I want to take you back to the original report
I presented that first brought
my attention to Eta Carina. It is dated 1999
This was my first knowledge of Eta Carina.
The astrophysicist in charge of the Eta Carina project
was University of Minnesota
Professor Kris Davidson.
I want you to study his name here and as we go along
you will understand why.
Kris Davidson led the Eta Carina project and
his statement that this is weird,
we dont understand, got my attention that
there is something here that may be
beyond human understanding.
Something of a great light with angelic wings.
According to Davidson every star is understood
except Eta Carina.
Then the picture of Eta Carina appeared to me
as a great cosmic angel.
For whatever reason I became obsessed with
the probability that Eta Carina
is the 7th angel of the Book of Revelation.
In other words, the book of Revelation, which is
Greek Mytholgy was speaking
of an astronomical event when it speaks of the 7th Angel,
and the event is fulfilled
by the astronomical appearance to us of Eta Carina.
Behind those cosmic wings is the brightest light
in the universe.
The wings cover the light that no man could
look upon and live.
They spread over that light as the angelic wings
spread over the mercy seat.
Described as something weird and something that
science did not understand.
Such power beyond anything that could be conceived.
It became evident to me that Eta Carina was special indeed.
The word Eta is the 7th letter in the Greek alphabet and
originally in Greek meant 7.
The form of Eta Carina is massive wings given the appearance
of the mythical angel.
Eta Carina was more and more appearing to me to be the
7th Angel of Revelation.
One of the early signs that supported my quest
was the completion
of the search for the human code, the DNA structure
in 2003 which was announced like this.
The Book of Life.
God has allowed the great universal secret to be open.
I pondered Eta Carina as the 7th Angel,
discovered in 1999 and the
Book Of Life opened in 2003.
I found this scripture.
Revelation 10:7
But in the days of the voice of the
seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound,
the mystery of God should be finished, as he has
declared to his servants the prophets.
I was able to read this as in the days of the
discovery of the 7th angel (Eta Carina)
the great genetic code mystery of God shall be finished.
The evidence coming piece by piece was
encouraging me as I continued to
proclaim Eta Carina as the 7th Angel of the
Book of Revelation.
Let me tell you, those of you sitting here and
those of you watching on television,
this is the only place in the world that has publicly
declared Eta Carina as
the 7th Angel of the Book of Revelation.
Then I found this, to close the deal as far
as I was concerned.
As I looked at the Book of Revelation, I found
something curious and coincidental
that seemed to tighten the reality of Revelation
meaning Eta Carina as the 7th angel.
The passage had to do with the opening of the 7 seals
and the final pouring of energy
down upon the earth by the 7th angel.
Revelation 5:5. And one of the elders said to me,
Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals.
So here we have a connection to the 7 angels
of the Lion of Judah
which Biblically is Christ and the Root of David
which is the Son of David..
Then we see that the astrophysicist in charge of the
Eta Carina project is
Kris Davidson.
So to gather information that would
substantiate my proposal that
Eta Carina is the 7th angel of Revelation,
we ponder Lion of Judah
and Son of David and the astrophysicist
running the project.
Keep in mind, his name could have been
James or John or Peter or
whatever but it is Kris which is Scandanavia
and related to Christian
which contains Christ the
Lion of Judah and Christopher
which also contains Christ.
So we go to the last name Davidson.
I am not insinuating that this astrophysicist
is Christ or God or whatever.
Just the name is part of the synchronicity that fits
the connection to Eta Carina and the 7 angels.
Now the last name Davidson
We connect to the Book of Revelation.
The 7th seal the 7 angels, the first name
Kris, to Lion of Judah Christ
and the last name Davidson to Root of David.
These names could be any other in the world but they fit the
connection which would be a message that in
the search to identify the
7th Angel there would be a connection to Christ
and the Son of David.
Eta Carina, Kris Davidson, Eta Carina is the
7th Angel of the Book of Revelation.
In the Book of Revelation it says that the
7th Angel took up a Vial and
cast it down upon the earth causing much chaos.
There is a power of some kind thrown down
upon the earth
from the 7th Angel, which is Eta Carina.
Last week we looked at the newest pictures
of Eta Carina taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope
and while I admit we are playing with a face in the cloud
appearance here, nonetheless there is what
appears as an angel holding a vial.
Let's look
Now as we look at it, I realize that when you
look at a cloud you can see things.
But in this case because of Eta Carinas connection
to the 7th Angel of Revelation,
I felt I would show you anyway and let you decide.
What I see is an angelic figure which appears
as a female sitting on a throne
holding something on her lap which could
be considered the vial the angel
picks up in Revelation to throw down on the earth.
What is so curious at least to me is you can
see this angelic figure as a
female and see the face and hair and wings
and see her sitting on a
throne holding something in front of her.
Now I may be a bit wacky and I guess you
have to be to work in all of these
various elements of mysticism and quantum.
I guess it was a day or two after NASA released
this latest picture of Eta Carina,
something happened.
Something strange and ominous and what had
previously been my solo voices
directing attention to Eta Carina suddenly
became voices around the world doing the same.
Now this is where it gets interesting and I will
show you why I set the stage
with Eta Carina for the previous moments.
One article I came across said that when
Eta Carina blows you will
be able to read a newspaper in the middle of the
night from her light.
But what happened here is that as they began to
esearch the activity of
Sn2006gy just before its explosion they found
the same activity presently
in Eta Carina.
And remember I am proposing to you that Eta Carina
is the 7th angel of the book
of Revelation who throws its power down upon the earth.
Since 1999 the only voice in the world connecting
Eta Carina as the 7th Angel of Revelation was here.
No one else in the world mentioned it.
I kept pointing to Eta Carina telling people to
keep watching.
Now scientists from around the world are
focusing on Eta Carina.
From the New York Times
And again the New York Times
points to Eta Carina
So what does that mean?
It means now that all eyes are focused on Eta Carina.
If I feel a bit vindicated then I am.
USA Today gave us an artists rendering of
the explosion of Sn2006 gy
USA Today then gave this report.
The point that is ominous to me is the fact that
now after we have
pointed people to Eta Carina since 1999, everyone is now
looking in that direction.
The Washington Post.
As we read this consider Eta Carina as the 7th Angel of
the Book of Revelation.
The next part of this article will show you why
Eta Carina is now at the top of the list.
All eyes on it.
Prior to the exposion of sn2006gy scientists
thought that supernova
had to go through a particular phase before
they could blow.
So since Eta Carina had not gone through that
phase as of yet,
it was felt there there was no immediate concern.
However the explosion of sn2006gy proved
the scientists wrong.
So you see now why all eyes, not just those at
Hidden Meanings are focusing on Eta Carina.
It could happen at any time.
The 7th Angel is ready to throw down its vial
upon the earth.
There is much more to talk about and new bulletins
about the 7th Angel
as Eta Carina are being received daily.
But I will leave you with this for the time being.
This is from MSNBC
Keep in mind we are talking about the
7th Angel of Revelation and we
also have lurking in the blackness of space the
7th seal which
is Supernova 1987a.
What happens when the 7th angel pours out the
vial upon the earth.
The reports are coming in daily now as everyone,
every news service is aware
of Eta Carina. Just as you have been here for over 7 years.
We will continue looking at this and keeping
you posted on every change.
In the meantime, gaze once again on the 7th Angel of the
Book of Revelation, Eta Carina.