George Gershwin
wrote a song many years ago
that went like this
It ain't necessarily so.
the things that you're liable
to read in the Bible
it ain't necessarily so.
When I speak and say that the Bible
should not be
taken literally,
I receive comments
that I am being Satanic and that the
Bible is Gods word and
must be taken literally.
I will offer proof the Bible
cannot be taken literally
and is not
God's unerring word
The Bible most read throughout
the world by far is
The King James Bible.
It is the initial translation from
Greek into English.
If you open the
King James Bible
you will find words
written in italics.
PSALM 38:16
For I said,
Hear me, lest otherwise
they should rejoice over me
when my foot
slippeth, they magnify themselves,
against me.
To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose
under the heaven.
There is a reason for this
which has to do with
the Bible writings being
formed by people.
In translating the Bible from
Greek to English
the translators found that the
same words in Hebrew and Greek
had different meanings.
So what they did was put
into the text what
they thought what the
best interpretation
would be and they put it
in italics to show
that it was not in
the original text.
We have two points here
We have Hebrew and Greek scripture
the same words that may
two totally different things.
Then we have interpreters
coming along and
translating the
Greek into English and
Well we think that it would
be best to reach
this conclusion as to what was
What they were saying
by writing in italics is,
" This is not what the original says
we think that this is better and easier
for you to understand.
So there is your unerring
word of God being
changed by people trying
to make it
easier for you to understand
and Christianity
saying it must be taken literally
because it's God's word.
Not when somebody with a pen
starts changing
the words.
When that happens,
then what you're reading ,
ain't necessarily so.
So now here are the words to
George Gershwins song.
It ain't necessarily so,
It ain't necessarily so,
The things that you're liable
to read in the Bible,
It ain't necessarily so.
Li'l David
was small,but oh my !,
Li'l David was small but oh my !,
He fought Big Goliath
who lay down an' dieth !
Li'l David was small, but oh my !
Oh Jonah, he lived in the whale,
For he made his home in
that fish's abdomen
Oh Jonah, he lived in the whale.
Li'l Moses was found in a stream.
Li'l Moses was found in a stream.
He floated on water
Till Ol' Pharaoh's daughter,
She fished him,
She said, from that stream.
Well, it ain't necessarily so
Well, it ain't necessarily so
They tell all you children
The devils a villain
But it ain't necessarily so !
To get into Heaven,
Don't snap for a seven,
Live clean don't have no fault
Oh, I take that gospel,
Whenever it's possible,
But with a grain of salt
Methus'lah lived nine hundred years,
Methus'lah lived nine hundred years,
But who calls that livin'
When no gal will give in,
To no man that's nine hundred years
I'm preachin' this sermon to show,
It ain't necessarily ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily