I will propose to you an explanation
of how the angels, spirits, God,
Jesus etc etc, come within us .
You don't have to have faith
to understand this.
It is a work of nature and entirely normal.
How does that entity communicate or
make contact with the human brain,
or how does the human brain,
namely we, make contact with it?
You can pray till the cows come back
but there has to be
a scientific way that this can happen.
People will say, well it's the power
of the spirit or
we do not know the ways of God.
That is simply a way of saying,
I don't know.
The truth is that the ways of God as
far as life on planet earth
is concerned is based on electricity.
God has created the human brain so
information can communicate
with it electronically.
That is not a maybe.
That is a fact, and something that
we have to accept if we really
want a mature approach to this
thing called spirit.
Electricity comes in many forms.
We are talking about radiation.
To radiate means to send out waves.
Let us define radiation
Notice above.
Light is electromagnetic radiation and the Bible specifically declares that
God is light.
Thus what we call spirit is a transmission of information from a source into a destination.
When people go into church, they are
trying to make contact with aliens.
They are trying to make contact with
the sub atomic world of
electro magnetic radiation.
They are praying for aliens to
come to them.
They are praying for the supreme alien
to come to them and change them
and provide for them.
Have you ever thought that when you
went to church you were seeking
contact with aliens?
You called it God or Angel or Spirit
or Holy Spirit,
But what was that you were praying
or singing to?
Let us define alien and see if it fits.
The description fits.
What we consider to be an alien
is what we go to church
to attempt to make contact with.
It is what we go to church to sing
about and pray about and
preach about.
A form of life existing outside of the
earth and its atmosphere.
We made up names like God and Jesus
and Spirit and Devil and all that stuff but what we are really talking
about are beings from another dimension, aliens.
We have given the aliens names .
Names connected with our
own experience.
Here you will see how we came up
with the word God and the word Devil
That is why we ourselves use
mythology to call good God,
and evil Devil.
In that way by putting names on
electromagnetic energies of light we
create a drama.
Unfortunately we take the mythical stories and names literally,
and convince ourselves there is
someone named God and someone
named the Devil.
By convincing ourselves that
these are people we park ourselves
inside of a Disney like existence where
just like the little children,
the things that do not exist
become real to us.
Probably the key error has to do with
another person that we have
invented to turn us away from the rality of the essence of light.
The Angel
The key here is the word angel taken
from the Greek Angelos, which means messenger.
We have an angel of light which
is Gods messenger.
Then we see that in science
there are messenger particles,
and an example of a
messenger particle is a photon.
Are what we call angels in
reality photons?
The above is from Smithsonian/NASA.
I would think we can consider
them credible.
We have clarification that
angled light is photon.
If angles of light are photons
then it is important to put
together the key information
we have seen in the last couple
of slides to reach a determination.
The first statement here shows
photon to be an angle of light
The second statement shows that
photon is a messenger.
The word Angel means messenger.
Is that enough to say that a Biblical Angel of light which is Gods messenger would be a photon angle of light which is a messenger particle?
Let me show you how Albert Einstein
determined the photon messenger
You can see light traveling in a straight line not effected by gravity.
Newton taught a bending process of
light in the universe and Einstein
came up with the definite angle
of light because of the effects
of gravity and black holes etc.
So there you see the light that comes
to the earth on an angle.
To tie this up securely let us look
at a comparison of the words
Angel and Angle.
First we see the word angel defined in the way we have been taught.
A kind and loveable person etc.
Notice the word from the late latin angelus and the Late Greek angelos.
From Greek messenger.
So we have an angel of light being a messenger.
Next we look at the word angle.
and the interesting point is that
we see it is taken from the Middle English word angel.
So the words angle and angel are
connected firmly here.
Let us look at the next slide and see
another origin of the word angle.
Here we see the word angle from the
Latin angulus which is the same
Latin origin as the word angel.
Therefore I propose to you that there
are no such things as angels of light
which are messengers of God or good,
but there are things called photons
which are angles of light messenger particles.
So if a person is touched by an angel
they are actually touched by a photon.
But even the word photon is a creation
of Albert Einstein.
In other words even that word photon
has man made origins as does the
words Angel and Angle.
There are no words in reality,
there are only words that we
make up to try to identify different sources of energy and for the sake of this work we now know that
the photon is an alien element
which is a messenger
and comes to the earth.
That's a fact.
When we go into meditation or when
we go into church for that matter,
we are not trying to be open to a visitation of an angel, but rather
to be open to a visitation of a photon
which is light and according
to scripture an element that will
make significant change in our
electrical brain to raise us to a higher
understanding and life force.
We have been talking about
angels of light here, photons.
And that is what we call God.
We have changed the approach to the
element of the higher mind
or God or Angels from something
requiring faith because we really
do not know, to something that is real,
scientifically accurate, requiring no faith because we understand that
this is the exact way creation molded the electromagnetic universe to work
in harmony with living things.
The question would be how do we
as electrical beings, allow the higher
photon or higher electro or alien energy
to enter within us as directed by the
mythological text of scripture.
How do we make contact and are
we just making contact with an electrical current devoid of any
intelligence ?
There would not be too much
sense to that.
We could stick our finger in a socket
and get a jolt that would
not necessarily be an intelligent force.
First we have to determine that the photon force we are opening
ourselves to is intelligent.
That it is made in our
image and likeness.
That it truly is what we call spirit,
or God or Angels.
I want to take you to page 88
in a book written by Gary Zukav
called The Dancing WuLi Masters,
An Overview Of The New Physics.
This is the cover of that book
What is contained here is what we are looking for.
The proposition that photons,
angles, or angels have consciousness.
In other words they have a cosmic mind
as we do and are able to think
and make decisions and when
in bodies transfer their decisions
to the bodies.
So lets look.
The premise here is that in laboratory
experiments the photons were
about to make a decision as to
what path to travel when
flowing through slits in a board set up
to block their path.
So we have an intelligence here.
These photons somehow know.
They know something so they are conscious.
Just like we know something.
If we are driving and see an obstacle
in the road, we know it is an
obstacle and take evasive action.
This is what the photons did in this
So what conclusion does
Gary Zukav reach?
So the conclusion that angles of
light photon messengers, or
if you please Angels of Light
messengers of God are conscious
and know what is going on and
can make decisions.
This is interesting and should
get you to realize that you are
also light made in the image
and likeness of God and you make decisions and know things not
with your brain but with your consciousness which is
in the realm of light.
So we are organic and photons
or angles or angels are organic.
And what does organic mean.
The conclusion being reached in the laboratory is that photons are living organisms.
They are interconnected.
They are alive and they are conscious.
And so when we open ourselves in meditation we are receiving
the photon which is the
Biblical angel and it is a
conscious intelligent entity that can
raise us to a higher mind level.
Keep in mind that when we discuss
the Biblical God there is a
specific definition in scripture as to what God is.
This is most important.
What this means is God is photon.
The ultimate alien life form.
King Photon.
The Kingdom of Light.
The Light Of The World.
And we are created in its image
thus we are photon .
Invisible light consciousness that
operates within bodies.
Now realizing this is not religious,
not spiritual, but scientific reality,
how do we make contact with
the higher photon and how
do we allow it to make contact with us.
Let me show you a scripture that is significant.
I previously explained the involvement
of the ram and the unleavened cake
and the Nazarite.
But here I want to move forward.
What we see is the priest making
a wave offering.
Consider that he is waving.
To who?
You would say he is waving to God.
To Photon.
Thus the Bible is indicating that
we can get to the higher realm of God etc by making a wave offer.
But how?
Do we run into the street waving a
hamburger or what?
Let us look once again at John Cramers
Transactional Interpretation.
This shows you how the sub atomic
entities communicate with
one another.
This is scientific fact and
John Cramer is one of the worlds
great physicists.
What is the first thing you see here?
The offer wave.
The wave offering.
In other words what is in the Bible
about the wave offering is how the invisible higher realms communicate with each other.
And since we are also of the light,
it is how we communicate with them.
It is with the scientific fact of
the wave offering.
It is an electrical phenomena and
let me tell you it is the only way
to make contact with the higher
photon and for the higher photon to
make contact with you.
As we look at this quantum reality.
This fact of the invisible world
we live in, what do we see?
At the top we have a wave offering,
in the center we have a confirmation wave, and at the bottom
we have a transaction.
That is easy enough to understand.
It's a wave like an ocean wave.
So the first thing we read here is
of E sending out an offer wave
For our purposes here, let us
give names to E and A.
Let us call E Jesus.
Jesus in the Bible stands at the door
and knocks waiting for us to open the door and let him in.
E (angel of light) Jesus knocking
on the door, sends out an offer wave
This is picked up by an absorber
We pick it up via the pineal gland
of the brain in meditation.
We then send an echoing confirmation
wave by stimulating the electrons
in the pineal gland.
This is not something that you do.
It is something that happens on its own
in meditation.
In our meditation we stimulate the
electrons of the pineal which attract
ton or
photons or angels from above.
The offer wave and the confirmation
wave cancel each other out
everywhere in the
Universe except in the direct path
between the absorber and the emitter.
When I reply with my acceptance wave
you then cannot take the angels
offer wave from me.
It only works on that direct
line between the angel and me.
You have to go get your own.
I stand at the door and knock, if anyone
will open the door I will come in etc.
That is what its all about
So we have the wave offering from God
or Jesus.
We have our wave offering in response
and then
we have the transaction completed.
The key is to understand that this wave
offering from the higher to us can only
be returned by us when we are
flowing in harmony with the electro
magnetic force through meditation.
The wave is a wave just like an
ocean wave.
But what you do with that wave
is up to you.
Turn your back on it and it
will crush you.
Not because it is against you
but because it is a
wave just like the wave in the ocean.
It is coming.
You can flow with it in meditation
so that the wave offering from the
higher is returned
with a wave offering of your own.
In essence you are riding in harmony
with the wave on your spiritual surf
So the spirit or God or whatever
you are comfortable with, radiates an energy which acts as a stimulus to produce an abnormally
large vibration inside of us
which we call the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
or Kundalini.
It is an electrical stimulation
which we have tried to define with religious words but will only
understand it when we acknowledge
it for what it is.
Electromagnetic radiation which
in essence is God.
As the Bible said, God is light,
thus God is electro magnetic radiation
which stimulates reaction in us
for our brain to change frequency.
So now you know how this works.
People in religion have been asking
Jesus to come into their heart and for the holy spirit to enter them etc ,
and now we know what these
elements are.
They are electro magnetism whose
stimulus can cause a vibration inside
which in turn places you in a position
to receive the spirit or Jesus .
So the next question would be how
do you do it.
How can you take part in it.
Scientifically the higher waves are heading for everybody , every living thing.
The question is, who will be responsive
to the wave by seeking within and flowing in harmony with its power.
Let me show you the scientific
description again
from John Cramer.
Saying words or going to church
wont do it.
You have to forget about it from a
religious perspective
and think about it from a scientific
perspective of bringing
the light which is God which is
electro magnetism into you.
How is that done ?
When an electron vibrates it
attempts to radiate by producing
a field which is a mixture
of a retarded wave into the future
and an advanced wave into the past.
This energy or wave heads off into the future towards us until it
encounters an electron us which can absorb the energy being carried by the field.
Now here is the important key and
it is why in meditation
we focus at the forehead to stimulate
the pineal gland of the brain.
John Cramer
The process of absorption involves making the electron that is doing the absorbing vibrate.
Thus if we are going to absorb the angel
of light we must make the electron of
the pineal vibrate by concentrating
on it.
This is reality.
That religious people have made into
non existence by clinging to
mythological the symbols and the
descriptions of these quantum facts.
The specific instructions from Jesus
about entering within yourself
and stimulating the single eye was
to allow you to take
part in the wave offering and
complete the transaction
with the strange particles of spirit
that pop in and
out of existence in the blink of an eye.
Or For Bill's DVD's, Flash Drives, Or E Books
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