Let us consider Exodus and the crossing of the Red Sea as
the opening of the genetic strand and freeing of the
earths living things from the bondage of disease and
confused consciousness.
I want to show you the documentation as to why I have
moved in this direction.
See for yourself and then judge whether there is
logic on my part in taking this course.
I am looking to connect references in Exodus to the
Serpent , the first born, and leaven, with DNA, as well
as Protein and Enzyme,
which are the sources of genetic change .
The premise in the myth is that for the Exodus to take
place the first born
must be killed and leaven must be cleaned out of the house .
I want to consider for this exercise the Book of Genesis
to be the Book of Genes or the book of genetics.
The book of Exodus to be the way out from the
bondage imposed by mutant or defective DNA.
The main source of DNA change is protein, protein enzyme.
Let us look at a definition of the word protein.
Proteins are fundamental components of all living cells
and include many substances such as enzymes, hormones,
and antibodies that are necessary
for the proper functioning of an organism.
Now as we look to connect the word protein to the first born,
we see again the definition of the word protein:
from late Greek proetios of the first quality,
from Greek protos first.
Then we go down to derivatives and see
the word, prow , protein.
So to protein being the substance that
corrects DNA we have
connected the word First.
In Exodus we know that in order for the Red Sea
to open and free
those in bondage the first born must be killed.
Now we go to the dictionary to look at the word
prow which a
few moments ago we saw was a derivative of protein.
Here prow is defined as the forward part of a ships hull.
Below that we see the words suffixed from,
which include Protein,
Protist, Proto and Proton from the Greek Protos
meaning first.
So far we have seen the connection of the word,
protein to first,
and forward part of a ship, as well as proton.
Looking at the dictionary lets take a look
at the word Proton.
Physics .
A stable positively charged subatomic particle.
Now that is very important because now
we have moved through
the definitions into the realm of the
sub atomic which is DNA.
We looked at Protein and the root prow and
found it was the forward
part of a ship.
In our next segment let us try and tie in a
connection with that.
So now we look at Eta Carina.
That strange light that has perplexed scientists .
The star that is tripling its energy and the one which
Kris Davidson says,
"there is no theoretical explanation for it, we understand
everyone of the visible 6000 stars but not this one."
Let's look in the dictionary and find the word Carina.
It means a keel shaped ridge or structure such as that as
the breastbone of a bird or of the fused lower two petals
of flowers of the pea family.
The keel of a ship.
So we have Protein, Prow as the forward part of a ship.
We have Carina as the Keel of a Ship.
In the dictionary, let us look at the word keel.
The principal structural member of a ship
running lengthwise
along the center from bow to stern.
Now remember the definition of Carina:
It means
a keel shaped ridge or structure such as that of the
breastbone of a bird
or of the fused lower two petals of flowers of the pea family
Here looking at keel it says:
A structure such as the
breast bone of a bird
or a pair of united petals in certain flowers
as those of the pea.
So the word Keel and Carina are the same.
The part of a ship as well as the breast bone of a bird
and petals of the pea.
And they also take us back to the word protein which is first,
and whose root prow is the keel of a ship or bow.
Because there are such expressions coming
from the scientists
about Eta Carina being so strange and
beyond explanation,
I wanted you to see the connection between
Carina and the word Protein,
and the Biblical connection to the first born.
Hopefully we have satisfactorily covered that in
the preceding segments.
Now we still have the word leaven to consider because the
second factor concerning preparation for passing over
was to eliminate leaven.
The Protein Enzyme is what corrects the DNA.
We have explored the word Protein and now let us look
in the dictionary at the word Enzyme.
Any of numerous proteins or conjugated
proteins produced by
living organisms and functioning as
biochemical catalysts.
From medieval Greek enzymos, leavened.
Greek Zume, leaven yeast.
So we have found the two prime subjects
of the Exodus.
The first born and leaven to be connected to
the two substances
that correct DNA, namely Protein & Enzyme.
And we have found the connection between
the word Protein
and the strange star Eta Carina, to be the keel of a
ship or the prow.
Now the premise of this Exodus mythology is that as the
first born is being killed and the leaven removed
from the house,
the angel of death will pass over you.
So we are looking for a cosmic protein which interestingly
points us to Eta Carina.
Why ?
Because both the root of protein and carina mean the
hull part of a Ship and Carina is the only star in the
visible universe
which has no explanation ,according to the scientists.
The angel of death was not killing people.
It was killing that which is the source of the bondage.
If mutant DNA is the source of the bondage which is holding
us captive to disease and fear etc, it is the angle of light or
angel of light that in changing the mutant DNA will set us free.
But how ?
Let me show you something that is absolutely fantastic.
It is a NASA artists rendering of Eta Carina.
The drawing below is titled, Lasers in Eta Carina.
Picture Credit is to J Gitlin STScl NASA.
You can find related material by gong to their web
site at
The information that accompanies the picture at the
NASA site says,
Have you heard about the great laser light
show in the sky.
A team led by Kris Davidson discovered
that the chaotically
variable star
Eta Carina emits ultra violet (invisible) light
in such a narrow band that
it is most probably laser light.
This artists model depicts what could account for the
Hubble Space Telescope Observations.
In this model Eta Carina emits many laser beams from its
surrounding cloud of energized gas.
This natural ultraviolet laser is the first to be discovered.
The 7th Ship. Eta means 7th.
The 7th ship is sending out angles of light.
Angles of light to touch the mutant DNA.
To open the way across the genetic sea.
So it is rationale to look at the origin of
Passover as a Biblical
adventure and then question ourselves as we
read from the words in the bible.
But keep in mind.
This is mythology.
If oceans part, walking sticks turn into serpents, people
talk to burning bushes, God kills children and demands
people get bread out of their house
or they cant go to the promised land.
If all of those things happen, then white horses fly,
women have snakes for hair,
and people who were half men and half horses
were running around the earth.
You can't conclude that one myth is reasonable and the
other is weird.
But that is exactly what our religions have done.
Choose the myth that turns you on and
declare it to be fact.
Is there a God who would kill the innocent first born
just to get his way?
Is there a God who would not help people
escape from slavery
just because they had leaven in their house?
Is there a man who would have a conversation with a
bush that was on fire.
Is there a man whose walking stick turned into a snake?
Only in myths do these things happen as coded messages
of cosmic truth.
Now of course Moses was Gods chosen leader.
The whole deal depended on Moses.
Here we have one of the greatest heroes of all.
Moses, who brought Egypt to its knees and led thousands
upon thousands of people across the desert and well,
you know the rest.
There is not one mention of Moses anywhere in any
document or historical record of any kind,
save the Bible.
Not a mention.
There is no record from the Egyptians of this ever having
happened because it is mythology.
Other ancient civilizations had their Moses.
But he was called Mises.
In the Bible Moses was placed in a box and
placed in the water
which was later found by a Princess.
In the ancient Orphic hymn of Bacchus
Mises was also picked up
in a box floating upon the water.
Now listen to the story of the ancient
King Sargon of 2750 BC,
Sargon tells his story.
My mother the princess conceived me, in difficulty she
brought me forth.
She placed me in an ark of rushes, with bitumen
she sealed up.
She launched me in the river which did not drown me.
The river carried me to Akki the water carrier.
It brought me.
Akki the water carrier, lifted me.
So here is the exact same story, but we who cannot
tell the difference between history and mythology
have totally accepted all of this literally
and truly miss what God has given to us in the form
of the pass over
through the sea of DNA to bring us
to the promised land.
Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law,
the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside
of the desert,
and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
Let us look at a scripture that describes the Book of Life
in the Book of Revelation.
Note here in Exodus that it is at the backside of the desert
where one comes to the mountain of God.
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the
throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed
with seven seals.
The place of the spine is the backside of the desert where
one ascends through meditation to the mountain of God.
This is the energy which in meditation, moves up the
spine to the brain or the mountain.
And when your energy does go to the backside and rise to the
mountain of God, what do you encounter.
The Pineal gland.
What does this myth say that Moses encountered.
The Burning Bush.
The same thing.
It's talking about the Pineal Gland of the brain.
And how curious as we study this ,
we consider the work of
Jeremy Narby
Who told us how the jungle people were taught healing
by the plants.
They talked to the plants as Moses talked to the bush.
So it is at the backside of the desert or the spine where you
rise to the mountain of the burning bush which is the
Pineal Gland of the brain.
There is where you receive instructions for your own
personal pass over to the promised land.
Rising up the spinal canal to the place of
the renewed mind.
And what is there?
Exodus3:8 And I am come down to deliver
them out of the hand
of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out
of that land unto a
good land and large, unto a land
lowing with milk and honey .
And where is the Land flowing with milk and honey?
Go to your dictionary and look up the word galactose.
You will see that it is brain sugar.
In the word galactose you find the word galact ,
which means milk .
You see in the word galactose the word, lactose which
means milk sugar.
It is the human brain , renewed mind,
which is the land flowing
with milk and honey.
Now remember, according to the Bible,
your heavenly father
would not allow Pharoah to let the people go because
he wanted to display his power.
And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh,
and he did not listen to them; as the LORD had spoken
unto Moses.
And the LORD said unto Moses,
Rise up early in the morning,
and stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him,
Thus says the LORD God of the Hebrews,
Let my people go, that they may serve me.
For I will at this time send all my plagues
upon your heart,
and upon your servants, and upon your people;
that you will know that there is none l
ike me in all the earth.
Your heavenly father is deliberately going to prevent
Pharoah from
letting the people go so he can send plagues
on the people to prove that there is nobody like him.
Do you believe that literally.
Of course not.
There were six plagues that destroyed the land,
though it never literally happened.
There is no historical evidence of anything like this.
The 7th plague was the killing of the first born.
Any country whose people had been so severely
hurt by the work of one man would not let this
man go anywhere but would kill him.
But here Pharoah allows Moses to lead the people out.
And who is the first born in the New Testament Biblical myth?
Jesus becomes the mythological first born of heaven.
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate
to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the
firstborn among many brethren.
And the leaven which is the Enzyme is also
portrayed by Jesus.
I am that bread of life.
Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written,
He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
Bread from heaven is the cosmic enzyme.
The return of the first born is the cosmic protein which
opens the raging sea DNA and makes a way to the
promised land of freedom.
Exodus is the confrontation you have with yourself.
It is your struggle at the back side of the desert which
is the spine.
You rise up the to the 7th where you receive
instruction from
the burning bush or the Pineal Gland.
The power is that which the Hindus call Kundalini,
(the coiled serpent).
The energy that travels up the spine which in
mythical terms is the backside.
We know that in the realm of elements
the first born is Protein.
How do we know that, because the word
protein means first.
But in the realm of consciousness what is the first born.
Why must it die?
1 Corinthians15:46
Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual,
but that which is natural; and afterward that
which is spiritual.
1 Corinthians15:47
The first man is of the earth, earthy:
The second man is the Lord from heaven
So you see why the one which is of the earth
must be killed
so that the one which is from above may come.
Jesus which is the firstborn dies so Christ may come.
In Exodus the first born are killed so that which is above
may come and the plagues may be removed.
What is being said?
The first born is your physical being,
the left hemisphere of the brain.
That first born part of you is killed when you
separate from thought in meditation.
When you separate from thought in meditation,
the first born has died and the exodus to the right side
can take place.
In you the first born is also protein.
But your protein cannot repair the mutant DNA
which has been
so disfigured by thousands of years of abuse.
Now there must be cosmic protein.
So the physical first born must die.
And all leaven must be cleaned from the house.
Physical enzyme cannot repair the mutant DNA,
there must be cosmic enzyme..
In you the human protein which is of the earth must die
so that the cosmic protein may come.
When that occurs all the people are set free.
Set free from the thoughts of the mind, and the power
that comes from them,
as we cross the Red Sea to the
right hemisphere of the brain.
Set free of the diseases as mutant DNA is repaired.
Set free from the fears, and the hate, and the wars
and the violence.
Where did the power come from in the myth of Exodus.
It came from the energy that moves up the spine through
the 7 chakras or seals.
Look at the scriptures as Moses talks with God.
And the LORD said unto him,
What is that in your hand?
And he said, A rod.
You see you control your life by controlling
yourself which is
symbolized by the rod which is the spine
of your physical body.
And he said, Cast it on the ground.
And he cast it on the ground, and it
became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it
Let go.
Rise above the physical.
Turn loose from yourself.
It became a serpent.
Moses fleeing from it symbolizes the state of the people
who are afraid of the power within themselves.
And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth your hand,
and take it by the tail.
And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became
a rod in his hand:
Don't be afraid of yourself.
When the cosmic energy is not traveling within the canal
of the spine, it is yours to control again in
your daily comings and goings.
You take complete control whenever you wish.
Put it down, pick it up.
Then came the seven plagues.
Consider killing the first born as one of the seven.
Is there someone who would believe that God
would do such
a thing to innocent people and their animals.
To turn the drinking water to blood, to overrun the land with
frogs and then lice.
To strike everyone with boils.
I mean, is this your heavenly father?
Cannot even the most ignorant see mythology here ?
The seven plagues symbolize the various parts of
the body and
nervous system represented by the seven chakras.
And the fish that was in the river died;
and the river stank,
and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river;
and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.
And seven days were fulfilled, after the LORD
had hurt the river.
This is a symbol of trouble.
It is a symbol of disease.
It is a symbol of desperation and disruption of even the
social structures
which we have seen throughout the world
And there is a very interesting statement in
Chapter 8 relative to this cosmic power.
And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen,
in which my people dwell, that no swarms of flies
shall be there;
to the end you may know that I am the
LORD in the midst of the earth.
Notice that. Not in the sky in some heaven.
In the midst of the earth. Where in the midst of the earth. ?
The next New Testament scripture explains what is meant
by in the midst of the earth.
Luke 17:21
The kingdom of God is within you.
In the midst of the human head.
The brain and mind, is where all of this is taking place.
The land of Goshen is the right hemisphere of the brain.
The God side where we go in meditation.
There are no plagues there.
Now we are dealing with another symbol of human trouble.
All of these are thoughts and fears.
But as the scripture says,
in the right hemisphere of the brain,
In which my people dwell no swarms of flies
shall be there,
that you may know that I am the Lord
in the midst of the earth.
But the Biblical plagues go on.
Flies, lice.
All of the animals are killed of Egypt.
Then comes hail to destroy the crops.
And the LORD said unto Moses,
Go in unto Pharaoh:
for I have hardened his heart, and the
heart of his servants,
that I might show these my signs before him:
So with all of this horror,
God again states.
I have hardened his heart so I can do all of this bad stuff.
This speaks of the nature of all of us.
When things are bad we pray and we implore God to
take away the pain.
When things go good we go back to the way we were.
Our hearts are very soft when we need help,
and very hard when we don't.
What this scripture is saying is that the troubles that
force us into meditation,
into prayer, into giving up, are the very things that
finally bring us to the
right hemisphere, to the God side.
Without those problems, we would stay away
from God totally
and eventually just disappear.
But the problems which harden our heart,
cause us to experience
the pains of the left hemisphere to the extent that
eventually we give up
and seek the light which is in the right side.
Then God sent locusts and they consumed
everything and
Pharoah pleaded for them to be taken away
and they were , but :
But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart,
We continually try to fight our way through the troubles,
And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die,
from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sits upon his throne,
even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is
behind the mill;
and all the firstborn of beasts.
What is being said here, is that if the troubles that
come down upon us
are not enough to cause the mind to turn and seek the
right side and God,
then the cosmic photon through power coming from
the Sun and other celestial bodies, will have to electrically
change the brain frequency,
causing a mass exodus to the right side and away
from the material side.
It can be something that occurs on an individual basis,
but this exodus movement en masse suggests a
global brain change
brought on by cosmic electrical power.
Gamma from the sun and other cosmic bodies.
Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread;
even the first day ye shall put away leaven
out of your houses:
for whosoever eats leavened bread from the first day until
the seventh day,
that soul shall be cut off from Israel.
The first born, the human protein is killed so
the cosmic protein
may descend upon the earth.
Now the leaven is put out.
The human enzyme is eliminated so that the cosmic enzyme
may descend upon the earth and the mutant DNA
will be opened and healed.
And how long did all of the torture last?
Now the sojourning of the children of Israel,
who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.
Everything is mythical even the time.
Note 430=7.
The rising up through the 7 seals
to the Place of the single eye.
This the final chapter of the chase.
Not between Moses and Pharaoh, but between disease
and destruction and you.
Look at this picture.
You see the DNA strand opened by protein enzyme.
But it is not the protein enzyme of the earth.
It is the cosmic protein enzyme from Eta Carina.
And as we see it we review the words of Exodus.
stedmans medical dictionary
Top row is the mutant DNA.
Notice the bulge.
This is holding us in bondage to disease.
Next Row:
The protein enzyme (cosmic first born and leaven)
open the mutant strand (the Red Sea)
We cross to the promised land of healing.
Third Row Down:
The Red Sea is almost closed to
prevent disease from following us.
Just a small gap remains.
Fourth Row Down:
Complete repair is made.
The Red Sea is closed over.
We have entered the promised land.
Exodus14:21 And Moses stretched out his
hand over the sea;
and the LORD caused the sea to go back
by a strong east wind all that night,
and made the sea dry land, and the
waters were divided
The strand was opened.
And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea,
and the sea returned to his strength when the
morning appeared;
and the Egyptians fled against it;
and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians
in the midst of the sea.
The healing took place.
And the waters returned, and covered the chariots,
and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came
into the sea after them;
there remained not so much as one of them.
The strand was closed and the disease was gone.
And of the disease, of the hurt, of the plagues of
the land, not one was left.
Gods chosen leader, wound up fighting not
only against Pharoah
but against God as well.
And it came to pass by the way in the inn,
that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him
Why would the story have God trying to kill Moses?
God sought Moses at the inn to kill him.
The inn is the left hemisphere of the brain..
That is where we assemble with our friends and
conduct business and do our daily things.
Jesus was born in the manger because there was no
room at the inn.
Which meant that Jesus cannot manifest in a busy mind.
There is no room for the single eye and seeking within.
Therefore it is in the busy mind that Christ
will not find room.
When we take no thought, we close down the inn and
we go to nature, the stable or manger.
So it is at the inn
The busy mind where God seeks to kill Moses.
Not physically killing anyone.
This is talking about all of us who cannot hear
God because
of the constant stream of thoughts, fears, ideas,
plans etc etc, which go on at the inn.
The left hemisphere of the brain.
Dying at the inn.
It is then that we shut down the busy thoughts of
the left hemisphere.
When we do, we have died at the inn.
In this case, God is attempting to show Moses things,
but Moses is too concerned about what he sees all around
him to take time to listen to God.
So Moses would have to be killed at the inn.
His fears and thoughts would have to be shut down so
that he could hear directions from God.
The root of the word Protein is prow which means
Keel of a ship.
And the word Carina means the Keel of a Ship,
and it is the most amazing and startling object in the
sky at this time.
If you can see mythology then you can understand the
signs in the heavens
as they prepare for the great coming day.
If you can see mythology then you can see
the advancement of
something coming from above that will
make an opening
and a healing, and bring you to the promised land.
Otherwise God kills the first born,
Moses has a conversation
with a bush that is on fire,
Moses opens up the Red Sea
so people can run across and
God tries to kill him..
Moses has his cane turn into a snake
and Aaron's cane that
turns into a snake eats the canes
of magicians that had
turned into snakes.
That literal interpretation is what most
of the world believes.
One serpent swallowing the other serpent is simply a
symbol of the cosmic power overwhelming
the human power.
The cosmic serpent overwhelming the human serpent.
The cosmic DNA overwhelming the human DNA.
That is where religion is and what religion believes.
But behold the strand of DNA .
Where there is a problem, behold the DNA is opened
and a way is made where there was no way.
Those who are held captive to the negative conditions
caused by mutant DNA are set free.
A way is made across.
There is a Passover to the promised land
where they are not
held captive to the sins of their fathers.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,
nor serve them:
for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers
upon the children unto the third and fourth generation
of them that hate me
And how is that iniquity done.
And look 3rd and 4th generation.
Hundreds of years.
Hundreds of years of suffering because of
the sins of the fathers.
But now a time for us to be free from the slavery to
these defective genes.
Your power to lead the way across the barren
conscious land to
the roaring DNA comes from the serpent.
It comes from the cosmic serpent.
The defect is in the genes and the
protein enzymes cannot
make the correction.
It must be made by the cosmic serpent.
So throw down your dependence on the self.
You cannot do it.
No other person can do it for they do not have the power
of the cosmic serpent.
Your protein enzyme has no power to open the walls
for the Passover.
So the first born must die and the leaven
must be cleaned out.
Then the cosmic serpent and the heavenly
first born can arrive.
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea;
and the LORD caused the sea to go back
by a strong east wind
that night, and made the sea dry land,
and the waters were divided
The East wind is the wind from the right side.
The cosmic breath that is activated from the right
hemisphere of the brain .
The God side of your head.
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University of Minnesota Kris Davidson
Kris Davidson
NASA J. Gitlin Stscl
J. Gitlin
Images Google unless otherwise noted
King James Bible
Stedmans Medical Dictionary
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