Kilahl Gibran was a Sufi writer from Lebanon.
He wrote a story that I want to share with you.
It points out just how we have created stories
that have no basis in truth and
subjected people to our rules which
are based on nonsense.
We have reviewed the fact that Jesus
was very clear that in order for him
to be your Lord
you have to obey his teachings
which woul
d includepracticing the single eye and
watching and seeking within yourself.
Yet the religious teachings are that
you have to be a member of
a particular church or
you have to simply confess Jesus is Lord
without any concern to obedience of his teachings.
Kilahl Gibran in this story points to
just how religion has taken minds
captive by making up
their own rules and stories.
The story about a religious leader
in a town that everyone in the town
looked up to for spiritual guidance.
We will call the leader Pastor.
Basically it can be almost any denomination.
The pastor was an authority on sin,
heaven, hell and all the rest
and he taught the people
all of these things and preached salvation.
The pastor waged a consistent war against Satan.
One evening the pastor was out walking
and he heard an anguished cry.
He looked and saw a battered man
lying in the gutter.
His clothes were ripped and
he was covered in blood.
The man was crying,
save me, have mercy on me, please help me,
I am dying.
The pastor did not want to get involved.
He thought that the man
was probably drunk, or on drugs,
or maybe he was a criminal
and was in a fight with other criminals.
His first reaction was to keep going
and not get involved.
He kept walking,
nervously looking over his shoulder
the wounded man yelled
Please don’t leave me. I am dying.
The pastor then thought that possibly
the man was insane or something.
He didn’t know what to do.
He kept walking but then the man called out,
please come close to me.
You and I have been friends for a long time.
Don’t you recognize me ?.
You pastor are the Good Shepherd,
I am not a criminal,
I am not insane.
Please you know me,
come over to me and I will tell you who I am.
The pastor leaned down and said,
what do you mean, who I am.
I don’t know you.
Who are you. ?
And the man struggled to talk
through a bloody mouth.
Oh you know me.
You’ve seen me a thousand times and
you talk about me every day.
I'm dearer to you then your own life.
The pastor said, your also a liar.
Your dying.
You better start telling the truth.
I don’t know you.
I've never seen your lying face before.
The wounded man moved slowly,
looked squarely into the pastors eyes and
suddenly a small smile appeared on his bloody lips.
In a deep smooth voice he then said.
I am Satan.
The pastor recoiled and screamed
at the distorted face in the gutter,
God has shown me your hellish image
and justly caused me to hate you.
Cursed be you forevermore,
the mangled lamb must be destroyed by the
shepherd lest he will infect the other lambs.
Satan answered.
Be not in haste pastor.
Come and close my wounds quickly
before life departs from my body.
The pastor responded.
These hands which offer a
daily sacrifice to God.
Shall not touch a body made
from the secretions of hell.
You must die accursed by the ages,
for you are the enemy of all humanity
and it is your purpose to destroy all virtue.
Satan painfully raised himself on one elbow.
You don’t know what your saying,
You don’t know what crime you are
committing against yourself.
Today I was walking alone,
bothering no one
when a band of angels
descended to attack me,
and severely injured me.
I would have been able
to drive them off if
it had not been for one who had
a blazing sword with two sharp edges.
I simply had no power against
the brilliant sword.
Satan gasped and paused for
a moment in obvious pain.
The armed angel ,
I believe his name was Michael
was an expert gladiator.
Had I not fallen to the ground
and pretended to be dead
he would have torn me to pieces.
The pastor looked upward and said,
blessed be Michaels name
who has saved humanity from this vicious enemy.
Satan painfully looked up at the pastor and said.
You are blessing Michael who never
has come to your rescue.
You are cursing me in my hour of defeat,
even though I was and still am
the source of
your tranquility and happiness.
You deny me your blessing
and extend not your kindness
but you live and prosper
in the shadow of my being.
You have adopted for my existence
an excuse and weapon for your career, and
you employ my name
in justification for your deeds.
Has not my past caused you to be in
need of my present and my future.
Why is it pastor that you wish my death?
Have you reached your goal in amassing wealth.?
Have you found it impossible
to extract more gold and silver from your
followers using my kingdom as a threat ?
Pastor, do you realize that
you will starve to death if I die.?
What would you do tomorrow
if you allowed me to die today ?
What vocation would you pursue
if my name disappeared.
For decades you have been roaming
these villages and warning people
against falling into my hands .
They have paid for your advice with
their dollars and the products of their land.
What would they buy from you
tomorrow if they discovered
that their wicked enemy no longer exists.
Your occupation would die with me,
for the people would be safe from sin.
a clergyman surely you realizethat my existence alone
has created my enemy, the church.
You and I together are the conflict
which removes gold and silver
from the faithful pockets, and
deposits it into the pouch
of the preacher and the missionary.
How can you permit me to die here
when you know it will surely cause you to lose
your prestige, your church,
your home and your livelihood.
I am the father and mother of sin,
and if sin were to vanish,
the fighters of sin would
vanish with it,
along with their families and structures.
And S
atan stretched his arms
and bent his head forward and gasped deeply.
His face turned to grey.
Then he fixed his glittering eyes
upon the pastors face and
said in a faltering voice.
I am tired and weak.
I did wrong by using my waning strength
to speak on things you already know.
Now you may do as you please.
You may carry me to your home
and treat my wounds or
leave me in this place to die.
The pastor quivered and
rubbed his hands and replied.
I know now what I had not known an hour ago.
Forgive my ignorance.
I know that your existence in this world
creates temptation and temptation
is a measurement by which
God adjudges the value of human souls.
The pastor continued.
Satan, you must live,
for if you die and the people know it.
Their fear of hell will vanish,
and they will cease worshipping,
for nothing would be sin.
You must live,
for in your life is the salvation
of humanity, from vice and sin.
Satan laughed and replied.
What an intelligent person you are pastor.
And what wonderful knowledge
you posses in theological facts.
You have found through the power
of your knowledge a purpose for my existence
which I had never understood
and now we realize our need for each other.
Come close to me my brother,
darkness is submerging the plains,
and half of my
blood has escaped upon the
sand of this valley,
and nothing remains of me but
the remnants of a broken body,
which death shall soon buy
unless you render aid.
The pastor then lifted Satan
upon his back and
walked toward his home
In the midst of those valleys,
engulfed with silence and
embellished with the veil of darkness,
the pastor walked toward
the village with his back bent
under his heavy burden.
His black raiment and long beard
were spattered with blood
streaming from above him
but he struggled forward,
his lips moving in fervent prayer
for the life of the dying Satan.
So there is the deep truth.
The very normal aspect of
positive and negative
we have turned into a mythological Satan.
A power that does not exist
we have made into existence,
and the church and the pastors,
must pray that Satan continues.
For if Satan was to disappear,
they too would disappear,
at least until they came up with
another creation to cause
guilt and fear and bring them money.
Today the great palaces of religion
totally depend on Satan
for their existence and their wealth.
This as I said earlier is from the treasure of
Khalil Gibran.
And what is all of this that we have created as Satan.
It is the collision of natural powers of magnetism .
Powers of hot and cold, of light and darkness which when they collide cause turbulence.
That natural phenomena we have turned into devils, and demons, created by
superstitious minds of the dark ages.
And just what can be accomplished when speaking the name of Satan.
This is part of the letter written by Mohammed Atta who flew the first plane that crashed
into the world trade center.
In the text he is speaking of us.
All of their equipment and gates and technology will not prevent nor harm except by gods will.
The believers do not fear such things.
The only ones that fear it are the allies of Satan who are the brothers of the devil.
They have become their allies.
God save us, for fear is a great form of worship and the only one worth of it is God.
So fear them not and fear me if you are believers.
God will weaken the schemes of the non believers.
So many believe that the non existent Satan actually played a part in the destruction
of the World Trade Center and the killing of so many.
So many religions carry the name of Satan as the perceived enemy, and as Gibran
has shown us, without that name, their very existence would vanish.
They are so dependent on what they have created to frighten.
nd even they, have been swallowed by the fable to such an extent, that they woulduse the name Satan as a purpose for such destruction as occurred on September 11th.
The Headline Is
THE POWER OF LIGHTFrom National Geographic
Light reveals the world to us. Body and soul crave it.
Light sets our biological clocks.
It triggers in our brains the sensations of color.
Light feeds us, supplying the energy for plants to grow. It inspires us with special effects like rainbows and sunsets. Light gives us life changing tools from incandescent bulbs to lasers and fiber optics.
Scientists don’t fully understand what light is or what it can do.
They just know that it will illuminate our future.
And the Bible agrees:
John 1:9. That was the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world.
There is the essence of life.
That which we refer to as God, Satan, Demons, Angels, and in reality our very selves.
Light which lights every human that comes into the world.
That light which is neutral is turned into God, and Satan, and Demons, and Angels, by our superstitions and our ignorance.
And when you try to explain this to people they become enraged that you are coming
against their religion instead of understanding that you are simply
coming against their ignorance,
It is simply understanding photon as the life giving force and how it operates
in the human brain and mind.
Turning from ignorance of these things to understanding, brings us away from
the very superstitions that were at the basis of 911 attack that did
so much destruction and killing.
People who felt we were in league with Satan, people who we feel
are in league with Satan.
How does the Bible describe this.
OPEN THEIR EYES Acts 26:18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the
power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins,
and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
Turning from darkness to light.
From ignorance and superstition to understanding and enlightenment is turning
from Satan unto God.
For Satan is simply a symbol of ignorance and stupidity.
I mean we can look at Afghanistan and see the things that the Taliban do as evil , Satanic.
We looked at Viet Nam and considered it a patriotic act to drop napalm and set those people on fire.
Satan has nothing to do with either situation.
People and their greed and their need to control others is the cause.
But it’s a lot easier to blame things on Satan.
And as we saw earlier when we read
Khalil Gibran it is very profitable to scare peoplewith the fairy tale called Satan.
They pay a lot of money to be protected from this nonsense.
People are photons and the effects of light inside and outside of human bodies is what causes changes in attitude, temperament, and mood.
Again from National Geographic
The more you look at the topic the more you realize that our lives are built around light, that our daily existence is continuously shaped and made vivid by that ambiguous stuff that dates from the beginning of time.
From our technology to our spirituality we are creatures of light.
Light permeates our reality at every scale of existence. Its an amazing tool, a carrier of beauty , a giver of life.
Here is how we get interconnected with celestial activity via light.
But the mid 1800’s scientists realized that light and electricity were both waves of electromagnetic energy.
So you see when the Bible says God is light and you are light it is not talking about light as you see from a bulb.
It is talking about electro magnetic energy, which is wave and particle, and flows throughout the universe and through each one of us.
That is where meditation, and receiving this energy from above comes in.
In India two symbols are used to characterize two principal types of religious attitudes.
1. The Way of The Kitten: When a kitten meows, its mother comes and takes it by the
scruff of the neck to safety.
2. The Way of the Monkey: Monkey babies ride on their mothers backhanging on by themselves.
So the way of the kitten is the one who prays " Oh Lord save me, save me from this cruel world".
The way of the monkey is the one who without such prayer goes to work and latches on to God
Jesus put it this way:
Mark 4:11, To you (Monkeys) is given to know the mystery of the kingdom,
but to them that are without ( Kittens) all these things are done in parables.