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Charon, The Dark Stranger

Of The River Styx





What Goes On Inside Of You

And Your Connection With

The Electrical Power

Of The Universe.




Charon, pronounced KAIR uhn

or pronounced KAY rohn,

was the ragged old boatman

of the Underworld

in Greek mythology.


He was the son of Erebus (darkness)

and Nyx (night).


Charon ferried the shades (spirits)

of the dead across

the Styx or other rivers of

the Underworld.


The ancient Greeks buried their dead

with a silver coin in

their mouth as payment to

Charon for this trip.


Those who did not receive proper

funeral rites were

forced to wander along the riverbank

for 100 years before

obtaining passage from Charon.


Pluto is the planet of the dead.


The reason is that it becomes

the most distant planet

and the last one before the underworld.


I struggle to the top of Pluto

and then look down

and there is Paradise.






Pluto has a small grayish satellite

orbiting around it.


It is called Charon.


Pluto is the gate to the underworld.


And one must be ferried by Charon

to reach

this place of the Gods.


One must have a silver coin in

ones mouth at burial.


Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.

The number 30 is the number

of the God Sin.


Sin is the moon God.


The moon represents the emotions

because it reflects

what is shone on it.


Silver is the human mind.


Thus the silver coin in the mouth

indicates that the mind

has been demonstrated to have been

renewed by the words

that were spoken before

the body died.








Hades, pronounced HAY deez,

was the god of

the dead in Greek mythology. 


He ruled the kingdom of the dead,

which had the same name.


The ancient Romans preserved

without change almost all

the myths about Hades and his kingdom,

but they called the god Pluto.


Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea,

and the older

brother of Zeus, the king of the gods.


In the Bible he is Lucifer.


In spite of Hades' importance

to the Greeks,  

they did not devote any rituals to him.


Few myths involve Hades directly.


The kingdom of Hades was a

neutral region reserved for

the souls of people  who deserved

neither punishment

nor reward upon death.


The Greeks believed that Hades

was drab and dull,

but not necessarily painful.


The souls of those who had led

virtuous lives dwelled

happily in Elysium.


The souls of those who had sinned

greatly went to Tartarus,

a land far below the earth.


The Greeks believed Hades was

beneath the earth.


It had five rivers

the Acheron,

the Kokytos,

the Lethe,

the Phlegethon,

and the Styx.


Each served as a boundary between

the land of

the living and the land of the dead.








The Styx was the best-known river

in Hades.


To cross it, a soul had to be ferried

by Charon, a boatman.


He demanded payment, so the Greeks

placed coins in

the mouths of their dead before

burying them.


Hades' house stood on the shore

of the Styx.


Cerberus, a monstrous

three-headed dog, guarded the house.


After crossing the river, each soul

was assigned to its

eternal home by one of three judges--



or Rhadamanthys.



Those guilty of serious offenses

were tormented by

goddesses called

Furies or Erinyes.


Styx, pronounced stihks, was a

gloomy river of the underworld

in Greek and Roman mythology.


Styx is a Greek word meaning hateful.


The boatman Charon was often

described as ferrying

the souls of the dead across the Styx.


The gods took their most sacred oaths

by the name of the Styx.


If they broke  such an oath,

they were punished by spending

nine years in Tartarus,

a deep pit in the underworld.


The Styx supposedly began as an

actual waterfall in the region

of ancient Greece called Arcadia.


Its waters, which were said to

be poisonous,

plunged down a steep gorge

to the underworld.


See also







MARCH 15 1999


The Romans connected Pluto to Hades.


The appearance of Pluto once again

as a gate to the

beyond took place on March 15 1999.


Pluto, pronounced PLOO toh,

is usually the most distant

planet from the sun.


Pluto and Neptune are the only planets

that cannot be

seen without a telescope.


Astronomers "discovered" both

these planets by

using mathematics.


Pluto is about 39 times as far from

the sun as Earth is.


Pluto travels around the sun in an

elliptical (oval-shaped) orbit.


At some point in its orbit,

it comes closer to the sun than

Neptune, usually the second

farthest planet.


It stays inside Neptune's orbit for

about 20 earth-years.



This event occurs every 248 earth-years,

which is about the

same number of earth-years it takes

Pluto to travel once around the sun.


Pluto entered Neptune's orbit on

Jan. 23, 1979,

and remained there until

March 15, 1999.


March 15 1999, Pluto assumed its

position as the gateway

to the netherworld.


But if one does not have the silver coin

in the mouth at death,

he will wander on the dark shore.


If one has the silver coin he will be ferried.


Those who have been enlightened

through Pegasus will go

on to the lodge or Elysium.


Others wills cross Styx to the

house of Hades.


This is all mythical, symbolic language.


These are all symbols to allow

you to understand.


Pegasus has already been accounted

for In the universe

by the planetary discoveries .


This is found inside of you at

the hippocampus, along with:

Supernova 1987a as Pineal.

Fornax as  the Fornix.


The temple as the brain,

Dura Mater,

Pia Mater,

and Arachnoid.


Pluto opened the gate to the

other realms known

as the netherworld March 15 1999.


And Charon now beckons  you.


 Do you want to cross.

 Do you have the silver coin

 for your fare.?


It is not to be thought of as the

Hell of the Christians.


It is the place where wisdom

can be found.


You may go into Hades and

receive wisdom, but to retrace

the path to come up to the sweet

air of heaven,

that is a labor.







There is a very strange story in

Greek mythology

connected with all of this.


The initiate must struggle through

the dark forest to find the

River Styx and the strange

gray boatman Charon.


The forest is deep and dark.


It represents meditation, and the

struggle to avoid the howling

and creeping thoughts of the mind

which distract us and frighten

us from our goal.


We must find the golden bough

because Charon will not allow

us into the boat unless we have

the the golden bough.


Before you can get to Hades or to

the place of the next world

where wisdom will be given, you

must find a golden bough

growing in the forest on a tree.


Only with this in hand will you

be admitted to the next world.







Image result for golden bough


 It is also the mythical

 Golden Fleece.


The tree is your body.


Going into the mind is going into

the great

wilderness of trees.


It is the place of the tree of life and the

tree of knowledge of Genesis.


The tree of knowledge being

the left hemisphere.


The tree of life being

the right hemisphere.


It seems impossible to find ones

way to the goal because

of the dark deep thoughts.


I seek and sit in the darkness of

the inner forest

and find nothing.








Then will come two doves.


The birds of Venus.


The higher place of love.


They fly slowly within you and

you follow them.


Sometimes the experience is so brief.

Just a glimpse.







You come to Lake Avernus, a dark

foul smelling sheet

of water where there is a cavern

where the path leads

to the deeper place.

Image result for lake avernus 

That foul smelling water is the truth

which is polluted

by the systems of the world.


But right there , where all seemed so low,

and all seemed to be lost,

the doves suddenly soared up to a

tree where on  a bough

was a bright yellow glean.


It is the golden bough within you.


Now you can move across the river

to the other side

to the place of wisdom

and understanding.







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The seekers (you and me) find

ourselves on a road wrapped

in shadows through which we

can see frightful forms

on the other side.








Our thoughts are dancing against

the moons light.


Will we cross ??


Can we cross or will we turn back?


Finally we pass through all of

the howling things dancing

and screaming, and we find

ourselves unmolested, unhurt.


The fear did not touch us because

it was only fear.


And we finally reach a place where

an old man was

rowing a boat in the dark water.


A short gray man with a short cloak.


As he pushes his pole in the dark water,

Charon ignores the cries

of those along the shore begging

to go across.


They do not know about

the golden bough.


We stare in wonder at

Charon in his skiff.


There are two dark rivers

that intersect here.









One of the rivers is called Cocytus,

the other Acheron.


Now Charon in his boat with the

mist curling about him

on the dark water poles his skiff

and stares at you.


He raises his hand and beckons

you to stop.


But then he sees the golden bough.


Charon allows you into his skiff.

You sit quietly.


Cerberus the three headed dog

is barking in the

front yard of Hades.


You have to appease him with a cake.


This is the degree of compromise

that we all offer the system.


 We live in it and take part in much

 of its nonsense.


 And the dog becomes quiet.









We pass the solemn place where

Minos, Europas son (moon)

was passing sentence on some

falling souls.  (More fear within us).


We pass the fields of mourning where

unhappiness dwells.


At last in our dark meditation Charon

poles the dark water

and we reach a division in the river.


From the left come horrible sounds,

groans and savage cries.


We stare in terror at the left side.







In spite of our fear we held tight

to the golden bough.


Charon pushed the skiff to the right

and the quiet

dark waters touched its side.


Suddenly the sky brightened.


We came to a field of beautiful green,

with  trees and waterfalls of bright blue.







Here we found those who know.


Those who took the golden bough and

Charon ferried to this wonder.


We encountered all of those we knew

and know again.






Image result for river of lethe 

But to return we must pause at the river of Lethe.

The river of forgetfulness.


No one can return here until you first drink

of the water of Lethe.


You see people who will be your relatives,




and daughters.


All drinking the water of forgetfulness

before their time to come upward.


All memories of the former times are gone.


All of us then come together and

prepare to leave.


Calmly knowing that we will not know

each other

when we get to the other side.


A few at a time enter the skiff

and Charon

smiles with a sly grin.









The meditation that you take when

you enter deep

within yourself takes you to elysian

when you have

the golden bough which is the pineal.


The golden bough or pineal is

now Supernova.


Eridanus is the river, and Charon

waited at Pluto

until March 15 1999.


You don't remember your last trip.

Because you drank of the river of Lethe.


The experience in your last meditation

when you separated from your thoughts.


You were lost in the deep.

For you drank of Lethe.


All of these things are waiting for

such a short time.


Pluto at the gate of Hades.

Charon the ferry boatmen.




The Golden Bough which is Supernova

takes you to

Eridanus the river, and then to Fornax

which is the furnace

lighting and bringing forth the light of

Elysium to those

who have the bough within them. 


The white horse Pegasus (hippocampus)

raising itself

in preparation for the one who sends

forth the lightning.


The enlightenment from the hippocampus,

from Pegasus.


All of the planets and constellations

waiting and in

preparation and Charon grins.


Come here he says.








The first thing I want to do is respond

to a very good

question that was asked of me. 


Recounting the story of Charon

the ferryman who takes

you in the boat across the river

Styx to Hades.


I stated that Hades is the Planet Pluto.


The doorway to the next world.

The last planet in line. ( March 15 1999).


Interestingly Charon is a small

gray man who wears

a short cloak.


Orbiting Pluto is a small satellite

which is gray

in color and is called Charon.


A person  asked an  important question.


How could Hades be connected to Pluto

when the planet Pluto

was not discovered until quite recently

and the story

of Hades is very ancient.


I want to address that question now.







In ancient Greece, the God Hades

which means the unseen was also

known as Pluto or Pluton, (the rich.)


Pluto was another name in Greek mythology

for Hades

which is another name for hell.


The planet was discovered in 1930 by


Image result for clyde tombaugh

Clyde Tombaugh.


It was named Pluto and when it achieves

the most distant orbit it becomes

the gateway to the next world

including Hades.


In 1978 two astronomers


James Christy

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Robert Harrington

Image result for robert harrington astronomer


discovered the one satellite that orbits Pluto.


A small gray satellite that they named Charon.



Hades is Pluto in Greek mythology

and Charon is the small

gray boatman of Hades or Pluto.


Somehow the planet that is the doorway

to the next world

was named Pluto and the small gray satellite

next to it was named Charon.


It all came together just as it was ordained

in the Greek myths.


These myths were written by those who

knew of astronomical

things long before they had been discovered

by people on earth.


This is a good reason for us to look closely

at Supernova 1987a

and the Harmony of Apollo.



If the Greeks knew of the Planet Pluto

and the gray satellite Charon,

does not the geometric pattern called

the Harmony of Apollo indicate

that they also knew of the existence of

Supernova 1987a

thousands of years before we observed it?


The single eye that will fill the universe

with light and

at the same time, the human brain with light.







We have broken the glass ceiling

and reached deep

inside to grab what we can of

the origin of life

and its implications.


Not only its implications,

and not only its origin, but its reason.


Why is there such a thing?

What in the world is it?

How is it a part of the universe?


Religion has been content to lull us

to sleep with hymns,

and colorful stories much of which

would be more at home in Disneyland.


Talking snakes, talking donkeys,

fish that swallow people

and carry them around in their stomach

for 3 days.


The Sun in the sky that stands still,

virgins having babies

(no Disney there of course).


But in all of this we have our heads

focused to the preacher,

to the priest.


We are actually warned not to look

to the universe

which is Gods cathedral.


We are warned not to try to consider

that as part of the great purpose.


We are warned to stay away from

our inner selves.



Even though Jesus begs us

to seek within,

they warn us to stay without

and listen to them.


And so we who are so intelligent in

the things that have

been provided for us in the material world,

must seek

the actual reason and meaning of life

via the superstitions of the religious.








Your body and your mind were created

through a chromosonal

interchange during copulation between your

mother and father.


You look and act according to the

genetic make up of them

and those of your ancestors who

came before you.


You are  a product of the earth.


But inside of you there is electron

and photon activity

which nested in your body when

you were a fetus.


They have come to you from above.


They are the aspects of light that

 the Bible speaks of.



That is the part of you that is only

nesting in this body and

will leave when this body can no longer

support the light.


Not unlike the light of a bulb.


This part of you is called spirit but

it is not spirit.


It is electron, photon.

It is part of the universe.

It came to earth from the universe.


This is your true identity and now you

can begin to move to the center and

reattach to your true mother and father.







In the East Atma means Father

UM means mother.


Atum-Atom Mother and Father .


This part of you cannot remain

unattached from the

movement of the celestial bodies.


It yearns to once again be part of them.


It calls out as ET did in the movie,

Home Home.


The lower part of you is pulled

by religion to listen to them.


They who have no idea of these

deep things.


But that light within you which is

yearning to be reunited

with the family of light pulls you

to the stars and to the planets.






Now the celestial events are moving

at a rapid rate and

they are stimulating that which is you,

the inner light,

and the vibration is being felt deeply

by each of us

who are willing to move to the center.


Things are being changed, a revolution

is at hand.


Those celestial bodies which are known

to turn things

upside down are now front and center.


And so we see how strangely familiar

is the effects of Pluto

consistent with Uranus and

indeed Aquarius.


And this great adventure is moving itself

into place in the

heavenlys with Pluto and Charon having

taken their place

as the doorway to the next world on

March 15 1999.



And this week the scientists and

astronomers on tv ,and radio ,

brought all of us to look and again

prepare for the Ides of March

by announcing to the world that the

scientific community is

considering downgrading Pluto

from a planet

to something else.


They have not spoken of Pluto in years,

but now they call

our attention to the doorway to

the next world ready to

take its appointed place.








What is this all about in suggesting

that these signs are so important?


The movement of planets and their

positioning is so important.


They are  the angles of light that

will impact upon the

world to correct the course.


To correct the inherent defect.


 How is this summed up for all of us

 to see in the Bible?


1 John1:5

This then is the message which

we have heard of him,

and  declare unto you,

that God is light, and in him is

no darkness at all .


Considering electro magnetism and

the flow of angles of light

upon the earth is so important.





The question of God that you have

followed all of your life

is revealed to you now.


God is light.

God is photon.


The connection between you and what

you call God is via light,

angles of light from above.


Electro magnetism from the universe.


The Bible, written by the ancient Greeks

who gave us so much

in astronomy and an understanding

of the universe,

tells you that God is light.


The very light that comes streaming down

upon the earth at the

proper time, at the proper angle,

to correct defects.


To heal.



To change the course of behavior,

to give peace and new life.


This light is God.


1 Peter2:9

But you are a chosen generation,

a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, a peculiar people;

that ye should show  the praises

of him who has called

you out of darkness into

his marvelous light:


Calling you out of darkness into

his marvelous light means

pulling you out of deep attachment to

the left side of the carnal mind

to the center through the Pineal,

and then to the right side where

dwells inside of you

the Kingdom of Light.







What draws you?


Your bodies are those of the earth,

Of your mother and father.


A fetus developed in your mothers womb

and you were

nowhere in sight.


Then the photon light came on an angle

from above and

entered the fetus.


It became you, photon and body.


The body to interact upon the earth.


The photon to move to the center

and by collapsing

the wave to reattach to the mother light.


The Bible itself addresses this.


1 Thessalonians5:5

You are all the children of light,

and the children of the day:

we are not of the night, nor of darkness



Your bodies are children of your parents

and your family tree.


But you, the you that I am talking to now,

are a child of light.


You were not born here on the

planet earth in some hospital.


You were born of light at a distant place.


As it says, you are all children of light.

You are photon



By moving in meditation to the

center at the Pineal

you again make direct line contact with mother.


This is how you rejoin your family.



Giving thanks to the Father, which

has made us

to share the inheritance of the

saints in light


Your inheritance is in light, photon.


Electro magnetism that flows down to the earth.


You must move to that place of light.


How important is this understanding since

Pluto made its move.



For you were sometimes darkness,

but now you are light in the Lord:

walk as children of light. 


Not as children of your parents,

but children of the light.


So then why have we not followed

this light through meditation?


Why have we had church and

religion warn us not to

enter within ourselves and go

into meditation?


Why have they warned us that if we

go within ourselves

we will open ourselves to demons?


All of this was taught to us by religion, why?




And this is the condemnation,

that light has come into the  world,

and men loved darkness

rather than light, because

their deeds were evil.








That light has come into the world .


Where did it come from.

How has it come?


It has come from above as an

angle of light but it has been

ejected by the teachings of religion

and we have all been

deprived of receiving it until now.


But now Aquarius is here,

Uranus is here,

Supernova is here,

Fornax is here,

Eta Carina is here,

and yes Pluto and Charon are here

and it is time

to walk into the light.


The photons are positioning themselves

to come for you.


 Your family is preparing for your return.


Angles of light photons are coming down

as a giant hand reaching for you.


Now we will begin to go where

we have not gone before simply

because of the need to be ready.


The initiation is in the understanding,

the enlightenment.

To become aware.






Image result for enki 

In the ancient text that go back

to Sumeria there

is  the writings of one called

Enlil Jehovah

and his brother Enki.


He knew that men who took of the

Tree of Knowledge,

could become like Gods.


The tree of knowledge we understand

to be the left hemisphere of the brain,

and the fruit of the tree of life

being the Pineal.


This is supported by Genesis,

or more likely sets the stage for

the story in Genesis.


Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge,

what was the result?


 Genesis 3:22

And the LORD God said, 

the man has become as  one of us,

to know good and evil: and now,

lest he put forth his hand,

and take also of the tree of life,

and eat, and live for ever:


So just as Enki said in that

ancient document , taking from

the Tree of Knowledge brings one

to a point of enlightenment.


This is the movement of

electrical energy up the spine and

then a coming together of that

electrical energy with photon 

that comes down from above.


Enki was the one who was the guardian

of the Tree of Knowledge.


He also had another name.

They called him Samael.


Samael is the one who will direct

you either to the left or right,

depending on your knowledge

of the code of IEOU which

consists of the symbol of



and 4555.


You will see in the Books of IEOU

that once you name

Azozeo and 4555,

and seal yourself with the seal of 8,

you will meet Samael.


You have never heard a statement

from Samael .


But from ancient Sumeria you will

now hear his words.


Nothing is obtained by wanting.

And nothing is achieved by

relinquishing responsibility

to a higher authority.


Belief is the act of believing ,

for to be alive is to believe ,

and will is the ultimate medium

of the self.


There is an ancient writing from

Samael himself telling

you that you must be true to yourself.


You simply cannot desire something or an

improvement in your existence.


You must follow that light and phenomena

within you.


You must not follow a group which

will cause you

to give up your self.


Samael warns you not to do that.



Now Samael has a female counterpart

as in all aspects of life.







Samaels counterpart was the

death goddess,

queen of the mysterious land

of the Hyperboreans.


Her name was Samothea.


This all wise lady instructed persons

in the arts, astronomy, and science.


Her student in the mystical place

beyond the veil was



So what Pythagoras learned,

he learned from the strange Samothea.

The feminine side of Samael.







Image result for anunnaki 

Let me introduce you to another word.



Anunnaki is the Star Fire.


This is the the Pineal gland 

and Annunaki would

now also be Supernova 1987a.


We are way back into Sumerian mythology

which predates Greek.


The Annunaki star fire was  also a

flower or cup bearer

which was the transmitter of the

rich food of the matrix.


This is the womb from which flows

the nectar that is the

chrism or anointing oil.


Annunaki in this capacity

was also called, the Rose of Sharon.


In ancient Sumerian

Sha means orbit,


Ra and On relate to light.


The city of On was also known

as Heliopilis which was the

City of Light and 

Ra is the Sun god.


So interestingly Sharon would mean 

the orbiting or circling light.








We look to the Idea of March being

March 15th of 1999 when

Pluto ascended to the farthest point

from the Sun as the

doorway to the next world.


Accompanied by the gray satellite

orbiting Charon.


Known in the Greek myth as the

gray boatman who would ferry

you across the  river Styx on

the way to Elysium.


His name is Charon.


So we have if not Sharon,

we have Charon.

The orbit of the great light.


The beauty or rose of orbiting light

bears this resemblance to Charon.


In the Bible ,

the Messianic Bride speaks.



This would be the advent of

cosmic consciousness.

Christ consciousness.


And what sign do we see related?


Song-of-Solomon 2:1

I am the rose of Sharon,

and the lily of the valley.


The coming of cosmic consciousness.


This coming of light  can ride on

the wings of a great cosmic sign.


In the Bible it says on the very first page.

Let there be lights in the heavens

and let them be for signs.


And what great sign took its place

on March 15th 1999  Charon?


Charon is the satellite circling

Pluto or Hades, the underworld,

the sign of darkness.







Anunnaki of Sumeria was the Pineal.



The Pineal secretes melatonin.


The word melatonin comes from the

Greek melos which means black,

and tosos which means labor.


Melatonin actually means night worker.

Melatonin is the Hormone of Darkness.


Charon ferries us across the river

to the House of Darkness

being Hades or Pluto the

distant dark planet.


There is a very interesting resemblance,

Sharon, Rose of Sharon,

Meaning orbit of light and Charon.


Taking us across the river past Hades

or Pluto to Elysium.


And right in the middle of it ,

will be Samael.








Now we get to considering Pluto.


If we feel confident that the myth

correctly identified

Pluto and Charon for us as was borne

out in the discoveries of Pluto

in 1930 and Charon in 1978.


We then must also consider carefully

what is said about Pluto.


We know that Pluto falls in 

with Aquarius as a heavy impact

on the mind, and with Uranus,

in that it turns things upside down.

It causes confusion and upheaval.


That is astrology, but what about the myth?


If the myth was correct in painting a

portrait of Pluto and Charon

that we recently discovered,

should not we also look carefully

to the myth surrounding Pluto

to determine if possibly it might

provide us with some inkling as

to what to expect?


In order to understand what may

be expected through Pluto ,

one would have to become a

little familiar with what are called

The Elusian Mysteries of ancient Greece.


The point being made is that when

Pluto, is here and

Uranus is here,

and Supernova is here , etc,

then the electro magnetic vibrations 

from above become

right to influence great change

in the human mind.


The Elusian mysteries were actually

in existence about 1400

years before the Biblical account of Jesus.


They centered in the town of Eleusis.


These mysteries focused on interpretations

of Natures most precious secrets.


The Elusian mysteries were dramatized

during different parts of the year.


They were split into two groups.


One was the Lesser Mysteries and the other

was the Greater Mysteries.







In order to understand the mysteries

one had to be familiar

with Greek mythology,

which the Elusians interpreted esoterically.


In other words in the world of the invisible.


What we used to call spiritual but

what we now know to be

the realm of the sub atomic.


Now what were they about?


They were about the very things

 we have previously studied.


You are a body that belongs

to your family.


That is created here,

exists here,

dies here,

and decomposes here.


But you entered that body from above

as an angle of light, a photon.


That part is the part that is pulling

you back to the center.


To the point of the Pineal so you may

realign yourself with mother light.


The Elusian Mysteries were totally

concerned with  what we have discussed.


Let us look at their reasoning .


Their concern was with the

unpurified soul invested with

an earthy body and enveloped in a

material and physical nature.


Thus as a photon  light you entered

and nested deep within the brain.


You animate the body but you are

enveloped in a material and

physical nature.


So as we clear the mist surrounding

the Elusian mysteries we

find the story of Pluto.


Can we then use this story to judge

what we may expect?


These are the mysteries.


The deepest mysteries.


And they are about you and they

are the very essence of the Bible.


 1 Corinthians 2:7

 But we speak the wisdom of God

 in a mystery,

 even the hidden wisdom which

 God ordained before

 the world unto our glory:






Image result for underworld 

The mystery of Pluto contained in

the Elusian Mysteries is

that of the abduction of Persephone

by Pluto the lord of the

underworld also known as Hades.


Persephone is picking flowers and

the ground opens up.


Suddenly the Lord of Death,

Pluto appears in a chariot and

scoops up Persephone and

kicking and screaming carries

her off to his underworld palace.


That would mean for us a coming

of a time when those

who are going about the mundane

(symbolized by picking flowers),

suddenly find their spirit or

inner nature

(symbolized by Persephone)

suddenly crashing in

confusion and delusion.


Many people because of a unique

alignment that time of year

experience this on a more gentle

basis around Christmas time.  


It has to do with cosmic alignment

at that time.








In this story, the soul is personified

by Persephone.



What is the soul?


No doctor can find a soul because

it is an invisible sub atomic realm of

photon or light  that rises to the

point of the Pineal.


Your true home is Persephones true home

in the higher realms.


Your true home is free from the bondage

of material concepts,

yet here you are trapped within t

hat which is material.


The Elusian mysteries portray your human

or physical nature as a tomb,

a false and impermanent thing,

the source of all sorrow and suffering.


Plato describes the body as the sepulcher.


This is very important when we consider

Supernova 1987a

and its direct fire line to Fornax.


And the Pineal Gland of the brain

and its direct line to Fornix.


A sepulcher is a vault like tomb.

Fornix means sepulcher and furnace.









The fire from the Pineal in the brain

moves along stria pinealis

to the fornix which opens the

vault or sepulcher

and we have personal resurrection.


In the sky, fire from Supernova 1987a

moves to Fornax

and we have the same result

on a cosmic level.


The Elusian Mysteries explained the

nature of the human problem.


The agony of the soul, or of photon, you.


You are trapped inside of that head.


You are surrounded by everything

made by your family.


You have always been unable to

express yourself as the

individual light that you are

because you have accepted the

limitations and illusions of the

human environment.






What the Elusian mysteries taught is

that it is totally up to you.


You are no better off in this body or

out of the body if you

have not found that center path

to put you back into

contact with mother.


You must overcome the desire to be

a part of this material system

instead of being a part of the

system of photon.


The Elusian mysteries state that

you will carry with you into

the invisible world those

same desires that you cannot gratify here.


Jacob in the Bible.


He struggled with a man.


His thigh was put out which means

he overcame the desire of the

physical and with that he became



This elimination of desire has nothing

to do with wanting money,

or a house, or a car, or fun or a vacation.


It does not mean that when it talks

about desire.


It is talking about the desire to be

part of them.


They system of the physical.

The system of the material.


To be afraid to step out of line because of them.

To be afraid to think in terms of light and cosmos

because of them.


There is this need or desire to remain

a part of the cult,

the family, the tradition, and

until you are ready to shut down

everything that they believe,

and instead find that light you are

carried down into the depths by

Pluto or Hades

and you feel like hell.








The Plutonic personality is the

personality that ties its

spiritual nature to the habits,

and viewpoints of the

cults and systems of the world.


That means a collapse of many of

the things that we have

cherished and held on to.


A cleansing is coming upon the earth.


The room must be cleaned out but that

is not good news for the dirt.


To the Elusian mysteries birth into

the physical world,

entrance into the fetus in your

mothers womb,

was entering into the tomb into

the world of the dead.


And the only true birth was that

of the photon within,

rising out of the womb of your

own fleshy nature.


You must be born again.


Born of the higher photon.


1 Peter2:9

But you are a chosen generation,

a royal priesthood, a holy nation,

a peculiar people;

that you should show 

the praises of him who has called you

out of darkness into his marvelous light.


When one is ruled by Pluto that person

is ruled by the dead.


That is the problem that comes down

upon the heads of people

now as Pluto and Charon come into

position that will herald

in the dawning of the light that

will foster this tremendous

change of consciousness.


The Elusian mysteries said that.

The living are ruled by the dead.


 This is what they meant.


It means the majority of people are

not ruled by their

living spirits but by their senseless

and dead animal personalities.


That is the gross problem.


The light within, which is the true you

has been ruled all of your life by Pluto.


Now is the time when the universe

will feel Plutos power,

the Power of Uranus,

the power of Aquarius,

for you to come up into the light.







We have discussed when the photon

comes into the fetus.


It appears that the pineal gland

forms in the 3rd month.


At that point the light can collapse

as a particle and find its way to the nest.


The Elusian mysteries believe that it

was at midnight when the

invisible worlds were closest to the

earthly sphere and that souls

coming into material existence

slipped in during the midnight hour.


My desire is that you have followed

the twisting pathway upward

out of the abyss of your earthly dungeon

called your body.






After following the twisting and turning

passageways toward the light,

one finally received the honorary

title of Mystes from

which comes the word Mystic.


This means one who saw through a veil.


The vision was clouded but the promise

was that the veil

would be torn away in a higher realm

of consciousness.


1 Corinthians13:12

For now we see through a glass, darkly;

but then face to face:

now I know in part; but then shall I know

even as also I am known.


You shall know in light

as you are known in light.





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Clyde Tombaugh

Clyde Tombaugh



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