From 210AD to 276 AD a person born in Iran
existed by the name of Mani.
He founded one of the major ancient religions
called Manichaeism.
The most striking principle of Manichee theology
is its dualism..
The universe is considered a battlefield for control
between an evil material god, and a good spiritual god.
Christians recognized the evil god in Satan but could not
accept the idea that Satan had as much power as God.
Christians held that Satan, unlike God, is a created being.
The term Manichaeistic is often used to describe any
religion with a similar concept of struggle
between good and evil.
The Manichees made every effort to include all known
religious traditions in their faith.
As a result, they preserved many apocryphal Christian works,
such as the Acts Of Thomas, that otherwise would have been lost.
Mani was eager to describe himself as a
"disciple of Jesus Christ", but the orthodox church
rejected him as a heretic.
The story of Adam and Eve is probably the one
that got Mani in the most trouble which eventually
led to him being killed.
In the mythical tale he explained the Good God
as the Serpent and the Evil God as the one we
recognize as the Good God.
Mani said that the serpent told Eve the truth.
That if she took of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil she would become as God and not
die as the Evil God told her.
Mani in identifying the serpent as the Good Spiritual
God made it clear that the God we identified as Good
was the evil physical God because he lied when he
told Adam and Eve that if they ate the fruit they would die.
The serpent who Mani said was the Good Spiritual God
told Eve that if they ate the fruit they would not die
but would become as God which was true.
That statement about identifying which voice was
the Good God, the invisible one or the serpent is
borne out in this scripture.
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts
of your father you will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him.
When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own:
or he is a liar, and the father of it.
So you see Mani is saying that the serpent is the
Good God because he told the truth when he said
that by eating the fruit, Adam and Eve would become
as God, whereas God told them they would die.
Genesis 2:16. And the Lord God commanded the man,
saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat:
17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it
you shall surely die.
That's God's side, now let's hear from the Serpent
Genesis 3:4. And the serpent said to the woman,
You shall not die:
5. For God knows that in the day you eat that, then your eyes
shall be opened, and you shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil.
Now we have two entities here.
One says if you eat you shall die.
The other says that’s a lie you will not die but if
you eat you shall be as gods.
So who is the liar and remember the Bible
says Satan the Devil is the father of lies.
Genesis 3:22. And the Lord God said,
Behold, the man has become as one of us,
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth
his hand, and take also of the tree of life,
and eat, and live for ever:
23. Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from
the garden of Eden
So there is the answer.
The Bible says that Satan is a liar and the father of lies.
In this story it is the Serpent that said you
will not die you will be as Gods.
It was God that said you will die.
According to the Bible they did not die
but became as Gods.
You can see for yourself, “man is become as one of us”.
Therefore it was the Serpent who was telling the
truth and God who was lying.
Thus who is Satan?
It would seem Mani is correct
But the religious leaders of the time were totally
against his teaching and they asked him who
told him this about the Good Spiritual God and
the Bad Physical God.
Mani replied that an angel told him.
They asked Mani, what was the Angels name ?
Mani said the angels name was, the twin
According to biographical accounts , during his youth,
Mani received a revelation from an angel whom
he called the Twin, who taught him the divine
truths of religion.
ManI was then executed by the religious leaders of the day,
but he was the first to introduce us not only to this eye
opening explanation of Genesis,
but also to the concept of the twin.
The twin suddenly brings the strange angelic visitor
into the realm of the life force as understood
in quantum physics.
In the quantum world, two or more particles can
share the same quantum existence, known as a wave
function, giving particles that are joined at the hip
in this way extraordinary properties.
Measuring one of these quantum twins instantaneously
determines the quantum state of the other,
even if they are on opposite sides of the universe.
In other words in this case these are absolute
twins that share the same existence.
Consider that when you go to bed and dream.
It is you experiencing the activity in a parallel
But it is the same you that went to bed.
Could it be the other you in the parallel universe
experiencing what you consider a dream?
We have discussed quantum teleportation in
the past but it would be well just to look at it again
for a few minutes in light of Mani saying back in
200AD that the angel who told him of the truth
was called the twin.
TELEPORTATION is a Science Fiction staple.
People and objects are disintegrated, beamed across
the universe in the blink of an eye, and reconstructed
on a remote planet
The trouble is, fundamental physics has always said
teleportation cannot possibly ever work.
Until recently, that is.
It's possible to prepare two particles – P and Q,
in such a way that they're intimately related,
ike quantum twins.
Let's separate P and Q, and send them as far
apart as we like.
They're still both in the indeterminate state.
Now let's measure P, and say we discover it's in state 0.
Instantaneously, this means that particle Q,
which may be light-years away on the other side of the universe,
instantly assumes the opposite state –
it's now definitely spinning as a 1.
Entanglement has been known theoretically for decades,
but it's only recently been proven by experiment.
"Entanglement means if you tickle one the other one laughs",
says Caltech physicist Jeff Kimble, one of the researchers to
first demonstrate entanglement in the lab.
So then think about this.
If you put one to sleep does that wake the other one up
and so what you are experiencing in a dream
is a reality taking place in another universe.
Twins are spoken of in the Bible.
Jacob and Esau.
One was favored as doing what was right and
the other was not favored and was considered
as doing what was wrong.
Is this speaking of the same person in
quantum entanglement?
Quantum entanglement which is the twin at the
other side of the universe interacting with the
twin here, has been proven in atoms.
So what does science say about that?
So you can teleport an atom, and people are made of atoms ...
well, the answer to the obvious question is at best "who knows?"
You can already try quantum computation for yourself,
by running a simulator on your PC.
As for teleporting yourself across the universe,
you might have to wait a little longer.
That report is from Toby Howard who is an instructor at the
University of Manchester.
The bottom line here is the scientific reality of there
being more then one of you living in a parallel universe.
This is not science fiction but scientific reality.
I hold to the thought that the most evident event that
occurs to all of us is during what we call a dream.
When the you here shuts down---- the you there activates.
I would like to introduce you to another scientist who
is considered an expert in this field.
His name is David Deutsch
Our "twins" in parallel universes are just as real
as we are, says David Deutsch.
The notion that our world is somehow more real is
derived not from experience
(since each "world" seems equally real to its inhabitants),
nor from quantum mechanics
(in an absolute sense there are no splits at all, and no moment
when your unseen counterparts can no longer affect you
Now this man is not crazy.
He is not radical, he’s a physicist and a quantum physicist
which opens the curtain on an existence that none of us could
even conceive exists but one which certainly can clarify
Biblical references and our own obsession with
spirits and angels etc.
Our twins in parallel universes.
Our existence not only in this physical reality
but in another physical reality as well.
Sometimes when we feel the way we do we have a
difficult time figuring out why.
Everything seems to be going all right but still in
spite of that we may feel down with no explanation.
Listen to this from David Deutsch.
To the extent that your decisions depend on random events,
there are indeed other, equally real, versions of you in other universes,
who chose differently and are now enduring the consequences
Isn’t that interesting.
Another version of you and me in another real existence
making a decision on something that has a different effect
then what we played out here.
Then the question would be.
Could that effect actually enter into our other psyche here.
This opens up all kinds of possible solutions to the
question of puzzling behavior doesn’t it?
Photons, atoms, and quantum computations have invisible,
differently behaving counterparts,
but you still cling to the belief that you exist in only one copy.
I don't think this makes sense, because you are made of atoms,
and if they have invisible counterparts, so must you.
So here is the foundation on which our multiple existence is based.
It is based on the scientific fact that atoms have twins and
since we are all made of atoms then so must we.
What quantum mechanics describes is not a single
universe but something that
"is constantly branching into different 'worlds,'
in one of which I am speaking to you ,
in another of which I am speaking to someone else."
Reality consists of a multiverse, an enormous entity which,
on a gross scale, has a structure that resembles many copies
of the universe of classical physics, but which is, on a sufficiently
fine scale, a single, unified system.
So here we enter the existence of a world order that is
beyond our ability to conceive.
Our vibrations, our thoughts, our impulses, our electricity
constantly branching into different worlds in which
we operate as real as we are operating here.
You are now at this very moment doing something
somewhere else which is not related to what
you are doing here.
But as the second paragraph says, in spite of the fact
that there are many universes they is still a single unified system.
So then the condition can exist that though we do not
know what we are currently doing elsewhere its effects on us
can transcend that world into this world and vice versa
because the system is really one.
Despite the fact that "quantum mechanics picks out
no one of these 'worlds' or branches as special,"
people still want to believe that "these other 'worlds'
do not exist in the way that this one does.
It surely follows that the thing that singles out our own
branch as more real than all the others is nowhere to
be found in quantum mechanics.
Nor is it, of course, anywhere to be found in our experience,
since, "each one of these 'worlds' seems equally real to
its inhabitants."
So where is it to be found?
People can talk about heaven and hell as real places but
when they are faced with the existence of parallel universes
with not only real people living in them who are actually twins
of themselves, they cannot deal with it.
Yet quantum physics shows that it is absolutely true.
In the second paragraph the question is asked as to
where the reality of the parallel universes and people
who are us may be found.
Since we experience absolute reality we cannot consider
that the other reality exists though we actually also exist in
that other reality and in that reality we cannot conceive
that this reality exists.
So where do we look for an understanding of this reality.
It is found in (or rather, demanded by) philosophy -
and in particular, I believe, by the sterile philosophy
of positivism and related doctrines that have been
impeding scientific progress for the last seventy-odd years.
Now let’s take a look at that word positivism because
it comes out of the 19th century.
The theory that genuine knowledge is acquired by
science and that metaphysical speculation has no validity.
The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality,
including the relationship between mind and matter,
substance and attribute, fact and value.
So let us look once again at what Deutsch identifies as the
problem with understanding the twin.
It is found in (or rather, demanded by) philosophy -
and in particular, I believe, by the sterile philosophy
of positivism and related doctrines that have been
impeding scientific progress for the last seventy-odd years.
So Deutsch says that the reason we are ignorant about
ourselves and the nature of life and understanding the
invisible worlds is because of doctrines that refute
the need to investigate the sub atomic.
Religious doctrines that say there is no way but their way.
They place everything in the sub atomic realm as belonging
to religious principles and so there is never a way to understand
the existence of other worlds or parallel universes.
It is the traditional way.
The problem with their approach to reality is that is once
you go into the sub atomic world of quantum,
science is turned upside down.
The reality of science does not apply in the quantum or
sub atomic world but that is where people actually exist.
You can read in the Bible about people that were supposedly
dead suddenly showing up such as Moses etc.
There was a story in what is termed the transfiguration of
Moses and others who had been physically dead thousands
of years suddenly turning up in physical form.
Matthew 17:1. And after six days Jesus took Peter, James,
and John his brother, and brought them up
into a high mountain apart,
2. And was transfigured before them:
and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment
was white as the light.
3. And, there appeared unto them Moses and
Elias talking with him.
This scene is mythology.
It did not actually happen, but could it be referring to the
appearance of those from a parallel universe.
Giving the reality of quantum mechanics, the death on this
plane would simply reinforce the life on the other and what
science would come in to play that would allow our twin
from a parallel universe to appear here.
But as Deutsch said, as long as you have religion to say this
is evil and all of that, then there is no possibility to understand
the true nature of reality.
Could the appearance of Katie King to William Crookes
be consistent with the appearance of Moses and Elias to
Jesus and the rest in the Biblical story.
Why not ?
But you see people will believe with no doubt the Biblical
story and yet castigate William Crookes as some kind of kook.
Let’s look at what is called the Paradox of Time Travel.
What if you found a portal to a parallel universe?
What if you could slide into a thousand different worlds
where it's the same year and you're the same person,
but everything else is different?
And what if you can't find your way home?
For the physicists, they know these questions all too well.
So here is the grandfather twin paradox.
A grandson travels back in time to kill his grandfather.
The grandson kills his grandfather before his
grandfather has kids.
How could the grandson still exist if he kills his grandfather?
Now these questions are ridiculous to us who live
in the everyday world of the 5 senses.
But to physicists such as David Deutsch and the others
these are the questions that they ponder preparing for the day
when people actually do travel to parallel universes.
As far as physicists are concerned it is not a matter
of whether this will be possible but when.
So David Deutsch gives his comment to this question.
The grandson will continue to exist because he has not killed
his grandfather, but another man from a parallel universe.
In quantum cosmology there is no single history of space,
forming a single space-time, all universes history
takes place simultaneously.
Duetsch has hypothesized that each universe does not
have an effect on the other, they are all different.
This opens another factor in the quantum world.
Namely nature will not allow you to carry out an activity in
one universe that will effect what happens in the other.
So that even though the grandson went to the other universe
to kill his grandfather before he had any children, he could not do
that since it would have an impacting effect on the original universe.
What David Deutsch does comment on that is quite interesting
would be the ability of the grandson to return to this universe
once he wishes to.
The journey back is not simple.
There is no guarantee that one may end up in the same
universe they originated from.
But anyway what happened is that the grandson was trying to
do something that universal law would not allow and
wound up killing someone else.
Here is the comment from Deutsch.
It is clear, time travel can occur without creating
troublesome paradoxes.
Therefore once time travel can be performed certain
restrictions must be made.
People can not perform self-contradictory acts
when they time travel
All of these things can do little but place our heads
in a state of perpetual confusion.
But what we have been looking at are the thoughts of
those who by experimenting in the laboratory know
that what they speak of is not science fiction but reality.
The only ones whom they can talk to about these things
are each other.
But these strange comments on parallel universes etc
have tremendous implications for us, our existence and our
future as well as our understanding of spirit and the
Bible as well as all religious convictions.
Nowhere will you find in so many words the existence of such
things as we have discussed today but it would be up to you to
look into this more deeply in which case you will come
back with an understanding that you do exist in
different universes and when one shuts down here
what will be left will be the other you there.
I am sure you have many questions.
One that I had concerning the parallel universe is where
the grandson went to the parallel universe to kill his grandfather
could we go to a parallel universe to meet ourselves.
More to come.
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