There Is Nothing Supernatural
Its Natural And Its Electric
I was listening the other day to people who
were discussing the supernatural
and spirits, and I wanted to jump through the
radio because they never came
close to understanding that
there are no such things.
There is nothing supernatural.
What we call supernatural is simply the
natural existence that we have
deprived ourselves of experiencing
by our close association with religion.
What we call spirits are photons. Light beings.
Intelligent light beings.
In order for us to understand all of the things
we have prayed about,
sung about, had ceremonies and rituals about,
we simply must acknowledge photon.
The invisible light that is the source of
all consciousness and intelligence.
I was reading about Dr Alain Aspects work with photons
and wanted to share this with you.
Alain Aspect is from France
Stay with that for a moment because we
are going to consider two of us
exerting an influence on each other even
in parallel dimensions.
In other words just because you cannot
see your other you
does not mean you are not effecting one another.
How you say?
Something outside of the material world is
communicating and doing things.
And the something is you and me.
We are doing something to each other.
By each other I mean other selves in other places.
Consciousness itself.
How would that be proven or even
considered in the realm of the two photons light years
apart effecting one another.
Enter the psychedelic book we read to children
Alice in Wonderland.
The White Queen speaks to Alice and says
Memory going backwards caused Carl Jung to enter into
the study and apply his synchronicity idea that synchronicity
is coincidence on purpose.
But what has that to do with our two selves separated by
light years but still effecting one another.
Because of the superluminal movement of photons which
are us, that do not have to obey the speed of light,
we find that what has occurred here to create which
we believe is a coincidence is that our memory is not in this
case going backwards to consider what has happened.
But our memory has actually gone forward to consider
what has not happened yet.
Thus what we remember in the past is transmitted
to our other self in the present.
I remember that which has not happened yet because it
was transmitted to me by my other self.
Thus when it does happen it becomes a coincidence.
I think it really happened but it really did not happen but
was transmitted through consciousness
from my other self to this self.
So then when it happens I think its a coincidence because
I already knew about it before it happened.
It gets curiouser and curiouser Alice.
Just like when you eat and you have nothing
to do with digestion.
Your bodily functions of all kinds take care
of themselves without your interference.
In the same way this function operates
without your interference
or knowledge and it is actually producing
copies of yourself to the left and to the right.
Very strange things go on inside of us
without our knowledge.
For instance your being knows what you want to see even
when what you are looking at is not what you think it is.
Your being will simply allow you to see what you want to see
when you are looking at something totally different.
cambridge university
You looked at words that were not what
you recognized but
you knew what they were anyway and
you did not need any
time to practice reading it.
What you saw was something different then what you said
but what you said was right even though what
you saw was wrong.
Your being did not require you to train to do
this or to practice or study.
It does it even though you did not know it could
do it or was doing it.
This next article on atoms comes from a web site called
Technology Review
and it has to do with the makeup of the
atomic structure of copper of which I know nothing,
but there
is something commented on concerning
the atoms in the copper that I found interesting .
We may not know anything about the atomic
structure of copper
but again we see the reality of atomic twins.
Two of the same just like you and me.
Twins, and that is why David Deutsch said
if atoms have twins,
since you are atoms you must have twins as well.
There is no way to get out of it.
There are numerous copies of you and you know that
by what you think are dreams which are really you when
this copy of you shuts down for sleep.
You simply go on with the other copies that
are awake and active.
Have you ever thought, how old you would be
if you died here
and then were in heaven or
some other mythical place
that religion has made up?
How old would you be?
Would your friends and relatives
who have passed on be
the same age as when they
physically died?
We try to consider these things
with a primitive mentality .
We have no understanding of ourselves
or the existence we find ourselves in.
Take a look at this and maybe it will
convince you to just go
Into meditation and shut up,
and stop trying to figure things out.
The following is from a web site called the
Electron Centennial Page.
So when you travel into a different realm in space
the further you go the younger you will be.
You could conceivably go to a realm where you would
not age at all because the inertia would be so slow.
Remember now, your other self is already there.
To the right maybe older, to the left
maybe much younger.
It is awesome how we try to understand all
of this through religion
and wind up singing songs, and
making up nonsense.
So if we take what we have seen today about ourselves,
the facts from a scientific stand point
say that we are two beings.
We are a human being making earthly
physical 3 dimension decisions,
and we are a light being whose decisions are made
automatically without any input from us.
Again the nuclear twins slide.
An alpha particle to the left or an electron to the right.
Done without anyone's knowledge or involvement.
And is the electron producing the element to the right
following the Jesus statement as given here.
Does nature do automatically what it instructs
us to do voluntarily?
Anyway it is obvious that things go on in
us and around us
without our knowledge for an
intelligent purpose.
Things happen that must happen either to
extend the life of the
species or the universe itself.
Things seem to occur to correct automatically
what has been
done voluntarily and is not this the idea
put forth by Pacal Votan
concerning Dec 21 2012, that voluntarily
the race will become so absorbed
with material and industrial things that
they will lose their
interdependence with nature?
In other words there is a point at which
the invisible intelligence
we have seen as photon and electron,
itself will do what must be done
if the earth race does not?
In that case what could happen relevant
to the great shaking?
What negative aspects could we experience
of the great change?
I am not a gloom and doom person and
I have always
put forth the proposal that the
great shaking which was
energized on December 21 2012 which
we are experiencing now
will save us and the planet and restore
us to a more positive time in our
relationship with nature.
I am not here to frighten anyone and I would
not move to include this in my
presentations in front of children but
I do believe that the people who
choose to consider these proposals are
more mature then most
and so we can look at the negative
possibilities connected with the great change.
When I first began the 2012 discussions
I showed you statements
from NASA concerning their forcasts for
that time period.
The cycle being discussed is the sun storm cycle
which they predicted would
be intense peaking in 2011 or 2012.
Pacal Votan called the change culminating
rather then using peaking.
So they called for the most intense solar activity
occurring in the
time of the great change prophecy of 2012.
While the sun went through this intense
activity NASA said
that something else would occur.
So during this period of the greatest solar activity
since records have been
kept the Sun would also do a flip.
It flips on a regular basis but this would happen
at a time when the activity is more intense
according to NASA,
then ever experienced before.
A website called New Scientist discussed this
issue and it is worth pondering.
I want you to keep in mind that the following
report was funded by NASA
and presented to NASA by the
National Academy of Science.
I dont want you to think that I am coming at you
with some gloom and
doom stuff made up by some
new age group or prophets.
The National Academy of Science
is a most prestigious group.
This is the report the National Academy of Science
presented to NASA.
Remember we had just seen a report of concern issued by
NASA about solar storms predicted for 2011 2012.
An artists rendering of the earth going
through this solar storm.
Let us go back to 600ad, and the prophecy of
Pacal Votan before we
continue to read the report from New Scientist.
It is eerie and must give you pause to consider this
Considering what Pacal Votan said about
the great shaking,
now let us see the report from new scientist
and try to digest
each one though spoken 2000 years apart.
We have invented ourselves into mass extinction.
How could we survive without computers.
We couldn't.
Imagine no cell phones, no computers, no tv or radio.
Why you would have to begin living with
nature again wouldn't you.
You would have to start interacting with people again.
The warring nations would have to go back to spears
when they could only kill each other and not everyone
else who happened to just be around.
The problem is that we have industrialized totally
on the basis of what
good it would do for industry and business
and profit and with
no regard for nature.
We do it in every town.
We cut down the trees and blacktop the earth
to get as many businesses jammed together as we can.
We never ever consider nature and the fact
that the earth is alive.
When Al Gore warns about global warming
politicians say global warming is influenced
by man.
Of course it is not man made but what is man made
is the pollution into
the atmosphere that makes natural global warming
much worse then it is supposed to be.
But the problem is more then simply doing
without conveniences.
Much more.
We have built antennas of power grids that
will bring in to us
the solar storm power with devastating energy.
We knew the benefit of the power grids but
have never considered nature.
Just as Pacal Votan said.
Notice the statement about the power grids interdependence
with the industrial and business systems and
bring to mind Pacal Votans
words about our losing the understanding of our
interdependence with nature.
Nobody ever thought about that,
but Pacal Votan in 600ad certainly did.
It could come with devastating effects.
These are not Pacal Votan people.
These are not people who know of the
8 spoked wheel or the
Buddha Nostradamus and Jesus prophecies
about 2012.
This is the National Academy of Science
We know the bees are disappearing and
Einstein said when the
bees disappear you have 4 years.
You see where it says it is terribly difficult to
inspire people to
prepare for a potential crisis that has
never happened before.
Let us look at the Bible for a moment and
the myth of Noahs Ark.
As Noah was warning people what was happening.
Now let us take the Bible words about Noah
and take the words of the
National Academy of Science
and place them together to get the message..
This is deadly serious and what you have seen
is the prophecy
of science, NASA and the
National Academy Of Science lining up together.
The Bible Noah story was not true, it is mythology ,
but it was telling us to heed warnings and
build your ark of safety.
Messages will be coming to us hot and heavy
and if you are doing your inner electrical work
that we call meditation,
you will be aware and there will be a place
in the ark for you.
I will cover all of that with you as we go along.
So please stay tuned.
Non Profit Org. Under New Age Christian Village Church AKA Hidden Meanings