An amazing truth occurs known to those called physicists.
Quantum physicists to be specific.
The amazing truth is that natures invisible energy such
as photons, electrons, and atoms move through space in waves.
The way you would visualize a wave in the ocean.
They move that way until someone looks at them.
When someone watches, the waves collapse and the
change from wave to particle takes place.
From a wave to a dot.
Only when the electron or photon is observed
does this occur.
If no one is watching the wave exists, you look
and the particle exists.
John Wheeler a physicist states that it is only the presence
of conscious observers in the form or ourselves that have
collapsed the wave function and made the universe exist.
Without the observer there can be nothing
The collapse of the wave function happens to
atoms, electrons, and photons.
You are atoms, electrons, and photons.
Inside of you the wave function of atoms, electrons, and
photons collapse when you watch, when you observe,
when you meditate.
Science says that the electron waves on earth collapse
because the entire universe is looking.
Stephen Hawking then makes the startling statement that there
must actually be something outside of the universe to look at the
universe which collapses its wave functions.
You look at yourself, the universe looks at you,
and who is looking at the universe.
Albert Einstein appropriately called this
"spooky action at a distance."
The experiment dispatches a photon ,or electron ,
or atom ,to a screen.
But between the screen and the origin is another screen
blocking the way except for two holes.
The single atom amazingly goes through both holes at once
as the wave ,and then touches a spot on the screen
that it selects when someone observes it.
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology they found that
Atoms can be at two places at the same time.
No one can predict where on the screen the atom or
electron or photon will strike.
It goes where it wishes to go.
It may even go right on to Mars.
So through the two holes it goes as a wave and as soon as
it is observed it collapses to a particle and in most cases
hits a spot on the screen.
Consider that a message in the form of photon or
electron is moving through the universe destined for you.
It knows where it has to go as do the electrons or
photons in the lab.
But you are not watching.
Thus the message moves through the universe as a wave
waiting for you to watch , at which time it can collapse to a
particle and enter through the light receptor of your brain which
is the pineal gland and then touch the screen within you
right where it is supposed to go.
Thus a scripture from the Bible becomes very important.
Jesus says in
A moving electron, atom, or photon, will arrive where it wills.
You cannot predict with certainty.
The question is can the one who dispatches the energy direct it.
Does the universe direct specific particles to you?
If so then consider this.
Photons are Angles of Light that impact the earth from above.
Science calls them messenger particles.
Religion says Angels of Light are messengers.
If you are watching, if you are meditating, the angel of light
enters within you and brings you your message from the cosmos.
Photons which are messenger light waves traveling
through the universe, can contact protons.
When this occurs smaller energies inside of each called
quarks cause a new particle to be formed.
In other words light can change into matter and back
into light again.
The messenger particle which is light can become a person
and then change back into light.
That person that told you something important, and when
you looked back to see him/her, they were gone.
This is not something for you to believe.
This is reality.
Light can change into matter and back into light again.
John Gribbins who is an astrophysicist at Cambridge University
described electromagnetic radiation moving across
the universe like ripples on a pond.
Waves moving backward and forward.
The waves coming from us interact with the waves coming
from above. (God ?).
As a result each individually charged particle including the
particles in you , instantaneously become aware of their position
in relation to all other charged particles in the universe.
Waves traveling back and forth provide feedback which makes
every particle an integrated part of the whole electromagnetic web.
In your brain is something called Arachnoid.
The web.
It separates the Dura mater of the brain from the
Pia Mater of the brain.
You have a web and the universe has a web.
You have 12 cranial nerves and the universe has 12 signs.
You use the 10% left side of your brain and we can only see
10% of the universe.
All is connected.
Dr. Gribbins puts it this way.
Poke an electron here in a laboratory on earth and every
charged particle in the Andromeda Galaxy more then
2 million light years away knows what happened.
If our electron knows where Pegasus is, then the electrons on
Pegasus know where your electrons are.
Thus the message from Pegasus which is the hippocampus
of the brain, the place of memory, will come to you to bring you
to remembrance of who you are and what is your purpose.
All that is required of you is that you watch.
Yes, just as a spider web.
Touch the web and the one in the center will come to you.
Touch the web and the healing energy you receive can
be transmitted to someone else.
Touch the web and you are touching every planet and
constellation in Gods creation.
You are part of the web.
You are part of the universal message.
Schroedingers Kittens And The Search For Reality,
by John Gribbin, Published by Little Brown
Taking the Quantum Leap, by Fred Alan Wolf,
Published by Harper and Row
The Dancing Wu Li Masters, by Gary Zukav,
Published by Quill
The Mind of God, by Paul Davies, Published by
Simon and Schuster
Here is a brief explanation relative to the reason and the how.
Let me know if there is anything that you do not understand.
We have to be scientifically consistent with this so that
we have a basis to work from that we know works in other
aspects of light and life.
In other words in order for this to work we have to do what
science says induces light to arrive at a particular point
and do what it does.
Therefore we listen to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency)
and quantum physicists of the like of Dr. Gribbons, Gary Zukov,
Ian Marshall and anthropologists such as Dr. Jeremy Narby.
The fact is that when light from above (magnetism) strikes
the earth it has a profound effect on amino acids and nucleic
acids in plants and in humans.
Now we put down the science books and look at the
Bible and other ancient documents and they all speak
of entering within ones self to find "God".
We are trying to attract descending photons that will
correct our DNA.
The Bible is clear in stating that God is light.
Thus God is photon.
Ancient writings speak of the single eye which
is the light receptor of the body.
They speak of serpents and twins and winding stairs
which is DNA.
Back to quantum physics.
When a light wave is observed it collapses to a microdot particle.
Photons flowing down from above which can entwine with
our DNA cannot reach its goal within us unless we watch
ourselves and collapse that wave to a particle microdot.
It then enters our body and entwines with our DNA and can
correct the defects in our DNA and in the DNA of all life
upon the planet.
To confirm this fact go to any book store, pick up a book on
quantum physics such as the Dancing Wu Li Masters and see
how photon waves that are observed, collapse to a particle
and then can hit their target.
How do we do it.
Close your eyes to shut out the outside.
Tell yourself your watching yourself.
This is done to collapse the magnetism wave to a microdot
which can enter via the Pineal gland and touch your DNA.
Hold your breath for 3 or 4 seconds.
This shuts down the mind and allows the new activity
to take place unhindered.
Close your eyes, hold your breath 3 seconds, tell yourself your
watching yourself and then walk away.
Do it as often as you are comfortable .
Don't worry about your watching, seeing, or hearing anything.
Just do it.
Then observe the results of change in your life as your DNA
which has been defective as a result of your family tree, changes.
The light that leaves our body and is seen by some as
an Aura is actually electrical energy from internal DNA.
To direct this DNA energy to another for healing, follow the 3
second procedure outlined above, but instead of saying to yourself,
I am watching myself, you will say to yourself,
I am watching myself for _______________ and you fill in the name.
It works.!
This is breaking the chain of negative thinking.
Let me know how you do
We b
egan to explore the need to make contactwith a higher source for direction, for healing, for life itself.
Given that the governments of the world are either in battle
or preparing for battle the obvious alternative is to turn away
from Presidents and politics ,and Bibles and bullets to a voice
of reason, calm, and salvation ,out of the clutches of the
violent systems of the world .
We begin focusing on the absolute need for meditation.
Not as a way of relaxing, or trying to change some particular
event, but as a way of reestablishing contact with a higher mind,
a higher source of instruction for life that will override the violence
being carried out by the politicians and preachers of the world.
It’s easy to say meditate, but if you recall we discussed that
there is a far greater need to understand how meditation works.
A far greater need to be absolutely sure that what we are doing
will work, that we will actually make connection with our origins,
those who dwell in the invisible realm of light.
We discussed several aspects of our meditation here
that have been scientifically proven as methods that result
in changes in the mind, brain, and consciousness.
Darkness, Watching, Music, Silence, and Breath.
We then began to e
xplain how these things scientifically bringus into a real connection with the invisible.
The ones who dwell in dark matter and are just as real as we,
but invisible because they dwell in a separate universe
of dark energy.
But in addition to darkness, silence, music, watching,
and breath, we also covered the fact that there is provided
for us the celestial signs that impact on consciousness .
Signs spoken of in scripture, and now visible through our
evolved science by Hubble.
We turned our attention to the celestial signs revealed to us
by God as we have evolved to the era of Hubble ,the
great telescope in the sky.
We see, and now we know the meaning of the scriptures
and we know of the electro magnetism that we expose ourselves
to that come from these magnificent creations.
The scripture says, I will guide you with my eye (
Psalm 32:8)
We observe the wondrous eye of the Hour Glass Nebula
The scripture says when your eye is single your body
will fill with light. (
Matthew 6:22)And we are following the celestial center eye on fire with expectation.
Supernova 1987a
nasa image
The scripture says when the 7th Angel sounds the mystery
of God will be revealed. (
Revelation 10:7)
We are hearing of the discoveries in the mystery of DNA as
the 7th Angel is building for its great day of light.
nasa image
And the Biblical promise concerning the bow
which shares the Carina nebula.
Genesis 9:13 I set my bow in the cloud and it will be for a
token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:14 And it shall come to pass when I bring a cloud
over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud.
This picture of Vela the Bow is from the following web site.
The NASA Chandra X Ray Observatory
nasa images
The great eternal cloud formed as with angels wings
and called Eta the 7th .
The 7th angel.
And Eta Carina is the keel of the ship Argo.
The word Carina means keel of the ship.
Right in the middle of that giant cloud of
Eta Carina the great ship is another nebula
nasa image
The word Vela means sail.
It is the sail of the Argo.
It is in the center of the angelic cloud Eta Carina
Genesis 9:14 And it shall come to pass when I bring a
cloud over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud
Thus the bow is in the center of the great cloud just
as the scripture says.
In studying the scientific structure of the universe we
came upon the amazing fact that science labels
it Quintessence.
in studying that word Quintessence we made anamazing dictionary discovery.
The word Quintessence is connected to the word Pentecost
which is the descent of the other worldly power upon the earth.
The descent of the Holy Spirit if you will.
And the scientists located Quintessence in Dark Matter
in the constellation Orion
This is Orion and below you can see the dark matter,
the parallel universe, the other world that science labels
quintessence and which connects to Pentecost or
the arrival of the beings of the other world.
And we entered the gate
.The great gate of Orion.
Orion which is the great gate of the universe.
And we pondered the scripture which connected to Passover
and there was the statement of Jesus that when you enter the
gate of the city you will see a man with a pitcher of water.
And so by Hubble we enter the gate of the city Orion.
The location of Quintessence, Dark Energy, a parallel universe
and lo and behold we did see the man with the pitcher of water.
Orion and the water bearer just as Jesus said.
So often in reading the stories of Jesus, he was shown
crossing to the other side of the river to be alone.
We found from science that
music provides a strengtheninof the bridge called corpus collosum in the brain that connects
the left hemisphere of the brain with the right side.
That allows us to fulfill the words of Jesus who instructed
us to cast our net to the right side and we would find.
And so all of these things have come together for us to see
our way across the corpus callosum bridge to the right side.
It is so important to come into the garden of God and rise
above the Presidents and Pastors and the Fear and the Fighting.
I would suggest that you and I keep our eye on the activities
of these celestial phenomena because the changes that
come down will come from them as well as 4555.
And with science telling us that music forms the pathway
across the corpus callosum to the right side,
we see how important music is in our meditation.
Perhaps most graphic of all is the recent discovery by
Gottfried Schlaug at Beth Israel Deaconess medical center
in Boston that music actually may affect brain size.
When he compared the brain scans of 30 musicians with
those of a group of 30 non musicians he found that the
corpus callosum, the thick cable of neurons connecting
the brains right and left hemisphere was
larger among the musicians.
So you see the pathway to the right side is made more
significant by music and thus the need to have music
at meditation is important.
The Bible is filled with statements about the right side.
The East which is on the right as we look North.
The reason for attention to the right side is because it is
the 90%, which aligns to universal darkness where
life that is truly our origin exists.
ohn 21:6 cast your net on the right side of the shipand you shall find.
Describing the physical temple building, the Bible says:
1 Kings 6:8 The door for the middle chamber was
in the right side of the house.
These symbolic statements are discussing the
right hemisphere of the brain.
Remember that on June 21 the summer solstice,
the Sun is located at right North East.
Sitting at the right side it is the time of growth ,
new life, and color, and healing.
What goes on out there must go on in you.
And so the door to the right side is literally opens
by music and sound as we have seen from science.
That is why the Bible admonishes us to celebrate
creation with music.
Psalm 66:1 Make a joyful noise unto God.
Music, and now we know why, because it opens the
door to the right side where God dwells.
Psalm 33:2 Praise the Lord with harp, sing unto him
with psaltery and an instrument of 10 strings.
Sing unto him a new song, play skillfully with a loud noise.
And sometimes it has to be Tchaikovsky, and Beethoven,
and Mozart, for they were so skilled at producing a
meaningful loud noise that was truly inspired from the soul.
The importance of your meditation is shown by Jesus
admonishing us to practice the single eye, to watch,
to find the kingdom within and by saying that we take
away the key of knowledge when we don’t enter
within ourselves.
All of these scriptures are pointing out that
we must meditate.
We must cross over the bridge to the other side.
We must open the Red Sea to the promised land.
The land flowing with milk and honey.
he land flowing with milk and honey is the human brain,Galactose milky sugar is the food of the human brain.
Meditation as the one and only means of making direct
contact with that entity we call God.
Meditation as the one and only means of raising us
above the militaristic minds and fighting activities of the
current world orders.
A new patriotism that professes allegiance to God and
receives marching orders directly from God.
You can define God in any way you wish but suffice it
to say when I use the word God I am referring to a supreme
light that directs the activities throughout the universe
of living things.
I cannot and will not recommend religion as a force of good,
but instead I view religion as an obstruction to making
contact with God.
The reason I say this is because religion by its very
nature is competitive.
Any time there is competition there is confusion.
In advertising the aim is to get people to use your product.
Your product is proclaimed the best, even though it may not be.
Same with religion.
Religion is constantly trying to convince people that they are right.
Christianity says it is the only way.
Judaism says it is chosen, Islam says others are infidels
they are the right way,
Hinduism proclaims it is the way and Buddhism claims
its pathway is the way.
The problem is that the competitiveness of these religions
generally leads to arguments and then downright war.
What is going on in the world today is religious war.
Whether it be Ireland with Protestant against Catholic,
the Middle East with Muslim against Jew.
Or the attack on the world trade center and our attacking
in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is all based on religion.
Around the world little children are being sexually abused
by religious people and just yesterday it was revealed in a
taped conversation between Billy Graham and Richard Nixon ,
Billy Graham said that the media in the US is controlled by
Jews and it is hurting the country.
Graham then said of Nixon is reelected he should try and
do something about that.
He then said that he has many friends who are Jews but
they don’t know how he really feels and Nixon said,
don’t let them find out.
War, sexual abuse and hate and it is all identified with religion.
Therefore you should stay away from them and instead go
directly to God where religion plays no part.
That is meditation.
Meditation is communicating directly with God
without religion.
Communication that takes place in the human brain between
the light that animates the body (meaning you) and the light
that animates the universe meaning God.
All of the scripture from the Old Testament through the New
is speaking of the human brain which contains
the Temple of God.
Even the very construction of the temple of the Bible is made
like the human brain.
The Human Brain has an outer covering called Dura Mater
(Hard Mother).
The inner most sensitive part of the brain is called
Pia Mater (Tender Mother).
The outer part and the inner part is separated by
Arachnoidwhich is the web or the veil or curtain.
The Biblical Temple has an outer court (The Holy Place).
The Inner part (The Holy of Holies).
The outer Holy place is separated from the inner
Holy of Holies by a veil or curtain.
Exodus 26:33 Hang up the veil and the veil shall divide unto
you between the holy place and the most holy.
Between the dura mater and the pia mater.
The temple is the human brain.
Religious people fight and kill each other over a building in
Jerusalem, the temple.
But that is only a picture of the real temple which is inside
of the human brain.
The Holy of Holies is the place of Pia Mater which is accessedby entering in at the right side in meditation.
The scripture is very clear about this.
Hebrews 10:19-21 19. Having therefore, brethren, boldness
to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
Understand that
Jesus is the Universal Life force.The sun, the supreme light.
The blood is the inner life force.
And thus we go within to find that inner light force because
the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ dwells within us.
At that time you will know I am in the father, you in me
and I in you. (John 14:20)
So it is through the inner life force or Jesus that we
enter into the Holy of Holies which is the right side
or higher conscious realm.
Hebrews 10:20. By a new and living way, which he hath
consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
In the Old Testament only the High Priest could enter and he
went in from the outer court, through the curtain to the Holy Place.
But look there is a new and living way.
What does that mean to you.
A Living WAY.
Not a building made of wood or a curtain made of
material but a way into life that is not made by hands.
Through the veil which is arachnoid which is his flesh
meaning which is part of the creation of the supreme
light so designed that we may enter within.
Acts 7:48 The most high dwells not in temples made with hands.
Use reason, what is the only temple in creation that
was not made with hands.
Point to the side of your head.
That is the temple and here the Bible is telling you so.
Rev 11:1 Rise and measure the temple of God
Rev 21:17 And he measured the wall, a hundred and
forty four cubits according to the measure of a man
What does that mean?
Man has 12 cranial nerves in the brain.
Man lives in harmony with the 12 constellations of the Ecliptic.
The imaginary circle that the sun follows.
Man lives in harmony with the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
With the 12 months of the year, with the 12 disciples,
with the 12 tribes, with the 12 jurors. 12X12=144,
The measure of a man.
And so the temple is the holy place inside of the human
brain where meditation takes place.
This is meditation.
It is the most holy thing a person can do and yet you will be
told by religious people who are totally asleep that you should
not do this because you will open your mind to devils.
And why
is it so important today to run deep withinyourself and allow God to touch you.
Why is it so important to abandon the superstitions of
religion and their fighting and assorted evils
that all are witness to .
Hubble has shown us the 7th Angel Eta Carina .
And the Bible says that when the 7th angel appears
the time is at hand .
Hubble has
shown us the great bow in the cloud Vela andthe Bible says when you see the Bow in the cloud the sign
of the covenant of the earth will be at hand
Hubble has shown us the eye on fire in Supernova 1987a
Hubble has shown us the great eye of the Hour Glass Nebula
staring down upon all of us from the cosmos and the Bible
says I will guide you with my eye.
Hubble ha
s shown us the man with the pitcher of water inthe great constellation Orion and the Bible says when you
see the man with the pitcher of water, go into the upper room
(your brain) and prepare the Passover.
It is time to pass over.
And with all of these things we have the religious
wars raging now upon the earth.
The most trusted religious people violating children and
being revealed as inwardly harboring hate against other
religions as Mr. Graham obviously is shown to be.
What does it mean?
Let me show you something that may urge you into
meditation more then all the words I can come up with.
Doomsday Clock Moves Closer to Midnight,
Gauge of Nuclear Threat Changed for First Time Since 1998 .
CHICAGO (Feb. 27) -The hands of the Doomsday Clock,
for 55 years a symbol of nuclear danger, were moved two minutes ,
closer to midnight Wednesday! reflecting the possibility of
terrorism, relations between India and Pakistan, and other threats.
The symbolic clock, kept by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
had been set at 11:51 since 1998.
It was moved to 11:53 p.m.
George A. Lopez, the publication's chairman of the board,
said it has never been moved in response to a single event.
Still, he said, the attacks of Sept. 11 combined with evidence
that terrorists were attempting to obtain the materials for a
crude nuclear weapon should have served as a wake-up
call to the world.
He said the world has focused on short-term security rather
than solving long-term problems.
"The international community simply hit the snooze button
rather than raising the general alarm," Lopez said. -
He said such factors as the concern about the security of
nuclear weapons materials stockpiled around the world and
the crisis between nuclear powers India and Pakistan
figured into the decision.
It was the 17th time the clock has been reset since it debuted
in 1947 at the same position it was set to Wednesday, 11:53.
Stephen Schwartz, publisher of the Bulletin, said that originally
the board defined "midnight" as nuclear war.
In recent years, however, it has been redefined as the use of
nuclear weapons anywhere on earth, he said. ,
The clock is a 1 1/2-foot-square wooden mock-up in the
magazine's office at the University of Chicago.
It was started two years after the bulletin began as a
newsletter among scientists of the Manhattan Project-
the top-secret U.S. effort during World War II to develop
an atomic bomb.
It came closest to midnight -just two minutes away -in 1953,
after the United States successfully tested the hydrogen bomb.
It has been as far away as 17 minutes, set there in 1991 in a
wave of post- Cold-War optimism.
So th
ere we have science telling us basically the same thingthat is being told to us by the celestial bodies and the scriptures.
Something is about to happen.
And why.
Because as we discussed after 9/11.
People simply will not sit down and talk to one another.
They jump on their religious superstitions, scream out
that their god is the only way and fight to the death in
the name of Jesus or Allah or Jehovah and in reality,
kill in the name of God.
nd what do the scientists say in what we have just read?P
aragraph 4 The world has focused on short term securityrather than solving long term problems.
And so as they have abandoned the need to reason together,
you must abandon them and move to God.
You can not put a flag on your holy place because the
universe is Gods and he is no respecter of persons,
thus you must come just as you are, all by yourself,
and the way is meditation.
ious people tend to follow whatever theirparticular religious leaders say.
And as a result, the true directions given in ancient
scriptures are made null and void.
The reason that religious people pull people away from
the scripture meaning is because in this case, entering within
brings a person to God and loosens the hold of
the church authority.
Let’s break down what is being said here.
KJV Jeremiah 7:2-11 2. Stand in the gate of the Lord's house,
and proclaim there this word, and say,
Hear the word of the Lord,all ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord.
There are always 12 gates.
There are 12 constellations of the ecliptic.
There are 12 signs of the zodiac.
There are 12 tribes,
There are12 disciples surrounding Jesus the Sun God.
This is because there are 12 cranial nerves of the brain.
Standing at the gate of the lords house is entering within
yourself at the temple door to the right side.
It is there as 1 Kings tells us that the door to the
holy place is in the right side.
So you are in meditation.
Sitting, listening, watching.
At that point you are standing in at the gate of the Lords house.
And the message then is for those who enter within.
Jeremiah 7:3. Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,
Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause
you to dwell in this place.
This is an admonition to make changes in all aspects of
your thinking and culminate your activities in obedience
and meditation and you will then find that you are actually
living in the Temple of God and receiving constant
instruction and healing from the supreme light.
I will cause you to dwell in this place means just that.
Jeremiah 7:4. Trust ye not in lying words, saying,
The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord,
The temple of the Lord, are these.
This is very specific.
Do not listen to people who try to tell you what the
temple of the Lord means.
It can only come to you directly from the source, if you are
willing to stand at the gate, in other words to meditate.
If you are willing to do that then you will receive directly from God.
All other words are lying words.
It cannot be any plainer.
Jeremiah 7:5. For if you throughly amend your ways and your doings;
if you throughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbour;
6. If you oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow,
and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk
after other gods to your hurt:
This is an admonition to change your consciousness so
that it reflects on the way you deal with others.
We are seeing the result of not dealing with others properly
in the terrorist mess going on now.
All sides are totally guilty.
Oppression, killing, fighting in the name of ones God.
All of this stuff is spelled out here as being evil .
If you go into meditation and stand at the Gate.
That brain gate will open and you will know that all of this
regardless who is doing it is evil and you will be pulled out
of it and you will begin to dwell in that promised place.
Jeremiah 7: 7. Then will I cause you to dwell in this place,
in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.
Do you honestly think that means Israel where hate overflows
on all sides?
Of course not.
The place given to the ancient fathers is the temple not made
with hands, it is what Jesus calls, the Kingdom within.
It is the higher mind, the higher realm of consciousness.
Jeremiah 7:8. Behold, you trust in lying words, that cannot profit.
You actually see religious institutions waving the flag even
though people are being slaughtered by bombs and bullets
from both sides.
Those are lying words that cannot profit.
You are told not to enter the realm of the inner mind and meditate
and you are told that by religions and they are lying
words that cannot profit.
Jeremiah 7:9. Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery,
and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after
other gods whom you know not;
10. And come and stand before me in this house, which is
called by my name, and say,
We are delivered to do all these abominations?
In other words, do whatever we wish to others.
Just go to church , wave your God banner.
Baal is the version of God that groups follow and then go
into battle waving the missile or blowing each other up as
they did in Ireland before going to Church.
They go to church and thank God for allowing them
to victoriously kill others.
They never ask for forgiveness for their acts.
Who in this country ever asked God to forgive them for Viet Nam ? .
So they say we are delivered to do these horrible things,
steal and murder because we are doing it in Gods name.
We can take down the twin towers because its in Gods name.
We are doing it for God.
We can fire missiles into towns and we can drop bombs because
we are doing it in Gods name against their false Gods.
Its all insanity and as you can see it prevents one from entering
in meditation.
Jeremiah 7:11.This house, which is called by my name,
has become a den of robbers in your eyes?
“This house” is the human mind.
It is the place where all of this horror is planned
and carried out.
It truly is a den of robbers and that is why there is constant war,
constant disease , constant poverty, constant early death.
That is why meditation is so important, that you might stand
at the gate and have it open to you so that you may enter into
the promised land of new thought and total healing.
The things in your mind that are hurting you will be healed
because as the inner gate opens through meditation
you will find the light.
That will give you authority over those things .
KJV Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you
The power of the enemy is the power of your own mind.
Will you enter in at meditation and stand at the gate.
It is totally up to you.
Keep in mind when you consider religion with everyone
agreeing that their way is the right way, that in a mental
institution people are convinced that everything is fine.
There is nothing unusual because they are all the same.
If you doubt that the human mind is the temple and
accessible through meditation because I said so
then consider this.
Hebrews 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own house;
whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence
and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
1 Peter 2:5 You also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house,
a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable
to God by Jesus Christ.
Here are both scriptures telling us that we are that house.
We are that temple and the spiritual work that goes on
must go on within us.
That is where the single eye,
watching, and seeking the kingdom within comes into play.
And so we go into meditation.
In the dark the Pineal opens as the music plays
building the bridge to the right side.
We stand at the gate as the scripture says.
And as we stimulate the Pineal we attract the Photon which
is the light messenger particle which fulfills the scripture that says.
Malachi 3:1 and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to
his temple, even the messenger of the covenant,
whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come.
The messenger is the Photon which is a light messenger particle.
When the photon comes to the temple, then the Lord is there.
The Temple is within you as Jesus said in Luke 17:21
The kingdom of God is within you.
So the messenger or angle of light is the angel of light and
then the Lord who you seek shall suddenly come to his temple.
The Temple which is your mind is the same temple that
Jesus drove the money changers from.
You drive the money changers out when you take no thought.
When you separate from the thoughts of the mind you are
driving the money changers out of the temple.
Creation has given you the same inner power that Jesus had .
It was given to you so that the exact same event can occur.
There are two scriptures here.
One in John explains that the inner power Jesus had has
been given to you that you may be one with God as
Jesus is one with God.
That can occur in meditation.
The other is a concluding statement that the temple being
discussed is your head and that is why meditation is so important
and driving out the money changers by separating from thought
with music and breath is so important.
John 17:22 And the glory which you gave me I have given them;
that they may be one, even as we are one:
KJV 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Don't you know that you are the
temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
17. If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy;
for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.
The religions that tell you not to practice this meditation
are trying to keep you out of Gods temple.
Their reason is that they feel only they as high priests
can enter the temple.
Not so as we have seen.
The religious people who come against meditation as they do,
are actually coming against Jesus Christ.
It was Jesus Christ who said in the scriptures that the
Kingdom of God is within you.
No one can change that.
The only place that you can read the words of Jesus Christ
are in the Bible and that’s what it says.
Luke 17:21 The Kingdom of God is within you
How can it be any plainer.
It is within you.
Yet religious people come against meditation.
They refute the need to go within oneself and find God, why,
because they want you to have to come to them.
That is why Jesus said:
Matthew 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men:
for you neither go in yourselves, neither do you allow them
that are entering to go in.
Note that Jesus is talking to the scribes and Pharisees which
are the religious teachers of the day.
The pastors of the day and he calls them hypocrites.
Because they are always so concerned about people going to
the temple or going to church but they block them from going
into themselves where the true temple is.
So why the word hypocrite?
Because they want you in church not that you may
be blessed but that you may support them.
They shut up the Kingdom of Heaven.
It was Jesus who said the Kingdom of Heaven is within you
and it was Jesus who said that it is religious people
who shut that Kingdom up.
They prevent people from going in because they scare people
about the need for meditation by saying that there are
demons and devils in the mind.
In Matthew 15:14 it says that religious leaders are blind
leaders of the blind.
The Biblical story of Jesus getting killed is also quite clear.
He was killed for telling the truth and the religious people
felt that the truth was a threat to their existence, which it is.
Once a person finds the kingdom within themselves the
have no need for religion. It is meaningless .
Churches of power are afraid to let you know the truth,
because when you become enlightened and know the truth
you become free and can no longer be controlled.
1 Cor 2;14 says. The natural man cannot receive the things
of the spirit. Neither can he know them.
They must be spiritually understood and received.
natural man is the physical person.It is impossible for a physical person to understand the inner reality.
It is only possible through meditation because it is the photon
within your body, the true you that will learn this truth.
You must meditate.
You must clear you natural mind to nothingness and
cross the bridge to the right side.
Meditation is not only spoken of through the symbols of the Bible.
One of the great stories of meditation is of Buddha.
Buddha sat for seven days under a great tree.
That tree is the human body and the 7 days are the seven
nerve centers or charkas fixed along the spine.
After the seven days he left the great tree which means
he rose above the body, and came to the tree of the
Serpent King Muchalinda.
Muchalinda was a huge cobra who wrapped himself seven
times around the Buddha and then with his great cobra hood
spread it to protect the Buddha.
The tree being the human body, the 7 being connected to the
charkas or spine and then movement within in the serpentine
twisting energy that is Kundalini bringing forth its protection.
Protecting you from Presidents and Politicians, from Bibles and Bullets.
That serpent waits for you on the other side of the corpus collosum bridge.
In the land of the right side.
In the garden at the East which is Eden.
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Albert Einstein |
Albert Einstein |
Associated Press FN Dalessio |
FN Dalessio |
Bulletin of atomic scientists Steven Schwartz |
Steven Schwartz |
Cambridge University, John Gribbins |
John Gribbins |
Ian Marshall |
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Images Google unless otherwise noted |
Israel Deaconess Medical Center Gottfied Schlaug |
Gottfield Schlaug |
Jeremy Narby |
Jeremy Narby |
Manhattan Project |
Schroedingers Kittens And The Search For Reality, by John Gribbin, |
John Gribbin |
Taking the Quantum Leap, by Fred Alan Wolfe |
Fred Alan Wolfe |
The Dancing Wu Li Masters, by Gary Zukav |
Gary Zukav |
The Mind of God, by Paul Davies |
Paul Davies |
University of Chicago |
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