Don't Do As I Do
Do As I Say
I am sure you have heard that saying or variations of
it before.
But did you ever think that you would see it from someone
who wrote the Bible?
Could you conceive that the Apostle Paul who was one of
the great Biblical authors would suggest such a thing?
Paul admitted in scripture that he deceived people.
He lied to
people in order to gain their trust.
But be it so, I did not burden you:
being crafty, I caught you with guile.
Guile means to be devious, deceitful.
In other words, he lied.
But after all, he was an Apostle.
He may have had to be a
little dishonest in order to get people into
the light.
That could be understandable.
But Paul had some deep personal problems
that really places
his tendency to lie at attention.
For that which I do,
I do not allow others to do: for
what I would allow them to do,
that I do not; but
what I hate, that I do.
For the good that I would do,
I do not: but the evil
which I would not do, that I do.
Now if I do what I would not do,
it is no more I that do it, but
sin that dwells in me.
So what do we say,
the devil made me do it?
I have people write me and say,
the Apostle Paul says that
being gay is wrong.
It is a sin.
Romans 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the
natural use of the
woman, burned in their lust one toward
another; men with
men working that which is unseemly,
I would say that Paul makes it pretty clear
that being gay is sinful.
But let's think about this guy.
Look what he says.
Now concerning the things whereof you
wrote to me:
It is good for a man not to touch a woman
1 Corinthians 7:8
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and
widows, it is good for
them if they live like me.
9 But if they cannot contain,
let them marry: for it is better to
marry than to burn.
So Paul writes in the Bible that a man
should not touch a
woman and that the only reason one should
get married is for sex.
But he also says that people should live
like him.
Here is the Apostle, who wrote the Bible,
Saying that being
gay is wrong, but that a man should not
touch a woman, and
that people should live like him.
Let's consider this again.
He admitted that he does not tell the truth,
and as far as
living like him is concerned, he said this.
For that which I do
I do not allow others to do: for
what I would allow them to do, that I do
not; but
what I hate, that I do.
Do you see what he said?
What I tell others not to do, is what I do.
And the things I tell them to do, I do not do.
And what was it that he was doing?
Romans 7:23
But I see another law in my
warring against the law of my mind, and
bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
which is
in my body.
Something is warring in his body making
him sin.
What could it be?
He said he did not touch women, so who
did he touch?
But really, whether Paul was Gay is not the
The problem is that he was an admitted liar
and he wrote in the Bible.
And so I would ask those who use this man
and his
statements to put guilt on others, and then
send these
statements to me, please don't.
He was obviously one of those preachers
who screams and
points fingers at everyone else, and then
after the service
sneaks off to have a fling,
to do the things that he
just got done telling
everybody else not to do.
My point is that people in positions of highly respected
religious authority place others whom they speak to, under
great burdens of stress, and guilt, that often lead to mental
disruption, and even suicide.
And yet they themselves are taking part in the very acts that
their words inflict condemnation on others.
Consider Ted Haggard who pastored one of the largest mega churches in the country, and led anti gay crusades while
sneaking off to take part in gay relationships himself.
Jimmy Swaggert who screamed about peoples immorality and then off he went to Lu Lu's motel to lay with
a prostitute.
These people cause great mental hurt to others while they themselves do the things they scream against.
Their words are simply to maintain their position of authority for their own personal gain.
The Apostle Paul placed people under deep religious guilt concerning his comments on homosexuality, and yet the
scriptures give every indication that he
himself was gay.
And if he was gay, that's fine. No problem.
But his words deeply hurt others.
As Jesus said, take the log out of your own eye before you target the splinter in someone else's.
Non Profit Org. Under New Age Christian Village Church AKA
Hidden Meanings