September 11
As the world in general and this nation in particular
turned its attention to the anniversary of the
World Trade Center attack, it appeared that
we were moving ever so closely to that war in Iraq
It seems that all of these things have a way
of mushrooming.
One episode leads to another, and each one
takes on a more ominous tone.
On this side we pointed at THEM
over there as the responsible
parties and of course on the
other side they pointed
to US , and so it goes.
Alert after alert, bomb after bomb.
The point I am making is that
in reality no one
on either side was responsible.
The responsible factor is HATE.
Unless and until that factor can be dealt with,
the world will do what it always has done.
Choose sides,
take up the weapon
and charge.
There really is no use of our speaking of the
existence of God or a higher force,
and continuing (on both sides)
to attempt to
destroy one another.
Obviously it will cause an
intervention which this
age is beginning to display to those
who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
This intervention from the
realm of light will cause
things to occur that will
break down our ways (the worlds ways)
and replace
them with a higher way.
I often wondered, as we considered
Osama and Saddam,
and they considered President Bush
and Ariel Sharon of Israel.
How either side could contend
with the ancient writings
that speak
KJV Matthew 5:43-45
You have heard that it has been said,
you shall love your neighbour,
and hate your enemy.
But I say unto you,
Love your enemies, bless them
that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which
despitefully use you,
persecute you;
Can you imagine that ?
Can you imagine Osama loving George Bush
Saddam loving Ariel Sharon
Of course not.
But this scripture shows all of us
just how far
we are from the true essence
of what we call religion
or spirituality.
Is Jesus telling us that his way
is the only way to
break the endless cycle
of killing that has been part
of the patriotic
duty down through the ages
on all sides ?
Rejoice not when your enemy falls,
and let not your heart be glad
when he stumbles:
KJV Romans 12:20-21
Therefore if your enemy is hungry,
feed him;
if he thirsts, give him drink:
for in so doing
you shall heap coals of fire
his head.
Be not overcome of evil,
overcome evil with good.
As we got our missiles ready and
the other side
planned their terror,
how many could even have
considered this approach
to dealing with ones enemy.
Yet we sing God Bless America
while the other
side is equally sure that God
is on their side.
This is not pointing a finger at anyone.
It simply makes a statement
that all sides are totally
separate from God and
the ways of God.
That is why the ages are
filled with killing
and bombing and mayhem that
rains down on
the innocent people in
death and horror.
No side is exempt.
And for the sake of the earth,
if it is to stop, then
all will have to finally practice
what they preach,
turn within, and receive
instructions from
the supreme
In this time when we are wary
of signs of terrorists,
we should also be aware of
the signs from
beings of light.
Signs in the universe that
were the inspiration
of the stories we read of in the Bible
and other ancient texts.
Through the eye of Hubble
we have seen the
single eye on fire
of Matthew 6:22,
in Supernova 1987a,
in the Hour Glass Nebula
Of Psalms 32:8
I will guide you with my eye.
The 7th Angel of the
Book of Revelation in Eta Carina
The Bow of the Covenant of
Genesis 9:13 we see
in the constellation Vela.
Now as we come closer to the
great time, new signs
have appeared.
The Rose of Sharon of
the Song of Songs.
The Rose Bud nebula
Nebula N11a is described by scientists
“resembling a delicate rose
floating in space”.
We all know of the exciting
scriptures of Ezekiel
and his vision of a space ship
and alien visitor which he described as
a wheel within a wheel.
Now NASA shows us an unusual
galaxy called
Hoags Object.
NASA describes this celestial object as
The Wheel Within A Wheel.
The scriptures say look up for your
redemption is at hand.
Look up.
If we look up we begin to see
the very significant
signs of the Bible glowing
in the heavens.
Remember what it says in
the Book of Genesis,
let there be lights in the heavens
and let them be for signs.
They are there and they are
appearing like beings on a stage.
Taking their position for the
great cosmic drama.
All of us are told by the government
to look for
signs of terrorists.
Might we not also prosper by looking up
towards the appearing signs
of the great light.