcome the dark forces ?



 With the light saber. 

They attack the forces of darkness with their light

sabers which are of green light.



May the force be with you means may you tap into

the cosmic power of the higher ones and overcome

the violence of the systems of the world.






In the whole Gospel story of Jesus,

there is nothing clear, certain, or definite.


He was all powerful ( Matt 28:18),

and he was not (John 5:30).


He came to bring peace on earth (Luke 2:14),

and he did not (Matt 1:34).


He favored and condemned the use of the sword

( Matt 26:52 and Luke 22:36).


He preached non resistance and practiced open attack,

(Matt 5:39 and John 2:15).


He told men to love their enemies (Matt 5:44)

and taught them to hate their friends (Luke 14:26).


He declared that salvation depends on good works 

(Matt 6:14, Luke 6:35 and 37)


He taught that faith alone is all that is necessary

(John 3:36)


And as for you.

You are admonished to have absolutely no doubt,

under penalty of eternal damnation.






We hear people, (especially in religious circles)

proclaiming that they have received

a message from God.


God has spoken to them or spoken to their heart.

Well whenever you hear this, remember

the Book of Exodus.


In this Biblical story, God speaks to Moses and

says to Moses " go to Pharoah and tell him

to let my people go".


I would think that God speaking to Moses was as clear

of a communication that one could receive wouldn't you?


Go to Pharoah and tell him to let my people go.


The only problem with this is that God did not tell Moses

that he was going to Pharoah and tell him not

to let the people go.


The Bible is very clear that God hardened the heart of

Pharoah and he would not let the people go.


It also says that God did this in order to show his power.



The implication here is that if God tells you to speak to

someone about something, it could very well be that God

will go to that person and tell him/her not to pay any attention

to you or to reject what you say.


How can this be, what is this all about ?

The message is simple really.


Do not depend on what you think you heard or feel

that you have received.


God does not speak mind to mind or brain to brain.

God speaks photon to photon



The second reason for this curious activity on the part of

God in the Bible is that the efforts of the human

mind cannot work.


The cosmic power will work its will regardless of what

you think you heard or felt.


Only total absence of thought and purpose works in

the realm of the cosmic serpent.







That Biblical precept always bothered me.


I thought if God cannot figure a way to solve problems

other then by resorting to violence then

he is no better then we.

But then I understood.


First lets define SIN.


Sin is the name of the moon God of Ur of the Chaldees.

The moon in mythology represents the emotions

because it reflects the light that is shone on it.


Sin is dwelling in the emotional nature instead of

dwelling the the higher nature of God through meditation.


So remission of sin would be a period of relief from the

domination of our minds by our emotions.


But why the shedding of blood ?


Blood is a symbol of the inner life force.


When we meditate we shut down the inner human

life force and activate the higher spiritual life force.


Thus when we meditate we are shedding blood,

and that shedding of blood gives us a period of relief

from the domination of our minds by the emotions.


Without meditation we cannot experience that remission.


So meditate.


Shut down the inner life force (shed blood),

and you will experience a beautiful remission

of Sin (the emotions that destroy your peace.)







Carl Jung the brilliant psychoanalyst of the early 1900's

makes a wonderful point that I would like to share with

you concerning spiritual and physical existence.


Carl Jung


Dr. Jung states that there are two Gods but they are

one and the same.

There is a God of Heaven and there is a God of Earth,

but one God.


The problem that has developed through religion is that we

have been taught to embrace the God of Heaven

but to turn our backs on the God of Earth.


Thus we exist with a constant desire to go on to a heaven

somewhere else and we look upon the earth as something evil.


Is it any wonder then that we have spent the ages on this

beautiful planet, bombing it, degrading it and hiding behind

stained glassed windows hoping to do better somewhere else ?







Strange mystical symbols have appeared

in the wheat fields of Salisbury England.


The symbols were circles and strange lines with a single eye.


Fact ? Fraud ?


But indeed if fact, what is the reason or purpose for

these magnificent signs appearing in the wheat ?


Wheat is a symbol of the spiritual nature, sown in the

lower earth and reaped in the higher spirit.

It thus becomes the food of the Gods.


When the God Osiris died his body was cut in pieces and buried.

It was then believed that Osiris resurrected in the form of wheat.


 Bread was made of the wheat and beer of the barley.

The bread and beer were taken to celebrate the body

and blood of Osiris.


When the culture moved to Greece Osiris was replaced

by Dionysius the God of wine and thus the communion

was changed to bread and wine.


With Crop Circles the wheat is cut down as with a

cosmic sickle.


Cut down to form cryptograms of circles, triangles, and

squares that tell of a cosmic order.


Revelation 14:15 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle

on the earth and the earth was reaped.


Do you see the implications of this ?


If the higher was to communicate the strange symbols upon

the earth where else would it be appropriate but in that source

held to be the resurrection place of God, wheat !


Jeremiah 51:33 The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor.

It is time to thresh her and the time of her harvest shall come.







There is a large segment of the Christian community

demanding that there be prayer in public schools.

This is Anti Christ because it was the Christ who said:


Matthew 6:5. And when you pray, you should not be like the

hypocrites are:

for they love to pray standing in the churches and in the corners

of the streets, that they may be seen of men.

I'm telling you, They have their reward.

6. But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you

have shut the door , pray to your Father which is in secret;

and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly.


Prayer in schools is anti Christ.





When we discuss life after death it is very hard for

the average person to conceive that it could be possible

for a human being to be transformed into another life

form and continue on.


But there is scientific proof that this is possible.


An Atom of Uranium becomes an Atom of Thorium by

emitting an Alpha Particle.

Don't worry about what Uranium is or what Thorium is.


Consider that when Uranium emits or sends out something

from itself it immediately changes into a whole new life form.


So if it is possible for a certain life form to transform itself

into another life form why is it not possible for the human life

form to emit light via the Pineal Gland at the time of death

and instantly transform into a new life form ?


It happens within the Atom and we are totally Atom.

Thus the transformation to a new life form is not

only possible, it is a scientific fact.











For thousands of years there has been references in

mystical writings about the single eye, or the third eye

referencing the Pineal Gland of the Brain.


Rene DesCartes called the pineal gland of the brain the

seat of the soul.


In the Book of Genesis, Jacob says

 " I have seen God face to face and I will call this place Peniel ".

In Matthew 6:22 Jesus says,

"If your eye be single your body will fill with light".


Since God is referred to in the Bible as being light, that statement

of Jesus suggests a supernatural contact with a higher being

through the Pineal Gland.


The Single Eye or Pineal has always held a place of supreme

importance in the religions of the East

and mystical entities.






Let us consult the encyclopedia.


Created during normal metabolism in low amounts

by the human body (secreted by the pineal gland). 

It also occurs naturally in many species of plants.


DMT-containing plants are used in several

South American shamanic practices.


It is believed to be one of the main active constituents of

snuffs like yopo and of the potion ayahuasca.


 It has been found that the pineal gland manufactures

trace amounts of the psychedelic chemical dimethyltryptamine,

or DMT.


This endogeous chemical in the human brain is believed to

play a role in dreaming and possibly near-death experiences

and other mystical states.


Induced Dimethyltryptamine experiences can include

profound time-dilation, time travel, journeys to paranormal realms

and encounters with spiritual beings or other mystical/trans-dimensional

modalities that, by most first hand accounts, defy

verbal or visual description.


So when the Biblical Jesus said " if your eye be single

your body will fill with light", he wasn't kidding.


Now you can understand the reason for the ancient teachings.

Why Jacob of the Old Testament had a face to face encounter with

God and called the place Peniel, and why Rene DesCartes

called it the seat of the soul.


The substance Dimethyltryptamine that is manufactured by

the Pineal Gland or SIngle Eye of your brain is connected with

 journeys to the realm of spiritual entities and other realms

that defy description.


That statement does not require your faith, it is a scientific fact.

The reason for your meditation should now be clear to you.





911   587   777



Clifford's Tower:
Massacre at York (1190)

The site of Clifford's Tower, the keep of York's medieval castle,

still bears witness to the most horrifying event in the

history of English Jewry.


On the night of 16 March 1190, the feast of Shabbat ha-Gadol,

the small Jewish community of York was gathered together

for protection inside the tower.


Rather than perish at the hands of the violent mob that awaited

them outside, many of the Jews took their own lives;

others died in the flames they had lit, and those who finally

surrendered were massacred and murdered.


There is nothing that has to be said about this other

then to consider the two events


Cliffords Tower York England 1190


Twin Towers New York 911


That is synchronicity.

Coincidence, but coincidence with a purpose.


Did the people involved know. I don’t know.

But regardless, as you study the two pictures

from 1190 to 2001 what changed? 


The attack had as its base religion and hatred.

What’s changed.

What has been learned, absolutely nothing.



The National Transportation Safety Board dispatched a full

Go Team on Monday November 12 2001 to the site of

the crash that day of American Airlines flight 587, which

had just taken off from Kennedy International Airport in

New York for the Dominican Republic


This was just 2 months after 9/11.

Let’s take a look at the synchronicity of 587.


The following is from the Israel Science and

Technology Home Page


The Brief History of Israel and the Jewish people by

Charles Krauthammer - The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998


In 587 BCE, Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar's army captured Jerusalem,

destroyed the Temple, and exiled the Jews to Babylon (modern day Iraq)

The year 587 BCE marks a turning point in the history of the region.

From this year onwards, the region was ruled or controlled

by a succession of superpower empires.


We see the synchronicity here when we consider Flight 587

and its close relationship to the time of 9/11 in just 2 months.

587 is also a most important time in Jewish History.


Flight 587 was destined for Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.

There is a river that flows through Santo Domingo


                                    Ozama River, Dominican Republic

Ozama River (o-ZAH-mah), c.65 mi/105 km long,

S central and S Dominican Republic;

rises in the Cordillera Central SE of Bonao;

flows E and S to the Caribbean at Santo Domingo;

18 28 N 69 53 W

Navigable for c.15mi/24  km upstream.

Sometimes called Ozuma R.


There you have synchronicity again connected with 911.

Two months after 911 we have the crash of flight 587

on its way to Santo Domingo.


587 is the year of the destruction of the Jewish Temple

and the year the Jewish Nation went into captivity.


And a river runs through Santo Domingo which is called Ozama.




777 And The Bombings in London

July 7 2005=777


As far as synchronicity is concerned,

either God does it or people purposely do it.


So keeping in mind 911 and 587 lets look at 777


We find the prominence of the number 777 in Kaballah

which is the mystical part of the Jewish Religion.


777 in Kaballah is THE FLAMING SWORD,


In the Kaballah  it says:

From its hilt in Kether, the Flaming Sword turns left and

right upon the Tree of Life, tracing the subsequent emanations

of each of the Ten Sephiroth


The Path linking Binah to Chesed was assigned the letter Gimel

The sum value of these Hebrew letters by rabbinical Gematria

is the tripartite number 777  


This statement about the flaming sword looking left and right

actually comes from, or is the source of, the Genesis reference

to the flaming sword, when the mythological Adam and Eve

were sent out of the Garden of Eden.


Genesis 3:24.  So he drove out the man; and he placed at the

east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which

turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.


So if this was not a 777 synchronicity from the higher realm,

then did the bombers select 777, The Flaming Sword,

to say, we are driving you out from your attack on our Holy Place

and we will protect it with a flaming sword ?  


Was there an intent that this flaming sword would be thrust

into London on July 7 2005 ==777


911 587 777

Is this synchronicity which is coincidence with a purpose ?


If it is then it all came from either one of two places.

Either God or someone who knew




Did you know that Noah was the finest

person in the world ?

In fact he was so fine that God saved him and his

family and let everyone else drown.


Do you know how Noah celebrated this great fact.



When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, he allowed

one man and his family to live.

Lot and his family were so wonderful that only they were saved.


Do you know how Lot celebrated this great fact ?



Now if these were Gods chosen people ,

can you imagine those he turned down ?





AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A religious watchdog group complained

Monday that a Bible study course taught in hundreds of public

schools in Texas and across the country promotes a

fundamentalist Christian view and violates religious freedom.


The producers of the Bible class dismissed the Texas Freedom

Network as a far left organization trying to suppress

study of a historical text.




Genesis 3:1. Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast

of the field which the Lord God had made.

And he said to the woman, has God said, you shall not eat

of every tree of the garden?

The serpent said that?



Genesis 2:21. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall

upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of

his ribs, and closed up the flesh .

Women made of spare ribs?



 Exodus 3:4. And when the Lord saw that Moses was looking ,

God called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said,

Moses, Moses.

The bush said that and it wasn't George.



Numbers 22:27. And when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord,

 she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger was kindled,

and he hit the donkey with a stick.

28. And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey,

and she said too Balaam, What have I done to you,

that you hit me three times?

29. And Balaam said too the donkey, Because you mocked me:

This guy and his donkey had a conversation.



Just a few of the HISTORICAL TEXTS that the students

will be learning.


There are many more but you can rest easy now

knowing that these HISTORICAL EVENTS

will be taught to the children.





These people also feel that "Intelligent Design"

hould be taught in public schools.

This is to appease religious followers.

Unfortunately they all have made a serious error.


Intelligent Design is already being taught in all public schools.

 It is called evolution.


God chose evolution as his creative technique so that each

species would be able to adapt over long periods

of time to natural changes.


Evolution , a very intelligent design.




    IS A




It has been found that the pineal gland of the brain

manufactures trace amounts of the psychedelic

chemical dimethyltryptamine, or DMT.


This chemical in the human brain is believed to play a

role in dreaming and possibly near-death experiences

 and other mystical states.


So let’s see if there is a  connection here.

Weird states we call dreams connected to a

psychedelic chemical called dimethyltryptamine .

Thus it would appear that when we are asleep

we are all on drugs. But why?


Lets look a bit further at dimethyltryptamine.



Created during normal metabolism in low amounts by

the human body (secreted by the pineal gland).

It also occurs naturally in many species of plants.


DMT-containing plants are used in several South American shamanic


It is believed to be one of the main active constituents of

snuffs like yopo and of the potion ayahuasca.


When we consider God and when we consider creation,

we must confront the question as to why God in creating humans

found it necessary to include in our construction something that

takes us on trips beyond physical reality into a strange world

termed psychedelic. 




For all of those who we have read about who encountered

angels, demons, devils, and the departed.

For all of those who have spiritual experiences

and encounter the Holy Ghost.


Now we know, where they went and how they got there.

And it's not to say their experiences were not real.

We simply understand how it is done.





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Carl Jung

Carl Jung

Images Google unless otherwise noted




King James Bible


Ozama River


Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes

Texas Freedom Network


Uranus  Jeff Green

Jeff Green