Why are you here.?
What will happen to you when you die.?
Is there a logical reason for evil.?
Nothing is presented here requiring your belief.
However, you may find logic concerning
the true meaning of life.
I want you to consider the nature of yourself and what
you are and will again become.
What I am about to tell you ,will not effect your daily
coming or going, and will cost you nothing.
I would hope that we can consider these things together.
You have spent your life listening to people
tell you that you
have to be saved and that you have
to make sure of your
salvation so that you can spend eternity in heaven.
It is impossible for you to be saved.
The reason that you cannot be saved is because you
are a creation of the earth.
There is no God or universe that had anything to do
with who, and what you are.
You were created by a union of
your mother and father.
Only their exact chromosomes could
interact to make you.
If they changed their mind at the last minute
and decided to marry
someone else you would never have been born as the
person you are now.
Oh you would have arrived, but totally different
then you are now.
There are people who live on this earth and
they thank God
for giving them life.
God did not give them life.
Some of them have life because someone
forgot to wear a condom.
Some of them have life because someone
forgot to add correctly
and missed the time of ovulation.
It was a mistake.
There are people who are alive today because they
were created by a rape.
Violence against a person led to a creation of another,
and they thank God for giving them life.
Human bodies are created by other human bodies.
They are engineered and structured as to what they
will be by chromosomes, genetics.
The color of the skin, the color of the eyes,
the shape of the nose.
The diseases they will probably get are all engineered
inside of them before they ever see the light of day.
One day a little boy was Baptized and his parents
thanked God for giving him life.
He was Jeffrey Dahmer and he went around murdering,
and eating dead bodies.
Did God give Jeffrey Dahmer to the world ?
Is this what nature intended?
Or was Jeffrey Dahmer an accumulation
of madness that
infected his personality through genetics before
he was ever born.?
So what are you?
You are part of a tribe on the earth.
You will never leave this earth.
There is no place for the tribes of the earth in
any heavenly abode, or anywhere else.
They must live here, die here, and end
their existence here.
The millions and millions of light particles that
flow down from the cosmos are seeking a body.
They are like the millions and millions of sperm
that flow up the vaginal canal seeking the egg.
Out of the millions and millions, only
one will make it.
The photon particles flow through all of creation
and one will find a landing pad.
It finds the potential inside of the body of a female and
nests there.
It then provides energy, animation, and
life to the body.
You are a photon of light that flowed down from above
and found a fetus with a Pineal inside of the body
of a female, and you nested there.
Good, bad, or indifferent, that is the body
and that is the
tribe you will be attached to until that body dies,
and you can get out of it, and find another one.
So there you are as a particle of light nesting inside
of a body because the photon needs a body and
the body needs a photon.
There is a bear hibernating in a cave, and inside
of the bear a body is forming.
A photon particle streaming down is looking for
a life source and it finds it.
It is a bear.
For the rest of eternity that light source will be a bear,
here, or there, or somewhere else.
For once the light source nests, it becomes what
it has become.
You are identifying yourself with the body that was put
together by your mother and father,
and the genetics of your tribe.
But you are a photon that energizes and gives
life to that body.
You entered it after it was constructed and you will
leave it after it can no longer be sustained.
The car was made by Ford
You enter it and give life to it after it was constructed,
and you will leave it after it can no longer be sustained..
They take your car to the junk yard.
They take your body to the junk yard.
But in neither instance do they take you with the
car or the body.
And where will you go?
Your body, that part of the tribe known as
your family will cease.
You will leave it, but now you will have tasted the
human element, and you will hunger to find another.
You will not find a bear, or a cow, or a bird,
you will find a human being, and you will nest again ,
and again , and again.
In your next life experience.
How will you know?
What will it feel like?
Feel yourself now.
The exact same thing will happen again,
and again, and again.
You will feel exactly as you do now.
You will wonder if there is anything after this life, you will
wonder if you will survive death, you will be concerned
about your parents, and your family, and all of the things
you experienced, you will again experience ,
but in a different
body that may be either male or female.
Some of you who are male have female tendencies
because your photon nested in a female the last time.
Some of you females have male tendencies because
your photon nested in a male the last time.
Each time your light source picks up elements
from your past experience.
There are times you feel as if you had been here before,
you have dreams of people, or places you cannot
remember in this existence.
So the photon which you are, leaves in teleportation at
the death of the body, and then moves quickly seeking
another body to nest in.
The photon (you and me) exit the body at the right
angular gyrus of the brain.
But as you exit, you take with you feelings
and degrees of evolution.
You hover, and then are drawn to another female body,
and you enter in, and nest in another fetus.
That fetus is filled with chromosomes, and genetics,
but now you have evolved in previous lives
as light to a higher degree,
and you can make a difference in this body where you
could not make a difference before.
Everything evolves.
Everything grows and becomes stronger through time.
Light is no different.
It is neutral light.
Then it nests and it picks up an essence of experience.
It leaves, and moves on to another body and brings
its evolved light to a new experience.
That is why it is silly to want to go to heaven and
see your mother up there.
You have had thousands of mothers .
Which one do you wish to see?
You will have thousands more.
The next ones will be just as important to you as
the ones you have already experienced and the one
you know now.
And as you evolve you then will become photon
that will energize the universe, and be used elsewhere
in its construction and evolution.
Light from the galaxy 4555 is intelligent light populated by
beings who occupy bodies there during periods of rest time
before they return to the vast sea known as the cosmos to
find a body to restore ,so as to continue the evolution of
consciousness in the vast domain of existence.
It became time to present the earth with a system
of science for civilization.
Thus evolved photons from 4555 are dispatched to a
particular area of the earth and find nesting places.
Then as human beings they find each others light.
Who were these initial evolved photons on earth?
They were called the ancient Greeks.
Plato and the rest.
In reality they were evolved light beings from 4555.
At their conclusion photons are absorbed back into the
universe returning to 4555 and are absorbed back into
the bodies preserved for them.
They do not find fetuses there.
The bodies they have there are preserved, and reentered
when they return, and stored when they leave.
Praying to go to heaven is useless because heaven
is a form of consciousness which is available to each
civilization when it evolves through exposure to the
additional light patterns that come from above.
So you ask.
What went wrong?
How in the world did all of this fall apart?
It is scientific and the Bible addresses scientific
things mythically.
We look for scientific answers by looking at the
mythology of the Bible where it talks about fallen
angels having intercourse with human women.
The angles of light must impact the human body properly .
If they do not, it is the same as causing an
electrical failure of some sort with a computer.
There is a breakdown.
You cannot get the information you need.
It may crash or it may give you bad information.
Something went wrong with the circuitry because of an
electrical failure, and its impact on the circuitry,
and the gates.
How is this shown to us in the scriptures.?
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply
on the face of the earth, and daughters were
born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they took them wives of
all which they chose.
This is mythology, so we have to determine what
are Sons of God, that intercourse with
daughters of men.
Two concepts.
Higher thoughts (Sons of God) having intercourse
with the emotions (Daughters of Men).
In other words, where we should be taking our direction
from the right hemisphere, we are instead dwelling
constantly in the left.
When we do that we are having intercourse with
the daughters of men ,
human emotions.
Let us look a little deeper and see if
we can determine who these Sons of God were.
And the angels which kept not their first estate,
but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
We see in that previous scripture myth the description
of fallen angels.
We can take that to a realm of science, and light,
and compare
it to the problems that effect computers
and their logic circuits.
A fallen angel is an angle of light ,or angles of light,
that misfired
or were received improperly, and infected
or nested in human
females who then passed this on in the genetics.
In other words the original sin referred to in
scripture was actuality a defect in the
electrical connections
that impacted logic circuits in the brain.
From that point on it was obvious that nothing could be done.
No God, nothing could change that.
Nature had misfired and the entire program was in trouble.
A person who has had a stroke, had an electrical malfunction
in the circuitry of the body.
That person is paralyzed on one side.
No God , nothing can change that any more
then a God exists
who can change the effects of a hurricane.
Once it wipes out the town, the town or the house,
or whatever it is that was wiped out, is gone.
We saw a Biblical description of defective angles of light
that caused a problem in the circuitry of humans,
which in turn was passed on and on.
The human is thus not working as it was intended.
And the human was intended to be the conveyance for
photons so that light beings could exist in Gods realm
of love, and the senses.
Photons must have a body to experience such things.
But these bodies that occupy the planet earth are defective.
What to do ?
The logic circuits which were initially disturbed have
to be repaired.
Gates that were opened have to be closed, and gates that
were closed, have to be opened.
This can only occur through exposure to new angles of light
that will correct the problem.
It cannot be done by asking some God somewhere.
It cannot be done by going to some church or
reading some book.
It can only be done by watching within oneself and exposing
oneself to new angles of light which can
cause the correction.
Otherwise it is totally impossible to correct the situation.
And how does the Bible itself state this?
For to be carnally minded is death;
but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
for it is not subject to the law of God,
neither indeed can it be.
So you see.
There is a permanent defect in the human psyche,
which cannot
in anyway perform as it was originally intended.
It is necessary for the photons that nest in
these bodies now
to be exposed to new angles of light that
will cause a change
in the circuitry of the brain, and human mind.
And be not conformed to this world:
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you
may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God.
So photons which continue to pour down from above will
continue to nest in defective bodies, and the struggles will
until finally those bodies are submitted to new angles of
light where the corrections can be made.
That is your lot.
Now I am not saying that when your body dies you may
not be teleported elsewhere.
That is quite possible.
The light that animates your body is photon ,
which is you,
and you as photon cannot die.
That really is you, and it will retain what experience and
evolutionary growth you achieve.
But it does not have an earth personality.
That is reserved and limited to the human
physical element.
In other words when you are absorbed into a human body
you give up your quantum powers and knowledge.
That is the trade off, but it is the instinct to the photon
to be absorbed into a body and experience the senses.
You who are light will leave the body at its death,
and unless you are teleported elsewhere,
you will instantly seek to find another body.
When you do , you will be exactly the same as you are
now except you will have different genetics to work with,
and though your family will be different in appearance,
they will be exactly the same to you as those
who you love here now.
The movement of photon from body to body is described
in the scripture in talking about the form that nests in a
carnal state that is extremely defective.
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walks through dry places, seeking rest,
and finds none.
Then he says I will return into my house from
where I came; and when he comes, he finds it empty, swept,
and garnished.
Then he goes, and takes with himself seven
other spirits more wicked than himself, and
they enter in and dwell there:
and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
There it is,
The photon, you,
leaves and returns,
but never dies.
This is a mythical way of describing what can occur as
the photon gathers from the body, and takes what it has
gathered to another one.
The photon brings what it has gathered,
and couples that with
the genetics from thousands of years of evolution in a
particular family, and you can have a real problem
On the other hand.
If the defect is compensated for and the photon
leaves in a
positive or neutral state, and seeks another body,
what it brings
to the new body will be positive.
It will no longer be negative light but will be positive light.
All of this work is consistent with the attempt
on the part of
nature to correct the habitation of light,
so that beings of light
from above may have nesting places that are as creation
initially intended.
We have ventured were few have gone before in
discussing who we really are.
Where we came from and where we are going.
Many things were said in the first general reading of
the discourse on existence.
It is now important that we proceed step by step,
to be sure
there is a general understanding of what was said.
For the present we must consider these things deeply ,
because the time of the cosmic change is at hand.
It helps nothing to rush through any of this.
It is much more productive for all of us to
go through this slowly.
The first thing that we discussed earlier was the
question of salvation.
I proposed that it was absolutely impossible
to be saved.
This is something that brings me into a head
on collision with
Christianity which makes salvation its primary goal.
My concern about the very concept of salvation is that it
includes us as the earth creatures we are, with all of our
desires, hopes , fears etc.
Salvation to most of us means that we , being
the individuals
we are, with the identity that we have,
somehow survive after death, and there
we are warts and all ,walking around a town
called heaven, meeting our relatives who
have gone on before us.
In other words, the concept is that we transfer
ourselves from
here to a place called heaven, which is
evidently supposed to be
on some planet, and we go on in our life
without all of the sickness,
and fear and hate etc.
Now that concept of salvation which is
justified for the most part
by religion, is not at all so justified by the Bible.
Unfortunately religion wanting to keep us as
loyal followers has
proceeded to encourage us along these lines.
Their promise is that we are going to be reunited
with loved ones who have gone on.
You hear people all the time saying they
are sure that so and so
who died is looking down from heaven,
or that one day we will
all be together again up yonder.
That is not what the Bible says.
As the cloud is consumed and vanishes away:
so he that goes down to the grave shall
come up no more
In other words that identity, your body, is like a cloud
you see in the sky.
One minute its up there, the next minute you turn around
and its gone.
But notice, he that goes down to the grave shall come
up no more.
For in death there is no remembrance of you:
in the grave who shall give you thanks?
This line is addressed to God.
In death there is no remembrance of you.
So then if one goes to the grave and comes up no more,
and if the person who dies cannot possibly have any
knowledge of God, then how is it possible for someone to be
The Christian will tell you that I quoted from the
Old Testament,
and that Jesus came in the
New Testament to make salvation
But salvation of what. ?
Are there bodies in heaven, that are like bodies
we have here,
so we may identify each other by our appearance?
For in the resurrection they neither marry,
nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels
of God in heaven.
What that means is you resurrect as photon,
an angle of light.
But as touching the resurrection of the dead,
have you not read that which was spoken
unto you by God, saying,
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead,
but of the living.
So we see that life entities beyond the earth realm are like angels.
We have concluded that angels means angles of light.
Angles of light.
Which would mean that those who leave the earth realm,
do so as photon angles of light.
Notice also that Matthew 22:32 says that God is not a god of the
dead but of the living.
It is necessary therefore to die symbolically while
you are very much alive,
and to then ascend in the resurrection as
an angle of light.
Remember the Zen saying,
if you die before you die, then when you die
you will not die.
What that means is you die to the self in meditation.
You shut down the physical left hemisphere,
and during your
meditation you dwell in the right hemisphere.
So basically there is no salvation for the human being to be
reunited with loved ones etc.
All of the loved ones who have died are either in graves,
or in sharks, but not in heaven.
Why, because all that is in heaven are angles of light looking
to go someplace else and find a body.
Life does not have patience with people who want to hang
around playing harps.
There are too many important things to do.
Where is heaven?
Heaven is inside of you, in your consciousness.
Neither shall they say, it's here!, or it's there! for,
the kingdom of God is within you.
There is no clearer statement that the concept of heaven
is consciousness.
Now you're all worried about not seeing your
dead mother again.
What about the one you had in the life before this one?
You don't remember her do you, and it's always
that way, life after life.
Consider the wars that rage between microscopic entities
and all of the wild sub atomic things that exist.
How is it possible given in the midst of all of this chaos
that life even exists.
I spent much time thinking of that .
What I had to consider was that at the base, or foundation of
all of this interaction of behavior, invisible and visible powers ,
there was one thing consistent, and that is consciousness.
I think therefore I am, as
Rene DesCartes said.
I exist not because of my body, but because of consciousness.
And I understand that in order for consciousness
to be able to
do what it does, it must have a body.
In order for my computer to work it must have gates,
it must have power.
But once it does, it transcends what used to be considered
as consciousness, and introduces something
far superior in
the realm of searching, and understanding etc.
So then we look for a survival of consciousness.
But is this consciousness individual?
Is it your consciousness, or is it another's consciousness?
I mean, if the light that is the energy force
within your body
leaves when your body dies, do you leave with it.?
Does anything leave with it or does it just leave.
Recently there was the teleportation of photon
which occurred in Austria.
Then last year a group in a California conducted a photon
teleportation and took it to a higher level.
The point is, that when they destroyed the
photon's properties
it left where it was, and showed up somewhere else.
It was the photons properties which were destroyed
Thus in you, your body would go nowhere but down,
but the photon or the inner light which you are would leave.
Your properties, which is your body is destroyed, but you
turn up somewhere else.
Because you are photon.
So this is a rational, considerate, and scientifically
portrayal of what happens.
You have photon, and electron, and atom inside of you,
at the point of the death of the body, the photon or
light source leaves.
Now the question is, does it take any part of
your body with it?
The answer is no.
It does take accumulated or evolved consciousness in some
fashion, and that will be played out in its next
encounter with a body.
But your body is a creation of your parents.
You are not a creation of God.
Or are you ?
Let us go back to the beginning.
It can become very graphic but we will forgo that part.
Your mother was, or is a female.
Your father was, or is a male.
In an act not unlike every other living species,
the two of
them came together in sexual intercourse.
Sperm from your father swam up the vaginal canal of your mother.
Millions of them swam and one made it to the egg.
As a result.
A human body called a fetus was created.
God did not do it, your mother and father agreed to have
this intercourse.
It was totally between them.
If they had decided not to intercourse,
then the you that you know,
and try desperately to hold on to,
would never have been born.
You would never have existed if your
mother and father had
chosen not to have unprotected sexual intercourse.
So it was their idea, their act, and as a result,
a human body
begins to develop inside of the mother.
But you, the photon person that is going to
operate that body
is nowhere around.
This is the way it happens in every species.
There are variations, but for the most part this is the way it works.
The body beginning to be formed starts to pick up chromosomes ,
genetics etc.
Glands start to form and one is a Pineal Gland.
You are nowhere in site.
A living body is being developed.
And you are a photon scurrying around looking
for a new body.
Just like you shop for a new car.
When the time is right and the Pineal is formed,
this body being created inside of your mother
can now be
penetrated by photon which descends from
above on an angle.
Yes it does come in on an angle due to the gravitational pull
of cosmic bodies it passes.
This was proved by Albert Einstein.
So yes, it is an angle of light, or if you prefer
an angel of light.
Through your mothers Pineal, the photon (you) finds the
fetus pineal, and it enters, and nests.
The body is now animated, and will begin to
develop on its own energy.
You the photon now has a body and are
now physically alive.
The photon that found the fetus pineal is not
unlike the sperm that found the egg.
Now the question is.
Are you the light that came into the fetus body,
or are you the
body that the light came in to?
The bulb burns out.
You throw the bulb away.
Do you also throw the light away with the bulb,
or is it only
the bulb that goes into the garbage?
Of course the light does not go with the bulb.
Well when the bulb burned out where
did the light go?
Using that logic, it is reasonable to consider that you are
not the body that the light entered, but the light
that entered the body.
But had you missed by a few degrees you
may have found
a bear in a cave, with a baby bear forming,
and in you went
and now you're a bear.
No you are not a bear, you are the light that
entered the bear.
So now you have found a nesting place.
Your nesting place was as a human,
and it will so ever be.
Two thoughts.
1. If you were teleported here for a particular mission, you
will complete your mission here as photon,
and you will return
to another body elsewhere which is your original body.
Photons who are teleported here for a mission, enter a
human body and assist in the brain operation.
In other words you think you're alone in the body
but you are not.
There are now two of you.
This is spelled out in the Hebrew Kaballah
There can be no evil or bad photon entering
you to assist,
because the photons spin and momentum
must be in harmony
with your electrons spin and momentum,
or else you will reject it.
2. If this was your first light experience as far as finding a
living body is concerned you were of the primitive
light consciousness.
So now the body begins to develop, and it is totally
out of your control.
The chromosomes and genetics do their things.
And a body comes out of your mothers body,
and it is you.
Your skin color, the color or your hair, and eyes etc,
are all programmed into you by way of years and years
of intercourse going on between your ancestors.
You now undergo training.
You are taught by your parents, your school,
your religion etc.
So the light that was you, is combining with the body,
that now gives you physical appearance.
The you everyone else recognizes.
But there is something very unique in the
middle of all of this.
The way you think.
Some of it is programmed by your family, and training,
and church, but some of it is not.
The part of you that is consciousness, and
has not evolved in
harmony with your family,
and the society, and systems you live in,
but on the other hand has for some strange reason
revolted against it,
is the you we now have to consider.
There are two forms of consciousness here.
The light that comes into the body, and the union
of the light and the body.
You are here today.
You will walk, and talk, and interact with
family ,and friends.
That consciousness is the union of the
photon and your body.
You don't even think twice about it.
But there is another part that is pulling
desperately within you,
to get you away from this, and to return
you to another place.
There is another part of you that is conscious,
and does not
share the consciousness that must wheel and deal
daily with the
system we live in.
What is that?
Why is it doing what it is doing?
Why are you looking for what so many others refute?
The idea would be that there is something inside of you,
that has a different origin, then the rest of you.
The rest of you has an origin that is totally of the earth.
Every bit of you is of the earth.
One thing that is inside of you came from someplace else.
Thus if one would use logic, and think that
consciousness is
tremendously important in carrying out our
activities on the earth,
how curious that there is another aspect of
consciousness within
each one of us that pulls to a higher realm,
towards another world.
People who are under the thumb of religion or
religious training,
push back any attempt to bring them towards
this higher light,
at the right hemisphere.
Although they acknowledge something is there,
and they call it spirit,
they want no part of actually encountering it.
So what is IT?
IT is the part of you that came as an angle of light
when your body was being formed.
IT nested in your body and IT is the force that pulls
you to a higher realm.
IT is the reason that you are reading this now.
So there is a consciousness attached to the magnetism
that entered into your body when it was a fetus, and this
consciousness is separate and distinct from
the consciousness
which is evidenced in your daily activities.
That consciousness is fed by genetics, training,
and earthly daily
experience, and it operates in the left hemisphere.
Before you are born, you are capable of becoming anyone.
It totally depends on environment as to what you become.
Rich, poor, stressed, relaxed.
It totally depends on others.
They are the caretakers that have shaped you into
what you are now.
But now you feel something inside tugging at you.
There is a feeling within you to return, home.
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walks through dry places, seeking rest,
and finds none.
Then he says I will return into my house from
whence I came ; and when he is come,
he finds it empty,
swept, and garnished.
The scripture uses the word spirit.
That word identifies the photon that entered
into you when you were a fetus.
That is the only you that can possibly survive.
It will not hang around and go into a grave,
anymore then the light
hangs around and goes into the garbage
with the light bulb.
The next time around you will see the world through
a fresh pair of eyes.
You will live again, but it will always seem like
it is the first time,
unless you have been teleported for a purpose.
Then you come under the direction of
the universal center .
The sub atomic natural phenomena.
The body goes into a grave.
It is not going to heaven or anywhere else.
It is done, finished.
But we who entered the fetus now scurry
through the right
angular gyrus and leave the body,
eager for our next adventure.
The deep question then, is now that we
have left the body
as a photon and will travel in wave form ,
do we have a consciousness,
and do we take anything from
this body with us in the form of consciousness.
In order to proceed, we have to address
one deep question
that to me lies as the foundation of all
thought concerning life.
It is a one word question.
Is there a rationale behind the fact that
light enters into a fetus,
and then must stay inside of that body
until the body dies,
and then the light is free to leave?
That is who you truly are.
You are someone driving a car known as your body.
The car will eventually wind up in the junk heap and you
will be somewhere else.
Why ?
David Darling in Zen Physics writes the following;
Somehow through the act of observation,
subatomic particles are
briefly summoned out of a kind of mathematical
never never land
of potentiality ,and possibility, into
the solid world of
tangible things and events.
An observation results in the collapse
of the wave function,
the instantaneous telescoping down of
the probability spread
to a localized point ,a real particle. (You).
But what counts as a valid observation,
who or what qualifies
as an effective quantum observer.
A human being, a committee of people ?
Darling states
"The Copenhagen interpretation is that the
sudden change in character or collapse
of the wave function
is brought about ultimately by conscious observership.
The registering of an event, such as the reading of
an instrument in the mind.
Did you get the answer?
Somehow through an act of observation, invisible
sub atomic particles become physical things.
The light leaves.
It leaves behind all of your family, they all cry,
they all will look forward to seeing you again
in the sweet by and by.
In the meantime you are totally under the
watchful eye of the
command center known mythically as the
Great White Lodge.
They are observing your travels as a wave.
They will direct you and at the proper time they will make
the observation that will collapse you to a particle,
and send you nesting into a new experience.
There is no Great White Lodge.
This is a metaphysical description of the
light being control part of nature that
oversees all of this.
The question is what has this photon
accumulated that will be beneficial
to the whole.
That is the essence of the Why.
You came down from above to correct a misfiring which in
ancient times was known as fallen angels intercoursing
with the daughters of men.
That is the way it is read in the Bible.
It simply means that there was an error.
An angle of light misfired and put into motion the defects
in the human brain that are still with us to this time.
The angles of light that have been streaming
down here come
under the control of observers who will move
such light to
build on previous experiences.
We talked about the Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences.
The Moses Martin Luther King coincidences.
How light patterns find their way into bodies
and then act out
initiatives that are compatible with their names.
Trump Gambling,
Wynn Gambling,
Gates Computers,
Angstrum Angles of light etc.
It is consciousness and only consciousness that matters.
The universe is not sentimental.
You as photon are doing a job.
Many refuse to take part in it because they have been
overcome by the physical in the realm of religion.
Thus they miss, and they simply continue
to leave one body
and enter another over and over
and over again.
Hopefully in some existence they will find a voice who
will tell them these mysterious truths.
Each time you enter into a new fetus you
have a new mother.
Now we begin to see purpose.
Finding the way back to the correct angle of light,
so the defect which occurred thousands of years ago
may be corrected.
So how many bodies have you lived in?
How many mothers and fathers have you had?
How many grandmothers, and grandfathers,
and brothers
and sisters, and friends, who were so
near and dear to you.
Which ones do you want to see after your body dies?
They wont be there because you never will die as they
never have died.
One minute you are here , the next minute you are there ,
but you are always in existence.
You are always you.
You have a mom and dad, who mean so much to you,
and you have totally forgotten the other thousand you
had before, who meant so much to you.
We have found that where science has progressed
the farthest,
the mind has but regained from nature that
which the mind
has put into nature.
We have found a strange footprint on the
shores of the unknown.
We have devised profound theories, one after another,
to account for its origin.
At last we have succeeded in reconstructing the creature
that made the footprint, and it is our own.
So each time the light which is us has been using
one crazy
body after another, in an effort to pull the
inner consciousness
to the point of light and restoration of the cosmic goal
for life and consciousness.
For the most part the effort has been thwarted because
of the various angles that have impacted the earth
from planets and constellations.
They have not been conducive to mental renewal
until now.
Now is the time when all of your efforts for so many
thousands of years will find reward.
The very cosmos is presently aligning itself for the new
light forces that will blow open gates that were incorrectly
sealed at the time of the fallen angel/angle.
Dr Philip Berg
in commenting on the ancient book of
Hebrew Mysticism known as the
Zohar states the following.
The Zohar predicts that all inhabitants of
planet Earth will one
day come to grips with the profound mysteries
of our cosmos.
On that blessed day in what has become known as the
Age of Aquarius, the individual will again
seize control of his
sense of wonder and inquisitiveness,
and thus armed will regain
a thorough knowledge of the exact nature of the universe
and each persons place in it.
This is the age of Aquarius , and the universe of
Supernova 1987a,
Fornax, etc
is preparing
with all the rest, to bring down upon us on the Earth,
the light
of rejuvenation, the light of reason, compassion,
healing and love.
So you will have no concern about who you will
be because
the job of light in humans will
have been accomplished.
Light will continue to live but in a much higher form then
has been our lot because of the error of trajection.
You see, the observers who are the intelligent
ones from 4555,
known as the Great White Lodge,
watch until the time is right.
Those who are evolving will have their lights
collapsed at the
proper time and place, to reenergize a new
life form to carry out
the evolution to the higher life plane.
Your meditation here is the key to your survival.
You will either learn it here, or next time,
or God knows when.
But why not participate now and begin
this process for yourself.
That is the only reason why you are nesting
inside of the body you have now.
The watcher or observer is the critical part of all of this
You watch within yourself to collapse the wave,
and create the particle, and associated activity within and
You are watched by others to do the same on
a higher conscious level.
I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed,
and a watcher,
and a holy one came down from heaven;
None of this is simply going on of its own.
The watcher is the command center and you
will be placed in
the next nest dependent on how evolved you
become in this one.
You evolve by moving your energy back to
the right hemisphere in meditation.
Most of you have shown evolvement or you would not be
considering this in the first place.
You are here to function as an individual being,
separated from the
groups that force their ways on the masses
for purposes of control.
I cannot initially say which of you will be
teleported to another
place altogether, or be returned to regain
entrance into your body
that is being preserved for you elsewhere.
No heaven for earthlings to ascend to.
Photon which is neutral leaving the body to take residence
either in another one or to be teleported back to a mother
At that point you will indeed recognize those who have
had earth experiences here.
But you will see them in a different form that is
not familiar to you here.
In much the same way as in human circumstances,
there are
groups that are dispatched outward from
the mother together.
They then are collapsed at the appropriate time and place,
and then return to bodies preserved.
When this occurs they recognize others in that
higher state.
They may then be dispatched outward to nest again
depending on the need.
There was telescope constructed in Arizona.
It is the largest lens ever constructed.
It will open a new window on the cosmos.
It will show us light from the beginning of time.
Imagine, new light coming to earth from this tremendous
crystal lens which weighs 16 tons and is 27 feet across.
And who is the astronomer working with this lens
His name is Roger Angel.
He is going to be bringing new angles of light to the earth
and his name is Roger Angel.
In the article, this lens is referred to as Angels Mirror.
Now dont think that it is a coincidence that his name is
Roger Angel any more then it is a coincidence that the
computers intelligence circuitry is called gates,
and the most powerful man in computers is named
Bill Gates.
This was all designed by the ones who are coming,
as a way
for you to see that someone intelligent set
all of this up,
so that as the time got close you might begin
to make a connection .
It was all pre arranged.
How ?
The angle of light that was going to bring this
new lens at the
right time was dispatched to enter the womb
of a woman named Angel.
The angle of light that was going to bring
computer knowledge to
the world was dispatched to enter the
womb of a woman named Gates.
There was a man who discovered the angles of wavelengths
by measurement.
The angle of light that was going to bring forth that discovery
of the angles of wavelengths was dispatched to enter the womb
of a woman named Angstrom.
Anders Angstrom
Everything is organized and under control.
Non Profit Org. Under New Age Christian Village Church AKA Hidden Meanings
Albert Einstein |
Albert Einstein |
Copenhagen Interpretation |
Roger Angel |
Roger Angel |
Sir Arthur Eddington |
Sir Arthur Eddington |
Zen Physics David Darling |
David Darling |
Zohar Dr Philip Berg |
Dr Philip Berg |
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